Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside.

2024/05/2603:53:33 regimen 1727

Today’s main theme is to share my thoughts with everyone.

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Don't look at the people walking in the streets and alleys dressed up in colorful clothes and looking springy. In fact, many unhealthy signs are covered up by cosmetics. Especially cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems.

Some people may say that the heart and brain blood vessels are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside at all.

Indeed, this is true, but our predecessors have a saying, which is called "Xiang comes from the heart." It is said that the quality of a person can be detected from his face. The same is true from the cognitive perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the heart governs the blood vessels, and its beauty lies in the face. If the Qi and blood in a person's body are smooth, the face will be naturally rosy, and the person will look energetic; if the Qi and blood in a person's body are stagnant, it will be difficult for them to move up and nourish the head and face. Therefore, most of the face will be gray and withered.

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews

So, here, first of all, I would like to give you a little advice. When you go to the hospital to see a doctor, don’t wear makeup. It will make the doctor’s work more difficult. Isn’t it causing trouble for yourself?

Therefore, many people did not take the annual physical examination seriously, but when the physical examination report came out, they were really shocked, such as myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia, and bradycardia.

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews

Most of these can be collectively called "arrhythmia". The so-called arrhythmia refers to any abnormality in the origin of the heart rhythm, heart rate and rhythm, and impulse conduction . To put it bluntly, it is the reason why the heart beats. Irregular, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, or even sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

However, arrhythmia is what Western medicine refers to after all. In the understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, it mostly falls into the categories of " palpitations " and " palpitations ".

As we all know, the main force that maintains the normal function of our heart is heart energy and blood. Among them, heart qi is also called heart yang, which is the source of power. Only when heart qi is abundant can the heart blood be driven like a trickle and gurgling continuously; while heart blood belongs to the body fluid category and is also called heart yin. Only when heart blood is sufficient can the heart be maintained normally. Beating rhythmically.

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews

If the qi stagnation in the body is not enough to promote blood circulation, and the blood deficiency cannot nourish the heart, it will easily lead to the deficiency of qi, blood, yin and yang in the internal organs, qi stagnation and blood stasis intertwined with each other, resulting in the heart not being nourished and the heart pulse missing. Smoothness can cause palpitation and palpitations.

Today, I would like to introduce to you a recipe that can nourish heart blood, nourish heart yin, replenish heart qi, and strengthen heart yang - Zhigancao Decoction, which comes from "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" written by Zhang Zhongjing, a famous doctor in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Zhigancao Decoction: Rehmannia glutinosa, Ophiopogon japonicus, donkey hide gelatin, ginseng, cassia twig, Zhigancao, hemp seeds, ginger, jujube.

At first glance, the taste of these medicines is unremarkable, but when Master Zhongjing wrote this prescription, he once wrote this sentence:

Zhigancao decoction can treat pulse knots and palpitations.

What the medical sage described was concise and concise. In just six words, he clearly explained the symptoms treated by Zhigancao Decoction.

What do these six words mean?

Let’s first talk about .

Jie Dai actually refers to the two types of pulses in Chinese medicine, one is Jie pulse and the other is Dai pulse.

Whether it is the knot pulse or the generation pulse, it means that the pulse beats relatively slowly and pauses from time to time. Among them, the knot pulse is an irregular pause, like a knot on the pulse. The same; as for the Dai pulse, the pauses are more regular, such as jumping twice and stopping once, or one is strong and the other is weak.

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews

Let’s talk about palpitations.

In fact, palpitations are a supplement to pulse knot generation, which means the heart beats abnormally. For example, palpitations mean that the heart beats suddenly, which is abnormal beating.

It can be seen from this that Master Zhongjing’s Zhigancao Decoction is mainly to make your heart beat normally, neither fast nor slow, neither impatient nor impatient, beating steadily and powerfully, without sudden stops, premature beats, atrial fibrillation, or atrial fibrillation. Ischemia.

Nourishing yin and nourishing blood: Rehmannia glutinosa, Ophiopogon japonicus, and donkey hide gelatin

Everyone must be very familiar with these three medicinal materials.

Let’s talk about Rehmannia glutinosa first.

Rehmannia glutinosa has a bitter taste with a little sweetness and a cold nature. It was called the essence of the earth and a holy medicine for nourishing yin.

Rehmannia glutinosa mainly enters the kidney meridian and is especially good at nourishing kidney yin. The kidney is the foundation of innateness, and kidney yin is also the foundation of yin in the whole body. The kidney yin is sufficient, and the rehmannia glutinosa is cold in nature, so it is a commonly used medicine for clearing away heat and cooling blood.

Therefore, raw rehmannia glutinosa can not only induce the kidney water to rise and restrain the heart fire, but also can enrich the heart yin. The heart fire is extinguished, the heart yin is sufficient, and the heart is naturally stable.

"Dharma Symbols of Medicines": "Cools blood, nourishes blood, and nourishes kidney water when the true yin is insufficient."

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews

Raw Rehmannia glutinosa

Ophiopogon japonicus Sweet and slightly bitter taste, slightly cold in nature, mainly enters the heart meridian, has good functions and nourishes the heart fluid, and Clear the mind and eliminate troubles.

Ophiopogon japonicus and Radix Rehmanniae are used together. One supplements the Jiao Heart Yin, and the other recharges the Lower Jiao Kidney Yin. If the heart and kidneys intersect, how can there be evidence of heart palpitations?

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "It has a sweet taste and rich ointment, so it is specially designed to nourish stomach yin and nourish body fluid. It is a top-quality sweet medicine tonic."

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews

Ophiopogon japonicus

Donkey hide gelatin, even if you have never eaten it, you must know it I have heard that

the blood stasis in the body has been eliminated, and all waste is waiting to be regenerated. It is the time to replenish new blood.

Donkey-hide gelatin is a product of flesh and blood. How can the botanical medicines we often talk about in daily life be compared with donkey-hide gelatin? Its taste is sweet and neutral, and its texture is moist. It is an important medicine for nourishing blood, stopping bleeding and nourishing yin.

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Nourishes blood and nourishes yin, removes wind and moisturizes dryness, resolves phlegm and clears the lungs, facilitates urination, and regulates the large intestine. It is also a holy medicine."

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews

Donkey hide gelatin

Great tonic for Yuanyang: ginseng, cinnamon twig, and roasted licorice

One mention And ginseng , many people will immediately have the misunderstanding that "ginseng is very popular, and it is easy to get angry after taking it". If you look up the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia", it clearly says that ginseng is lukewarm in nature. So take it in moderation and you don’t have to worry about getting angry easily.

Ginseng is good at replenishing vitality. Human vitality originates from the kidneys and reaches the lungs, which is the source of human body's biochemical power. If the vitality is abundant, the blood will be strong, the body fluid will be strong, the mind will be calm, and the wisdom will be increased. Where does the heart palpitations come from?

"Heritage": "Mainly nourishes the five internal organs, soothes the spirit, relieves palpitations, eliminates evil spirits, improves eyesight, makes people happy and improves the mind."

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews


Most of the Guizhi we see have been cut into small pieces. of. It should be noted that cinnamon twigs are originally twigs on the cinnamon tree. They grow at the top of the tree, closest to the sun, and absorb a lot of yang energy.

Therefore, Guizhi is pungent in taste and warm in nature. It mainly enters the heart meridian and blood branch. It is good at warming and dredging the heart yang, dredging the heart meridian and blood vessels. It is an important medicine for tonifying the heart yang. Anyone whose heart meridian is blocked due to cold coagulation of blood vessels can be improved by using cinnamon twig.

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Guizhi dispels wind and cold, removes external evils, produces evil sweats, relieves coughs, and is a medicine for removing intersegmental wind pain."

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews


Zhigancao is obtained by processing licorice. , its taste is sweet and warm in nature, and it enters the heart meridian with a little bitterness. When used in combination with cassia twig, it is sweet and pungent. According to traditional Chinese medicine, pungent and sweet transform yang.

To put it simply, the licorice placed here can not only help the ginseng to add warmth, but also help the cinnamon twigs to biochemically transform Yang Qi to open the heart channels.

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews

Zhi licorice

Lotion and laxative: Hemp seed

Hemp seed is a seed medicinal material, rich in oil, specializing in laxative and laxative properties.

Then the question comes again. Since it is a herbal medicine for easing bowels and laxatives, why should it be added to this recipe for nourishing the heart?

Because the heart and the small intestine are each other’s exterior and interior. If the small intestine is stagnant and blocked, the turbid qi will naturally move upward, directly affecting the heart, causing the meridians of the heart to be blocked.

If you look at it, many people have the trouble of constipation and their heart often feels uncomfortable. When the constipation problem improves, the heart problem has almost disappeared.

The same goes the other way around. If you look at some people whose heart function is not good, their calves will be edematous. This is because the heart meridian directly affects the function of the small intestine to separate the clear and turbid. In addition, the water content tends to be lower, and the urine cannot be excreted, so the calf will naturally swell.

"Compendium": "Regulates diarrhea in the large intestine."

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews

Hemp seeds

Benefit the spleen and stomach: ginger, jujube

Finally, ginger and jujube are used here, mainly to regulate the spleen and stomach, plus the above The ginseng and licorice we are talking about are the four flavors of the spleen.

Someone may want to ask, isn’t this a recipe for nourishing the heart? Why do we need to regulate the spleen and stomach?

There are two main reasons:

Firstly, it is to prevent the harsh and powerful properties of various drugs from damaging the spleen and stomach.

Secondly, Chinese medicine believes that the heart is the official organ of the monarch and controls the blood. It is said that the heart is like a high emperor, controlling the blood vessels and meridians in the body. However, just think about it, throughout the dynasties, how could any emperor personally go to the fields to grow food? The same goes for the heart, which does not produce blood.

So who biochemically produces blood?

refers to the spleen and stomach. The spleen and stomach are the foundation of acquired diseases and the source of qi and blood biochemistry. Therefore, for people with Qi and blood deficiency, replenishing Qi and nourishing blood only treats the symptoms, while strengthening the spleen and stomach is the root cause.

Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews


Nowadays, there are too many sub-healthy people. Some people may say that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are inside the body. Without going to the hospital for specific examinations, we will not understand the conditions inside. - DayDayNews


It is worth mentioning that when cooking this recipe, you can add a little sake. Wine is the best medicine and can lead the medicine upward and directly to the heart and lungs.

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