The emergency department of Haining Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine received a special patient named Xiao Li. He came to the emergency center for treatment at around 1 a.m. When Xiao Li arrived at the hospital, he already had a large rash on his body. His face and limbs

2024/05/2520:09:33 regimen 1091

The emergency department of Haining Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine received a special patient named Xiao Li. He came to the emergency center for treatment at around one o'clock in the morning. When Xiao Li arrived at the hospital, a large area of ​​ red rash had appeared on his body. His face and limbs were quite serious and there was also relatively obvious swelling. Experts could tell at a glance that this young man had an allergy, and it was quite serious.

After an hour of emergency treatment, Xiao Li finally turned the corner. He learned from Xiao Li that this situation occurred because he ate some common summer delicaciesfried cicadas and fried grasshoppers. Xiao Li was playing outside with his friends because he wanted to try new flavors, so he ate some fried insects, but he never thought that he would suffer from allergic rash. The doctor said that Xiao Li's condition was quite critical. Fortunately, he did not suffer from laryngeal edema or other more serious conditions, otherwise it might have been life-threatening.

Xiao Li stayed in the hospital for observation all night, and was discharged successfully the next day after it was determined to be safe. However, he was still frightened by the thrilling moment that happened the night before. But why would a simple plate of "fried cicadas" be so effective? Send him to the hospital?

The emergency department of Haining Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine received a special patient named Xiao Li. He came to the emergency center for treatment at around 1 a.m. When Xiao Li arrived at the hospital, he already had a large rash on his body. His face and limbs  - DayDayNews

Why did Xiao Li suffer such a severe allergy after eating some fried insects?

Dr. Wu, an emergency physician at Haining Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, said: There are many proteins that can easily cause allergies in daily life, such as peanuts and beans, which are relatively common, and there are not a few people who have allergic reactions. In fact, insects like grasshoppers, know , are themselves high-protein foods . In recent years, more and more insect foods have come into the public eye, but compared to ordinary protein foods, insects are more dangerous. .

This is because the proteins contained in insects are heterogeneous proteins , which are more susceptible to body resistance than common meat, eggs, and milk, and are quite dangerous for people with allergies. When these heterogeneous proteins are ingested, the body's immune system will attack them and release specific immunoglobulins, thereby triggering allergic reactions. And this allergic reaction is more serious than a normal protein allergy. It may cause allergic rash, itchy skin, vomiting and diarrhea, anaphylactic shock. The most serious case is laryngeal edema, causing suffocation, which can directly lead to allergies. or death.

Xiao Li is relatively lucky in this situation. If the most dangerous situation occurs, it will bring great hidden dangers to his life safety.

Every summer, an army of people with flashlights appear in the bamboo forest in the park, looking for treatment. In recent years, as insect food has gradually come into the public eye, more and more people have begun to like to eat cicadas. In the north, they are also called cicada monkeys . A large number of barbecue shops and small restaurants will buy cicadas in large quantities, and the price may even exceed one yuan, which has triggered a trend of many people catching cicadas at night.

The emergency department of Haining Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine received a special patient named Xiao Li. He came to the emergency center for treatment at around 1 a.m. When Xiao Li arrived at the hospital, he already had a large rash on his body. His face and limbs  - DayDayNews

Nutritional value of cicada monkey

Cicada monkey is what we often call cicada, cicada. The cicada itself is an insect and is also a high-protein food. It contains a large amount of protein and fat, so it is very nutritious. Moreover, cicadas contain a variety of minerals and amino acids which have high nutritional value and can produce certain effects on the body's amino acid supplementation.

Although cicada monkeys are indeed rich in nutritional value, they can really be eaten by everyone. First of all, we know that it often takes several years to climb out of the ground, and it is unknown whether it will be contaminated underground for a long time. And as insect treatment, there are also many bacterial microorganisms, which are harmful to human health. Therefore, cicadas are often fried and disinfected at high temperatures.However, most of the proteins contained in Zicada are foreign proteins, which pose a higher risk to people with allergies. Once an allergy occurs, it will be more critical, so it is generally not recommended to eat it.

In addition to people with allergies, who else is not suitable for eating?

. Obese people

Because cicadas contain very high fat and protein content, and a large amount of oil is often required for frying during processing. For obese people or people with high blood lipids, this is a calorie bomb. , it is easy to lead to excessive caloric intake leading to obesity, and it is also easy to cause elevated blood lipids .

2, High blood pressure people

Making this kind of insect food often requires heavy oil, heavy salt, heavy spicy and other flavors to make it to cover up the taste of the insect itself, so for patients with high blood pressure, this kind of food is not suitable Eat more. Eating too much may lead to an increase in blood pressure and cause discomfort to the body.

The emergency department of Haining Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine received a special patient named Xiao Li. He came to the emergency center for treatment at around 1 a.m. When Xiao Li arrived at the hospital, he already had a large rash on his body. His face and limbs  - DayDayNews

3, pregnant women, the elderly, children, etc.

Cicada itself is not a common food ingredient, and if it is not processed properly, it is easy to cause diarrhea, vomiting and other adverse reactions. For women, children and the elderly, under normal circumstances, they should try it briefly. Eat as little as possible.

4. Patients with liver disease and kidney disease

know that the fat content and protein content are very high, which requires metabolism and decomposition by the liver and kidneys after consumption. For patients with liver and kidney diseases, it is easy to increase the burden on the liver and kidneys and worsen the condition, so it is not recommended It is recommended to eat.

Although cicadas are rich in protein, due to processing methods, they are often heavy in oil and salt and are not healthy foods. And because is a foreign protein , it is likely to cause allergies, rashes, difficulty breathing, etc. Therefore, it is not recommended for people who simply want to supplement nutrition.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to supplement protein, try to choose normal meat, eggs, and milk to supplement . It is rich in nutrients, easy to absorb, and not prone to danger. For this nutritious delicacy that is common in summer, just give it a taste and be sure not to eat it in large quantities to avoid causing physical burden.


"Hangzhou calls for eating cicadas to eliminate harmful effects for the people. In some places, 5 tons a day is not enough to eat." Qianjiang Evening News 2018-07-21

"Have you ever tasted this fried delicacy? Haining Someone was admitted to the hospital because of this... 》Haining Media 2022-06-20

"People want to eat gluttonously, but summer cicadas are miserable" People's Daily Online 2016-07-11

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