"Stop smoking. Do you know that smoking is not only harmful to your body? My children and I are also absorbing your second-hand smoke every day. Over time, we will get lung cancer!"

2024/05/2513:53:32 regimen 1562

"Stop smoking. Do you know that smoking is not only harmful to your body? My children and I are also absorbing your second-hand smoke every day. Over time, we will get lung cancer?" "Oh, I know, wait until I finish smoking this one"! This is a scene of a conversation between Ms. Li and her husband.

Ms. Li's husband is a senior smoker and has failed to quit smoking several times. Ms. Li feels very anxious about this matter because she is well aware of the dangers of smoking, but her husband does not take her advice seriously.

Ms. Li’s husband thinks: With so many people smoking, how many will get lung cancer? Is this true? So is there a relationship between smoking and lung cancer?

1. Do you know how important the lungs are?

The lungs are the respiratory organs of the human body and play a vital role. When the lungs work, they continuously inhale clean air and expel turbid air, thereby realizing the gas exchange cycle between the body and the external environment. In this way, the normal vital signs of the human body can be maintained . Its functions are as follows;

1, The function of breathing and inhalation

When the lungs are working normally, they must inhale the air containing oxygen from the outside into the alveoli through the trachea and bronchi. At this time, the alveoli will diffuse the oxygen .

These processed oxygen will be transported into the capillaries, At the same time, the carbon dioxide produced during the diffusion process will be expelled from the alveoli and exhaled from the body.

2. Qi regulating effect

The regulating effect of the lungs is mainly to regulate carbon dioxide emission. This kind of regulation can not only maintain the normal acid-base balance of the human body, but also regulate the qi of the whole body.

This is because the lungs play an important role in regulating the up, down, in and out movements of the body's Qi during rhythmic breathing. The normal operation of lung function will keep the body's breathing even and smooth, with a gentle and consistent rhythm . At this time, the movements of various organs will be smooth and coordinated.

3. Water movement defense function

Water movement function is often mentioned in traditional Chinese medicine. It mainly refers to the important function of promoting and regulating the distribution and excretion of water throughout the body during the operation of lung qi .

On the one hand, the release of lung qi will transfer the spleen to various organs. On the other hand, through the lung qi, the turbid liquid produced by the metabolism of the internal organs is transported down to the kidneys and converted into urine for excretion from the body..

The defense function is more on the surface of the bronchial tubes of the lungs. There are some immune cells , which can kill microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria inhaled into the body, and then excrete them through the swing of cilia.

. Assisting the heart and blood storage function

The blood circulation throughout the human body will flow through various veins to the lungs . After being processed by the lungs, the blood will be transported to the whole body through the meridians for use.

When there is blood loss in a certain part of the human body, the lungs will assist the heart to make up for it. At this time, some of the blood in the lungs will enter the blood of the whole body to help circulate , which plays an important role in maintaining the body's blood pressure. role.

2. The terrible truth, the relationship between smoking and lung cancer

Is there a relationship between smoking and lung cancer? The result is positive. Not only are they related, they are closely related.

Lung cancer is a relatively common malignant tumor in today's society. Its occurrence has caused great harm to human survival and health. In recent years, the incidence and mortality of lung cancer in various countries around the world have been significantly increasing. It is reported that the number of new cases of lung cancer is increasing at a rate of approximately 3% per year.

A large number of experimental studies at home and abroad have proven this, that is, Smoking is one of the main causes of lung cancer. research shows that smokers are 30 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers.

16 out of 100 smokers will die of lung cancer before the age of 70, and this number is still increasing.

The risk of lung cancer among passive smokers is even more surprising, because the risk of for this group of people is twice that of non-smokers. The study also found that the cumulative dose of smoking is directly proportional to the risk of lung cancer.

But once smokers quit smoking, they can reduce their risk of lung cancer. Studies have found that if a smoker has not smoked for more than 20 years, then 15 years after quitting, the incidence of lung cancer can basically approach the level of lung cancer among non-smokers.

3. How to protect your lungs

Since the lungs are so important to us, how can we protect our lungs in daily life?

1. Don’t smoke: We mentioned above that smoking is extremely harmful to the lungs, especially long-term active smoking, which is irreversible. The harmful substances in the smoke will damage our respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi, and inter-pulmonary space. Quality and lung parenchyma, thus does affect lung function or even cause lung cancer.

2. Nutritious diet : There must be sufficient comprehensive intake of protein, fat, carbohydrates in the daily diet, so as to ensure that the body has sufficient resistance and maintain the body's vitality. This has a preventive effect on some lung infections.

In addition, you can appropriately increase lung-moistening foods in your diet. In daily life, you can increase the amount of water you drink. When the amount of water you drink is not enough, it will also have a certain impact on the lungs.

3. Exercise : Regular physical exercise has an important protective effect on the lungs. The body can effectively improve lung function during physical exercise, keeping the lungs at a healthy and normal level, and can also improve the lungs to a certain extent. Disease resistance of the lungs.

Self-protection: In daily life, we must protect ourselves and maintain a happy mood. Pay attention to fresh air indoors, open more windows for ventilation when the air conditions are suitable, and maintain appropriate temperature and humidity.

4. You can wear a mask when going out for activities to protect the upper respiratory tract. Pay attention to adjusting your emotions in life and try to keep your mood as happy as possible. According to research, laughing can relax the lungs, regulate qi, and protect lung health.

. Regular physical examination: Physical examination is also one of the important means to protect the lungs. During the physical examination, diseases can be detected early. Once lung abnormalities are found, early treatment can be carried out and early recovery can be achieved.


The lungs are an extremely important organ in our human body. Once damaged, it will cause great harm to our health, so we must pay more attention to protection in our daily life.

Abnormal breathing of the lungs not only affects the generation of Zong Qi and the generation of Qi throughout the body, but also causes the inability to inhale clean Qi, the inability to discharge turbid Qi, the metabolism stops, and the human life activities end. So everyone must pay attention to nourishing and loving the lungs .

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