[Fu Yang Jing Prescription] Sini Powder consists of: 2 taels of Zhigancao, 1 or 2 halves of dried ginger, and 1 piece of Aconite. Efficacy: Restore Yang and save Ni. Explanation: Sini Decoction is mainly used in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" to treat the deficiency of true yang

2024/05/2208:55:33 regimen 1735

[Fu Yang Jing Prescription] Sini Powder consists of: 2 taels of Zhigancao, 1 or 2 halves of dried ginger, and 1 piece of Aconite. Efficacy: Restore Yang and save Ni. Explanation: Sini Decoction is mainly used in

[Fu Yang Jing Prescription] Sini Powder

Composition: Two liang of Zhigancao , one or two halves of dried ginger, one aconite

Efficacy: Hui Yang Jiu Ni

Prescription: Sini Decoction In " Typhoid fever "On ", the main treatment is due to insufficient true yang in the body or damage to the yang of the heart and kidneys due to mistreatment, resulting in "cold limbs", "shortness of limbs", "clearing the grains", "body pain", "aversion to cold" "," "slow pulse" and other symptoms.

[Fu Yang Jing Prescription] Sini Powder consists of: 2 taels of Zhigancao, 1 or 2 halves of dried ginger, and 1 piece of Aconite. Efficacy: Restore Yang and save Ni. Explanation: Sini Decoction is mainly used in

Aconite in the prescription is pungent and very hot. It flows through the twelve meridians, breaks the yin and cold, restores yang energy, and relieves Juni. Dried ginger is pungent and sweet, causing heat, warming and dispelling cold. Aconite, dried ginger, and Wu warm yang and dispel cold, restore yang and consolidate relief. Aconite and dried ginger are combined with the sweetness of roasted licorice, and the pungent and sweet aconite and dried ginger are combined to transform yang. In addition, the sweetness and mildness of licorice and can restrain the harshness of aconite and dried ginger, while making the effect long-lasting. Sini Decoction is the main prescription for restoring Yang and rescuing Ni. It is generally used clinically for critical and severe cases and is never used lightly. As Zheng Qinan said, people in the world are afraid. However, Zheng Qin'an believes that Sini Decoction is not specially formulated for Shaoyin, but can be taken by all Yang deficiency and Yin excess diseases. Use the heroic nature of Aconite to strengthen the yin and yang, so that the water vapor rises and covers the whole body, and the body is free from disease.

Zheng Qin'an comments:

(1) When a self-interested person is thirsty, his Qi will decrease and his body fluid will not rise. This means that you are not thirsty. Taiyin governs dampness. If the dampness is excessive, it is self-interested. Therefore, you are not thirsty. It is called cold in the internal organs. The method should be to warm the inside. A large dose should be used to warm the middle. The original text refers to four reverses (soup) [generation] 〕. However, the Four Nis are the dominant side of Shaoyin, not Taiyin. This is of course very important, and the opportunity for perfect circulation, namely the Four Niss, is also very useful. Scholars should not be stuck in the law and be constrained by the law. ("Heng Lun Treatise on Febrile Diseases")

(2) Vomiting occurs immediately after eating and drinking, and there is a difference between cold and heat. In this case, the hands and feet are cold, , and the pulse is stringy and slow, which is the symptom of cold drinking. Rather than when heat is in reverse. Since it belongs to Cold Ni, the method should be warm to reduce Ni, so the clouds cannot be vomited or lowered. The four generations of Ni are the main ones, which is a true theory that has not been changed through the ages. ("Heng Lun on Febrile Diseases")

(3) According to one side of Sini Decoction, it is the main prescription for to restore Yang .

Many people in the world are afraid because they don’t know the meaning of Zhongjing Cube. This prescription is listed when cold enters Shaoyin, and the symptoms include blue and black claws and nails, abdominal pain, profuse sweating, body weight fear of cold, weak pulse, and cold limbs, all of which are a ball of Yin Qi. If you are sick, if you don't use the four reverses to return Yang at this time, and a ray of sunshine, you will have the potential to die.

[Fu Yang Jing Prescription] Sini Powder consists of: 2 taels of Zhigancao, 1 or 2 halves of dried ginger, and 1 piece of Aconite. Efficacy: Restore Yang and save Ni. Explanation: Sini Decoction is mainly used in

Zhongjing here, specializes in restoring Yang to eliminate Yin, which is indeed a difficult method. If you think carefully about this prescription, since it can restore Yang, it can be taken by all those with Yang deficiency and Yin excess. Why must you have to treat the above conditions before boldly using it? I know a few things, and when I see that it is a Yang deficiency syndrome, I use this prescription to consider the severity and severity, so as to prevent it and never lead to a situation of pure Yin and no Yang. When it becomes pure yin without yang, I am afraid that the meaning of the cube is solid and good, but if I fail to catch up, I will be blamed by the mediocre. Who's weird? It is strange that the doctor misused Ginger and Fu, but did not know how to use Ginger and Fu early. Although Zhongjing did not mention them one by one, anyone with Yang deficiency should also use this method to treat them. It is not a no-no.

What is amazing is that the three flavors of ginger, aphrodisiac and grass can bring the dead back to life, which is really hard to believe. I was surprised at first but believed it in the end. Who believed it? Xin Zhongjing’s use of ginger and appendix has profound meaning. Archaeologists say: "Aconite cannot be hotter than aconite." It can be seen that aconite is a ball of fire. The whole body of a mortal depends entirely on a ball of true fire. The true fire is inexhaustible, so the illness is pure yin. Zhong Jing has a deep understanding of the subtleties of nature and knows that the power of Aconite can replenish the innate fire that is dying, and he can use it to become a king. It is also considered that the Yin of the Qun is blocked and cannot go straight to the root, so the pungent and warm properties of dried ginger are used to disperse it as a prodromal agent. When the evil spirits of Yin are wiped out, the Yang returns to the body, the fire is revived, and the life is restored, so it is called Hui Yang. After the Yang Qi returns, if there is no earth to cover it, the flame will be extinguished easily, and although it will be alive, it will not last forever. Therefore, the sweetness of licorice is used to slow down the positive Qi. To slow down means to subdue it. The treasure of true fire makes your life root permanent and you can be reborn again.

Can this be ignored? In recent times, the world has been declining. Doctors do not seek the ultimate theory, and patients only focus on ginseng.When doctors first see such pure yin and no yang, they start to use ginseng to restore yang. However, the patients are also convinced that Zhongjing is the ancestor of legislation. Since Zhongjing can restore yang, why not use it more or not use it? , it can be seen that it is not a product of returning to Yang. Check out ginseng, which is sweet and slightly cold in nature. It mainly nourishes the five internal organs, which are yin. It is a product that tonifies yin, not a product that restores yang. It is clear. It is a pity that we have been confused through the ages. ("True Biography of Medical Principles")

Sini Powder has the effect of restoring yang and rescuing yang, embodying the yang-tonifying method in the method of supporting yang.

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