In the hot summer, you are sweating profusely. In order to create a comfortable working and studying environment, air conditioning has become one of the indispensable artifacts! "This summer, my life is given by the air conditioner, but everyone says that the air conditioner blow

2024/05/2208:48:32 regimen 1293

In the hot summer, you are sweating profusely. In order to create a comfortable working and studying environment, air conditioning has become one of the indispensable artifacts! When summer comes, what defeats me is not innocence, but the heat, heat, heat of innocence!

"This summer, this life is given by the air conditioner, but everyone says that if the air conditioner blows too much, you will get air conditioning disease . Is this true?" Do you know what "air conditioning disease" is?

" "Air-conditioning disease" is not a disease in the real sense, but what people often call "air-conditioning disease", which refers to uncomfortable symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, joint pain, dizziness, headache, loss of appetite and other symptoms caused by air conditioning. , have you suffered from the above symptoms?

The real cause of "air conditioning disease"

Is the "culprit" of some diseases really air conditioning? In fact, it is not. "Air conditioning disease has other causes. It mainly boils down to the following points:

1 The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too great.

The outdoor temperature in summer can even reach nearly 40 degrees Celsius. If you move or don’t move, you will sweat all over your body. If the air conditioner temperature is set too low, the air conditioner is blown, and you frequently go in and out, the human body will be affected. If it cannot be adjusted quickly, it is easy to suffer from dizziness and other symptoms of physical discomfort.

2 The air flow is too poor.

Air-conditioned rooms generally have closed doors and windows. Since there is no natural ventilation, the result is that the air in the room is not easy to circulate without opening the windows. Causes the growth of pathogenic bacteria and causes many respiratory diseases, such as colds, coughs, flu, etc.

3The air conditioner is not cleaned for a long time.

The "danger" in the air conditioner is not the wind blown out, but the dust, bacteria, and accumulated in the air conditioner for a long time. Mites, etc. Once they are blown out by the air-conditioning wind, this will really pose a great health risk to people with allergic rhinitis,asthma,allergic skin diseases, "air conditioning disease". "The reason is not the air conditioner itself, but the failure to master the correct way to turn on the air conditioner.

In the hot summer, you are sweating profusely. In order to create a comfortable working and studying environment, air conditioning has become one of the indispensable artifacts!

Quickly collect the following tips. The air conditioner blows cool and healthy.

01 Don’t turn on the air conditioner when you enter the house.

Don’t turn on the air conditioner when you enter the room from outside. It is recommended to turn it on for at least 10 minutes, especially if you are sweating profusely after exercise. You need to wait for the sweat on your body to dry. You need to wait for the sweat on your body to dry before you turn on the air conditioner.

02 The air conditioner temperature adjustment should follow the 26°C method appropriately. It is recommended that the air conditioner setting temperature is 26~28°C, and the indoor and outdoor temperature difference is controlled at 8°C-10°C. If the temperature difference is too large, it may easily cause dizziness and other discomforts.

03 Open windows appropriately for ventilation

Most people turn on the air conditioner all day long. In fact, it is necessary to turn off the air conditioner properly and open the windows frequently to keep the indoor air clean and avoid keeping the doors and windows closed for a long time to breed bacteria.

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