Affected by the low vortex, the weather in Jilin Province has been experiencing frequent rains recently. It is the summer season. After the rain, the feeling of humidity and heat will be more obvious, and the body will also feel uncomfortable. So how to spend this rainy summer sa

2024/05/2012:32:32 regimen 1802

Recently, affected by the low vortex, the weather in Jilin Province has been prone to frequent rains. It is the summer season. After the rain, the feeling of humidity and heat will be more obvious, and the body will also feel uncomfortable. So how to spend this rainy summer safely? Traditional Chinese medicine has many methods for reference.

Affected by the low vortex, the weather in Jilin Province has been experiencing frequent rains recently. It is the summer season. After the rain, the feeling of humidity and heat will be more obvious, and the body will also feel uncomfortable. So how to spend this rainy summer sa - DayDayNews

Cold and cold

If you accidentally catch cold or get wet in the rain, you can easily catch a cold.

If you can take a mugwort bath in time at this time, it can regulate qi and blood, expel cold and dampness, and prevent colds.

❶ Take a mugwort bath

Take 50-100 grams of fresh mugwort and brew it with boiling water for 5-10 minutes in the bathtub. Then take out the mugwort, add water and adjust it to a suitable temperature before taking a bath.

âť· Drink ginger sugar tea

250 grams of boiling water, 30 grams of brown sugar, 25 grams of ginger, and a little tea. Chop the ginger into minced ginger, put it into a teapot, then add boiling water and brown sugar. Simmer for about 5 minutes before drinking.

Making tea with ginger can induce sweating, relieve symptoms, warm the lungs and relieve coughs. It has significant effects on influenza , typhoid fever, cough, etc.

Drinking it after meals has the effects of sweating, warming the lungs and relieving coughs, and is beneficial to the treatment of influenza, typhoid, and coughs.

Affected by the low vortex, the weather in Jilin Province has been experiencing frequent rains recently. It is the summer season. After the rain, the feeling of humidity and heat will be more obvious, and the body will also feel uncomfortable. So how to spend this rainy summer sa - DayDayNews

❸ Perilla leaf tea

Take a handful of perilla leaves , put it into 500 ml of boiling water, and boil for 2 to 3 minutes. The time should not be too long, otherwise it will not work.

If it is not convenient to cook, you can also simmer it in boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes. Drink it while it's hot and sweat a little, which can help relieve symptoms.

Affected by the low vortex, the weather in Jilin Province has been experiencing frequent rains recently. It is the summer season. After the rain, the feeling of humidity and heat will be more obvious, and the body will also feel uncomfortable. So how to spend this rainy summer sa - DayDayNews

Gastrointestinal diseases

Acute gastroenteritis is an acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa . The main clinical manifestations are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, etc.

This disease is common in summer and autumn. It occurs mostly due to improper diet, overeating, or eating raw, cold, rotten, dirty, and unclean food.

Commonly used Chinese patent medicines: Huoxiang Zhengqi water (capsules), berberine tablets , Pueraria lobata Qinlian tablets , etc.

Affected by the low vortex, the weather in Jilin Province has been experiencing frequent rains recently. It is the summer season. After the rain, the feeling of humidity and heat will be more obvious, and the body will also feel uncomfortable. So how to spend this rainy summer sa - DayDayNews

Skin diseases

❶ Eczema

Eczema is an itchy skin disease with a tendency to ooze. It is characterized by polymorphous rashes, symmetrical distribution, tendency to ooze, severe itching, and recurring attacks. It is equivalent to eczema in modern medicine .

Commonly used Chinese patent medicines: Longdan Xiegan Pills, Skin Disease and Blood Poison Pills, , etc.

âť· Foot moisture

is caused by fungi invading the epidermis of the feet. Usually occurs on the soles of the feet and between the toes on both sides. It is equivalent to the tinea pedis of modern medicine.

Generally, there is no need to take internal medicine, and local treatment is the main method.

Blister type

Cangfu lotion: Xanthium 15g, Kochia 15g, Hibiscus bark 15g, Cnidium 15g, Sophora flavescens 15g, Baibu 15g, Alum 6g.

preparation method: Grind into a coarse powder and set aside.

Usage: Take 1 package of medicine, wrap it in a cloth bag, add 3000ml of water, boil for 20 minutes and soak in warm water, or apply wet compress to the affected area. 1-2 times a day, 10-20 minutes each time.


purslane aqueous agent: purslane 30g, water 1000ml.

preparation method: boil for 20 minutes, filter and cool before use.

Usage: wet compress and external washing, 1-2 times a day, 20 minutes each time.

Pay attention to prevention: Change shoes and socks frequently and keep hands and feet dry; pay attention to skin bacterial infections in public places; avoid scratching, and avoid washing with hot water, soap and other irritants.

These types of patients should pay more attention to

1 and patients with coronary heart disease on rainy days to prevent hypoxia

The air humidity is high and the oxygen content is reduced on rainy days. People suffering from hypertension , coronary heart disease or cerebral arteriosclerosis will feel chest tightness , tightness of breath, and dizziness to varying degrees.

You should reduce outdoor activities and take oxygen under the guidance of a doctor.

Patients with a history of heart disease should replenish water in time and drink some boiled water half an hour before going to bed, after waking up in the middle of the night and after getting up in the morning.

2. Asthma patients should prevent allergens.

When thunderstorm weather is low, allergens floating in the air will increase. At the same time, the hot and humid environment is suitable for fungal reproduction.

Asthma patients should try to reduce outdoor activities before and after thunderstorms. When it rains, open doors and windows appropriately to allow natural wind and rain to take away allergens.

If you are exposed to the sun or the temperature rises after a rain, you should wear a mask when going out to prevent allergies.

3. Patients with gastrointestinal diseases should pay attention to their diet.

Temperatures will drop quickly during thunderstorms. People with poor spleen and stomach are prone to colds in their stomachs, leading to the symptoms of " spleen deficiency and dampness " often said in traditional Chinese medicine.

Therefore, we must avoid catching cold and pay attention to drinking water and dietary hygiene.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Planning: Jiang Zhongxiao

Author: Zhuang Zhuang

Editor: Yu Yue

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