It is said that people age first, and Uncle Wang feels this sentence deeply. Uncle Wang's family lives in an old-fashioned residential complex. When I was young, I could climb three or four floors without even taking a breath.

2024/05/2009:17:34 regimen 1046

As I get older, my legs and feet are not good enough!

It is said that people get old before their legs . Uncle Wang is deeply touched by this sentence. Uncle Wang's family lives in an old-fashioned residential complex. When I was young, I could climb three or four floors without even taking a breath. But since retiring, he has found that his health is getting worse day by day, and he can overcome other minor problems.

But every time I finish climbing the stairs, my joints will hurt for a long time. Even once, when I was sleeping at night, my joints suddenly swelled and the pain was unbearable, so I went to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor said that this was caused by joint wear and tear. He just needed to rest more after returning home, so he didn't need to pay too much attention to it.

The doctor’s words made Uncle Wang very confused. My legs and feet have become like this, why did the doctor say that I don’t need to take medicine? Doesn’t it mean that I don’t want to see a doctor? In fact, when people get old, many diseases do not need to be treated, and many medicines do not need to be taken.

It is said that people age first, and Uncle Wang feels this sentence deeply. Uncle Wang's family lives in an old-fashioned residential complex. When I was young, I could climb three or four floors without even taking a breath. - DayDayNews. Pain in the joints of legs and feet

Joint swelling and pain, joint wear and tear, and bone spur hyperplasia may be problems that many elderly people have. As the saying goes, "As a person ages, his legs age first," which means that when a person ages, his legs are the first to change.

This is because the joints of human leg bones are connected by a layer of cartilage tissue , which can also reduce wear and play a buffering role. However, as people age, cartilage tissue will degenerate and its elasticity will decrease. At this time, the degree of friction between people's leg bones will increase, and joint wear will occur.

And as we get older, calcium elements will also be lost in large quantities, and the density of bones will further decrease. This is also a reason why the legs and feet are not in good condition. Since this is a change caused by aging and cannot be reversed by medication, the effect of taking medication is not great. The only way to relieve the inconvenience in the legs and feet is to rest.

. Frequent forgetting of things

When people get older, it is inevitable that memory will decline and forget things. Once many people discover this situation, they think they are suffering from Alzheimer's disease. This idea is also incorrect. Although both are caused by the aging of nerve cells, they are not the same.

The aging of the human body is the aging of all organs and parts, including nerve cells. The aging of some nerve cells can cause memory decline. Alzheimer's disease will occur only when nerve cells age to a certain extent.

It can be said that memory decline almost everyone will have . But Alzheimer's disease does not occur in everyone, and there is a clear difference between the two.

It is said that people age first, and Uncle Wang feels this sentence deeply. Uncle Wang's family lives in an old-fashioned residential complex. When I was young, I could climb three or four floors without even taking a breath. - DayDayNews

. Increased blood pressure and blood lipids

There are currently more than 300 million patients with high blood pressure in our country. Not all of them are caused by improper diet. For example, when I was young, my blood pressure and blood lipids were always normal. But as I get older, I find that these two values ​​are always slightly higher.

This is actually related to aging. When people age, blood vessels will also age together. blood vessel elasticity will decrease. When blood flows, the pressure on the blood vessel wall will also increase. At this time, you will find that the blood pressure rises.

And at this time, the body's metabolic capacity decreases , and there is more cholesterol in the blood vessels. Blood lipid concentration will also increase. In this case, the only way is to adjust your diet and eat more light food. Although it can also be treated with drugs, it is always harmful to the body.

Many elderly people will be in panic all day long when they find these conditions in their body.They may even think that this is a symptom of a disease, so they take medicine indiscriminately, causing their health to become worse.

This kind of thinking is not good for the health of the elderly. For example, the two phenomena in life are the specific embodiment of this bad idea.

The idea of ​​excessive medical treatment will affect the health of the elderly. Be careful with these two behaviors.

Like to buy health care products

Nowadays, there are endless health care product scams , which often surprise people. Even many scams, as an outsider, can be easily distinguished. Why are there always old people willing to fall for them?

In fact, this is the fear of the elderly at work. Because the elderly have various minor ailments, and formal medical measures cannot completely cure these minor ailments. The elderly will seek other methods for treatment, and the exaggerated publicity effects of health care products just meet their needs.

It is this mentality of the elderly that gives unscrupulous health product merchants room to sell and make profits.

It is said that people age first, and Uncle Wang feels this sentence deeply. Uncle Wang's family lives in an old-fashioned residential complex. When I was young, I could climb three or four floors without even taking a breath. - DayDayNews

Excessive exercise

It is often seen that old people exercise and keep fit in parks and on the roadside in groups of two or three. Square dancing has already become a common phenomenon in various cities. Behind these enthusiastic sports, there are also hidden risks of excessive exercise.

For example, there are news that the elderly walk for too long every night, resulting in joint wear and muscle strain. Some people even broke their spine due to sports injuries and were paralyzed in bed ever since.

These are the dangers of excessive exercise, and the reason why the elderly are more likely to suffer from sports injuries than young people. Not only because of physical aging, but also fear of disease . They hope that through more exercise, they can eliminate physical diseases and regain the health of their youth.

Behind these phenomena are the elderly who lack health knowledge and regard aging as the cause of disease. If we could face our own aging and face various physical problems, these losses could have been avoided.

Compared with treating these diseases through Western medicine, it is better to try the health care concepts of traditional Chinese medicine. These ancestors' health care concepts may be able to help you.

Two views of traditional Chinese medicine on health are worth learning from

First, lying down after eating is a source of all kinds of diseases

This sentence comes from "Emergency Prescriptions", which means that after a person is full, if he immediately lies down to rest , food will accumulate in the body. Qi stagnation does not work. The digestive function of the spleen and stomach is affected, the transportation and transformation of nutrients is blocked, and all kinds of diseases naturally arise.

It is not difficult to see from this sentence that after eating, you should exercise appropriately. Promoting the digestion of food in the stomach and the transportation of nutrients can ensure good health. Therefore, there is also a saying that " walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to ninety-nine".

It is said that people age first, and Uncle Wang feels this sentence deeply. Uncle Wang's family lives in an old-fashioned residential complex. When I was young, I could climb three or four floors without even taking a breath. - DayDayNews

Second, don’t get up early before the rooster crows, and don’t get up late after the sunrise.

comes from " Taiping Yulan ". This sentence means: People's work and rest must conform to the laws of nature and cannot be changed at will. Even if you get up early, don't get up before the rooster crows. Even if you get up late, don't get up after the sun rises.

Only by maintaining such daily habits can we ensure that we comply with the natural laws of and comply with the weather.

Eat in moderation. Living in moderation can ensure a long and healthy life. Aging is not a disease, it is also a natural physiological phenomenon. If you feel panic about it, it will worsen aging. Only by adapting to the weather and enjoying your old age can you be immune to all diseases and live a long life.

[Reference materials]

1. Tips for sleeping: Five minutes of sleep is equal to six hours? A secret worth keeping for a lifetime! · Health China · 2017.8.28

2. Should the knee joint be replaced or maintained if the knee joint is worn out · Guangming Daily · 2019.7.14

3, 60 After the age of 10, the knee cartilage is worn down until only half of it is left. Remember the 6 "ones" to protect your knees·Health Times·2018.3.28

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