In the hot summer, the temperature becomes very high, and people are looking for good ways to relieve the heat. At this time, have a cold food to relieve the heat, or a very good choice, such as ice powder, watermelon, cold noodles, etc.

2024/05/2009:12:34 regimen 1300

In the hot summer, the temperature becomes very high, and people are looking for good ways to relieve the heat. At this time, have a cold food to relieve the heat, or a very good choice, such as ice powder , watermelon, cold noodles, etc.

However, if you choose the wrong food because you are greedy for relief from the heat and delicious food, the consequences will be disastrous:

According to a report from Guangdong TV station , a man had repeated fevers after eating sashimi for a long time and was sent to the hospital for examination. Parasites were actually found in the liver! It was diagnosed as " liver fluke disease ". According to the man's description, he eats sashimi every one or two weeks and uses freshwater fish.

Can you use freshwater fish to make sashimi? We all know that sashimi is mostly made from deep-sea fish, and it is rare for parasites to infect . Why is there a risk of parasitic infection when eating sashimi made from freshwater fish?

In the hot summer, the temperature becomes very high, and people are looking for good ways to relieve the heat. At this time, have a cold food to relieve the heat, or a very good choice, such as ice powder, watermelon, cold noodles, etc. - DayDayNews

What is the difference between sashimi made from freshwater fish and deep-sea fish?

Except for the difference in taste,Freshwater fish and deep-sea fish The biggest difference lies in the different living environments.

freshwater fish. For example, grass carp, carp, mandarin fish, etc., they all live in freshwater areas. The pH value of fresh water is stable, and there are no other harsh conditions. Such as bacteria, parasites, etc., can easily live in fresh water.

Freshwater fish live with parasites all year round, and are more likely to be infected by parasites in their bodies. If humans eat them without cooking, the possibility of secondary infection of by parasites is naturally high.

deep sea fish. For example, sardines, monkfish, etc. These fish live in the ocean. The harsh environment of the ocean is difficult to allow parasites to survive. Therefore, there are very few or even no parasites in marine fish. Even if they do For sashimi, the probability of parasite infection is also very low.

Therefore, the reason why freshwater fish cannot be used as sashimi is because the fish itself is more likely to be infected by parasites to a greater extent. The man in the news eats it once or twice every other week, further increasing his risk of being infected by parasites.

The main hidden danger of parasites caused by freshwater fish is " liver fluke disease" . Don't underestimate this kind of parasite. Once it invades the body, the eggs can even survive in the human body for decades!

The eggs can Survive in the body for decades! What hidden dangers does liver fluke disease bring?

As the name suggests, liver fluke disease is a parasitic infection by the liver fluke . This parasite initially lives in freshwater organisms and can enter the human body through food ingestion to cause secondary infection.

According to CDC statistics, the number of people infected with liver fluke in 122 provinces and cities in my country exceeds 12 million, which is enough to show its widespread and threatening nature.

Once you are infected with liver fluke disease, two types of hidden dangers cannot be ignored:

It is easy to induce inflammation of the liver and bile ducts

Don’t underestimate liver flukes. Even if it enters your liver and does nothing bad, it will still bring good health to your body. cause damage. When a large number of liver flukes crawl in the liver and bile ducts, and are stimulated by foreign bodies, the risk of liver bile duct inflammation will also increase.

For example, acute hepatitis , acute cholangitis , etc. are all the main symptoms of liver fluke disease.

② There is even a risk of liver cancer

Yes, you read that right, if you have symptoms of liver fluke disease for a long time, you may even be at risk of liver cancer. This is because the secretions, metabolites, eggs, etc. of liver flukes are all They are irritating substances. These irritants continue to stimulate liver tissue, leading to repeated inflammation and hyperplasia, and the probability of deterioration into cancer will be higher.

Therefore, in 2017, the World Health Organization clearly listed liver flukes as a Class 1 carcinogen. Be wary of the risk of liver fluke infection and never eat foods like "freshwater fish sashimi".

But having said that, although liver fluke disease has the risk of transforming into liver cancer, the early symptoms are not obvious. It is often difficult for patients to detect it before the liver fluke parasites reproduce to a certain extent. The later it is discovered, the more difficult it will be to treat. It is important to detect early symptoms of liver fluke disease in advance.

In the hot summer, the temperature becomes very high, and people are looking for good ways to relieve the heat. At this time, have a cold food to relieve the heat, or a very good choice, such as ice powder, watermelon, cold noodles, etc. - DayDayNews

These three symptoms are "signs" of liver fluke infection

Symptom 1 : Repeated fever

The body's immune system is activated when foreign objects invade, and kills viruses or parasites by raising body temperature.

Therefore, if there is a hidden danger of liver fluke disease in the body, the immune system will be activated, which will cause repeated fever symptoms. Complications such as diarrhea and nausea may also occur.

Symptom 2: Pain in the right upper abdomen

The liver and bile duct are located in the upper right abdomen of the body. If there is a hidden danger of liver fluke disease, pain or discomfort will occur under the stimulation of parasites. The typical condition is pain in the right upper abdomen with intermittent pain.

In the hot summer, the temperature becomes very high, and people are looking for good ways to relieve the heat. At this time, have a cold food to relieve the heat, or a very good choice, such as ice powder, watermelon, cold noodles, etc. - DayDayNews

Symptom three : Lumps appear around the liver

Liver flukes multiply too much, causing burden on the liver and hyperplasia of the liver. Liver hyperplasia leads to liver enlargement, and lumps may appear on the body surface.

If you find that there is a sudden obvious mass in the right upper abdomen, and there is a large number, and you usually like to eat raw food, be alert to the symptoms of early liver fluke disease and go to the hospital for treatment in time.

The summer is hot. Although eating sashimi is a good way to cool down, please do not touch freshwater fish sashimi. The threat of liver fluke disease must be taken seriously. The best way to eat freshwater fish is still to cook it at high temperature. Reasonable and scientific meal arrangement is the foundation of good health.


[1][#Men often suffer from liver fluke disease after eating freshwater sashimi# and have recurring fevers], Guangdong TV, 2020-6-30

[2] Zhang Cuige, Xu Yuzhen. Freshwater fish and liver fluke disease[ C]// Compilation of special reports and paper abstracts of the annual academic conference of the Nutrition Society of Sichuan Province and the maternal and child nutrition and health care class. 1997.

[3] Ma Jianqiang, Chen Guoxiong, Tang Xian, et al. Relevant living habits and health of people in liver fluke-endemic areas Knowledge survey[J]. Journal of Tropical Medicine, 2018, 8(8):4.

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