Don’t like the nodules? They hurt when you get angry and get bigger?

2024/05/1919:33:32 regimen 1093

has nodules and doesn't like them. The nodules hurt and get bigger when they get angry? Many friends are troubled by nodules, which are difficult to eliminate when they grow. The most common among female friends are thyroid nodules , breast nodules , and even lymph node nodules under the armpits. They are common in both men and women. The main symptom of mandibular lymph node nodules is that the pain is not obvious, but when you are angry or anxious, the nodules can easily become larger and the pain will be obvious. The most worrying thing is that the nodules may become cancerous. Many people are worried about this every day. Seriously affect work and life.

Don’t like the nodules? They hurt when you get angry and get bigger? - DayDayNews

Why do so many people have nodules? Why are nodules easily aggravated by inflammation?

In fact, Chinese medicine believes that many people’s nodules are related to the accumulation of phlegm and blood stasis. Phlegm is accumulated by dampness, and dampness is generated by the spleen. The spleen has the function of metabolizing water and dampness. The spleen has normal function, good transportation and transformation, and water and dampness are very important. It is easy to be metabolized from the body. If the spleen is not healthy and is not functioning well, it is easy for water and dampness to stop in the body. Over time, the dampness will accumulate into phlegm. Problems such as small lumps and nodules. Some friends not only have nodules, but when they get angry, the nodules are easily aggravated and painful. What is the reason why the nodules become larger?

Don’t like the nodules? They hurt when you get angry and get bigger? - DayDayNews

In fact, Chinese medicine believes that phlegm and blood stasis in the body is not only related to spleen deficiency, but also to liver stagnation. Liver stagnation can easily lead to qi stagnation, and over time can form blood stasis and qi stagnation. Blood stasis, and then combined with phlegm to form nodules, and qi stagnation is easily affected by emotions. When we are anxious, nervous, anxious, or angry, it is easy to develop liver qi stagnation, qi stagnation, and qi stagnation. It becomes heavier and heavier, which in turn causes the nodules to become larger and harder, causing blockage and pain, resulting in pain. At the same time, such people are often prone to losing their temper, or being angry, emotionally sensitive, and often have phlegm, frequent loose stools and other problems. How does

solve the problem of always having nodules, which get worse when they get angry?

Today I will share with you a prescription composed of two traditional Chinese medicines, which can resolve phlegm, remove blood stasis, dissipate stagnation and reduce swelling. They are Qingpinxia and Zhejiang Fritillaria . Let’s take a look at it.

First of all, we should see clearly that Pinellia ternata

Qing Pinellia ternata is pungent and warm in nature. It enters the spleen meridian and the lung meridian. It has the functions of drying dampness and resolving phlegm, dispersing stagnation and reducing swelling. Its pungent nature can dissolve stagnation and treat phlegm cores Galls, nodules and lumps can eliminate phlegm, dissipate stagnation and relieve pain, especially when has excessive phlegm , has cold phlegm and has both nodules. Its pungent, warm and drying properties make it an important medicine for drying dampness and resolving phlegm.

Don’t like the nodules? They hurt when you get angry and get bigger? - DayDayNews

Qing Pinellia

"Famous Doctors": "Pinellia can clear the heart, chest and diaphragm due to phlegm-heat accumulation, coughing up phlegm and breathing, acute pain under the heart, hard pimples, vomiting due to gas, and eliminating carbuncle."

Secondly, look at Zhejiang Bei. Fritillaria is bitter in taste and cold in nature. It enters the lung meridian, and heart meridian . It has the effect of clearing away heat and resolving phlegm, relieving depression and dispersing stagnation. It can be seen that Fritillaria fritillaris has similar effects to that of Pinellia ternata. Hebei wood can not only disperse It also has the effect of relieving stagnation, especially qi stagnation and blood stasis caused by liver stagnation and qi stagnation, and then phlegm and blood stasis are combined, resulting in nodules, scrofula and other problems. Zhejiang Fritillaria is cold in nature, which can cause phlegm-heat blocking the lungs It also has a good improvement effect on cough.

Don’t like the nodules? They hurt when you get angry and get bigger? - DayDayNews


" Compendium of Materia Medica Supplement ": "It detoxifies and promotes phlegm, and relieves lung qi. It is suitable for those with phlegm caused by wind and fire in the lungs."

To sum up, Qing Pinxia combined with Fritillaria can relieve cold and heat. Combined with it, it can dissipate phlegm and dissipate phlegm, relieve depression and reduce swelling, especially dissipate phlegm and dissipate stagnation. It can improve the problem of nodules caused by phlegm and phlegm. When the nodules become angry, the pain will be aggravated. It is suitable for spleen deficiency, stomach bloating, and stool with thin sugar and also has a good improvement effect on coughs with excessive phlegm.

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