Staying up for a long time is bad for your health. What time is it to stay up late at night? WHO gives the answer

2021/03/2217:48:02 regimen 1219

Everyone knows that staying up late is bad for the body, especially staying up often will make the body's endocrine unbalanced, and the body will have various problems. However, many people in life are used to going to bed late, and they don't realize that they are staying up late. Maybe it's because many people don't know what time to go to bed at night to stay up late. Today we will discuss this issue together.

In fact, regarding the correct sleep time, World Health Organization has long been announced: often sleeping after 11 o'clock in the evening is a stay up late.

Staying up for a long time is bad for your health. What time is it to stay up late at night? WHO gives the answer - DayDayNews

Now you can compare your sleep time, has fallen asleep before 11 o'clock every night, if not, then you are staying up late.

often does not sleep over 11 o'clock, the body organs will not get enough rest, the liver, kidneys, lungs and other organs cannot self-regulate and repair, resulting in a decline in organ function, and no toxins in the body. Going out, there will be a lot of accumulation, 's health will naturally be affected.

First of all, staying up late for a long time will reduce the immunity

It takes a long time to work during the day, and it should be a time to rest at night. If this principle is violated, the body will not be able to rest well at night. Immunity will decrease,Some germs will take advantage of the deficiency and will increase the risk of various diseases.

Staying up for a long time is bad for your health. What time is it to stay up late at night? WHO gives the answer - DayDayNews

Secondly, staying up late for a long time causes hypertension

High blood pressure usually occurs in the elderly in the past, but now more and more young people are present. One of the factors of blood pressure is that young people stay up late. In addition to causing high blood pressure, staying up late can also cause other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. For example, the news of sudden death from staying up late should be heard frequently.

Third, staying up late for a long time hurts the liver

If you stay up late for a long time, you should pay more attention to your liver health, because this time period is between 23:00 and 3 a.m. the next day. The liver has the strongest activity capacity, which is also the best time for the liver to detoxify. If the liver cannot be rested during this period, the circulation of blood and qi in the liver will be affected, and the metabolism and detoxification functions will be affected.

Staying up for a long time is bad for your health. What time is it to stay up late at night? WHO gives the answer - DayDayNews

detoxification and decreased metabolism, the liver will accumulate too much toxins, which damages liver health. Therefore, usually reduces staying up late. If staying up late cannot be avoided, you must find ways to reduce the harm.

1. Keep your diet light after staying up late

Some people need to stay up late for a long time due to work.So the family feels that the body is not well rested, and the next day they will do some tonics to nourish the body. In fact, this method of supplementing can not only make up the body, but it can also cause indigestion, because the spleen and stomach are not rested at night, and their functions will decrease. At this time, the supplementation will cause a burden on the body.

Therefore, after staying up late, you should not make a lot of supplements. Instead, you need a light diet and eat more fruits and vegetables to help reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach, so as to reduce the harm to the body.

Staying up for a long time is bad for your health. What time is it to stay up late at night? WHO gives the answer - DayDayNews

2. Stay up late at night and have to make up the next day

If you have to stay up late at night, you must spare the time to make up the next day. It is recommended that after working all morning, use the noon time to make up for 30 minutes, which can not only relieve fatigue, but also replenish energy for the body.

However, you can't sleep too long. If you take too long at noon, it will affect the night's sleep, so it is best to take a 30-minute nap.

Note: The picture comes from the network


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