Learn a law of effect every day, give yourself a reason to persist every day, and take a small step forward every day. Have you ever had this experience: when you see someone crossing the road and running a red light, you do the same;

Learn a law of effect every day, give yourself a reason to persist every day, and take a small step forward every day.

Have you ever had such an experience:

When you see someone crossing the road and running a red light, you do it yourself;

When you see someone smoking, you start smoking too;

When you see someone on the lawn, you go over and step on it;

When you see someone on the ground, you start to smoke too; There were melon seed shells, and I also melon seed peels threw them away...

I didn't want to do this at first, but when I saw others doing it, I followed suit without knowing it.

When a certain bad phenomenon is allowed to exist, it will induce people to follow it or even worsen it.

This is the broken window effect.

In a house, if there are broken windows , and no one takes care of it, there will be more broken windows;

If no one takes care of it, someone will break the door and climb into the window;

If no one takes care of it, there will be people moving things out. ;

If no one cares about it, someone will dare to set fire...

As the saying goes: If you don't patch the small hole, the big hole will be one foot five.

There are many similar things. The desk culture in universities, toilet culture , small advertisements on the street, garbage dumps, etc. are all the same thing.

The dangers of the broken window effect

Herd mentality

Chinese people are very herd-like, such as Chinese-style crossing the road and Chinese-style queuing, so Chinese characteristics .

Herd mentality is not always a bad thing. It is easy for everyone to become bad together, but it is also easy to get better together. The key depends on who takes the lead.

Speculative psychology

I don’t want to put in the effort, so I take a chance and give it a try if I feel I have an opportunity. This is a further manifestation of herd mentality. I always think that the law does not punish everyone, and if others do it, I can do it too. Seeing others doing this, nothing bad seems to happen, and I am not far behind.

Trucks have been involved in accidents and their contents have been robbed. This has happened many, many times.

Fruits were robbed in a truck accident in Xinyang, Henan

Depressed mentality

Although there is no damage subjectively, I have lost confidence: this can't happen, just go to sleep.

Negative words and deeds are not only the expression of one's own emotions, but also have extremely negative effects on those around them.

On the battlefield, this is called shaking the morale of the army and killing without mercy.

Abandoning the old mentality

Giving up on oneself, letting things go, breaking the pot, and giving up treatment completely.

Inspiration from the broken window effect

There is a folk song in the West :

Lost a nail, broke a shoe;

broke a shoe, broke a war horse;

broke a war horse, injured A knight;

injured a knight and lost a battle;

lost a war and lost an empire.

The story goes that once upon a time there was a king who was going out to fight in a battle that was related to the survival of the country. The groom changed horseshoes for his horse, and found that a horseshoe was missing. He couldn't find it for a while, so he nailed it on. .

During the sprint, the horse the king was riding was missing a nail, the shoe fell off, the horse fell, the king was trampled to death, the war was lost, and the country perished.

broken window effect can be said to be the specific manifestation of butterfly effect . A thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant nest. If the holes are not repaired, the holes will get bigger and bigger.

Therefore, if there is a problem, it should be solved in time to prevent it from getting worse.

Emotionally, we don’t fight every night. Quarrel is inevitable, but if the problem is not resolved, the quarrel will become more fierce and the estrangement will become deeper and deeper. When there is a problem with mutual trust, it is a big crisis.

can't be dragged at work. If you put off solving a problem, it may seem to you that it is okay if you put it off for a while, but to others, it seems that this person is procrastinating, lazy, inactive, and unmotivated.

When it comes to learning, just learn if you don’t understand. During the exam, if you encounter something you can’t do, you can leave it to the end. But when you are studying, if you encounter something you can’t do, you should study it immediately.If you haven't learned algebra well or functions well, can you still learn calculus?

In life, don’t do evil things because of small things. Good and evil are just a matter of thoughts, just like running a red light. You can choose to run together, or you can stop and wait for the green light. The road is chosen by yourself and you walk on your own. Don't care too much about others.

It rained and the road was muddy. You wear a new pair of shoes and walk carefully and tiptoe. In the end, he stepped into muddy water. So, you start to hold your head high and stride forward. Is

a good thing or a bad thing?

How you live your day is how you live your life.

#a little psychology every day#