It refers to the psychological tendency that people tend to have negative thoughts when faced with situations where information is lacking and unpredictable. For example, you see your colleagues in the department talking and laughing, but when you approach them, everyone stops ta

There is a "black box effect" in psychology.

refers to the psychological tendency that people tend to have negative thoughts when faced with situations where information is lacking and unpredictable.

For example, you see your colleagues in the department talking and laughing, but when you approach them, everyone stops talking.

At this time, the "black box effect" means that you may generate some negative inferences, such as "Are they talking about things related to me?" "Are they talking bad about me?" "I did something wrong." What's going on?" Wait.

These negative inferences often bring about negative emotions. How did the "black box" of

appear that causes people to have negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, fear, etc.?

Negative automatic thoughts can explain it.

What are negative automatic thoughts

Negative automatic thoughts refer to the negative thoughts, opinions or reasoning that appear in people's minds from time to time in their daily lives.

These thoughts are often vague and jumpy, as if they suddenly and automatically appear in the mind.

They appear briefly and then disappear quickly, so it is difficult for people to perceive them. Even if people are sensitive to their existence occasionally, their attention will immediately be occupied by the negative emotional reactions that appear one after another.

As a result of this rapid occupation of attention, people are convinced of their own emotional reactions, and also believe in the negative automatic thoughts behind the emotional reactions without refutation.

and ultimately negative thinking produces negative emotional reactions and even bad behaviors.

A study on depressed patients published in the journal "Perspectives in Psychiatric Care" in 2021 showed that compared with mindfulness, patients with depression have higher negative automatic thoughts.

In the same year, "Psychology, Health Medicine" also published an article with the same conclusion:

There is a positive correlation between depression levels and cognitive distortions, and psychological education based on cognitive behavioral therapy can reduce the use of negative automatic thoughts in patients with depression. , interpersonal cognitive distortions and dysfunctional attitudes have significant effects.

In studies on children and adolescents. A research report on Pakistani adolescents in

"Current Psychology" pointed out that adolescent depression and anxiety are related to negative automatic thoughts, and negative automatic thoughts are particularly effective in predicting adolescent depression.

In my country, a 2017 "Journal of Mental Health" published a study on the relationship between parenting styles, negative automatic thoughts and coping styles, and depression levels among junior high school students. The results of the study pointed out that negative automatic thoughts are related to Depression among junior high school students is closely related to depression.

Through the above research conclusions, it is not difficult for us to see how much negative automatic thinking affects people's emotions and behaviors.

So what factors may lead to the occurrence of negative automatic thoughts?

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Factors that generate negative automatic thinking

Psychologist Bronfenbrenner The ecological system theory proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner believes that people’s Growth and development are the result of the interaction between environmental systems and personal traits, with environmental systems influencing in a variety of ways.

He divided the environmental system into four types: microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and macrosystem. Among them, the innermost microsystem is the one that people have the most direct contact with and has the most far-reaching influence. It often affects people in a subtle way. People's behavior and values ​​have an impact.

microsystem includes family, school, peer group, etc.

Microsystems are at work starting in infancy and early childhood. During childhood, people accumulate life experiences in the microsystem and form beliefs about themselves, others and the world.

Among these beliefs, some of the most central and fundamental contents are deeply ingrained in the mind and are difficult to change.

For example, if a person firmly believes that "I am bad and not good enough", then once he is criticized, he will think, "My idea is indeed correct, I am really good." Oops, I can’t do anything well”;

Even if he is praised, he will think “They really lied to me”, and then start to constantly think about why the other party lied. For example, if I can achieve better results, then they will think that I am excellent and will not lie to me. Once the idea of ​​

is formed, in the future life, if the requirement of "achieving better results" is not realized, then bad emotional experiences will be activated, and a large number of "negative automatic thoughts" will be generated.

To control negative automatic thoughts, we need to challenge those deep-rooted beliefs.

CBT can effectively reduce negative automatic thoughts

CBT therapy is a psychological treatment method that changes individual behavior by changing individual cognitive thinking.

As one of the current mainstream psychological counseling technologies in the world, CBT treatment technology has significant effects on 40 types of disorders. It is recommended for priority application for the psychological distress of specific groups of children and the elderly. It can continue for a long time after the treatment is completed.

is a therapy that 80% of psychological counselors must master.

"What was in your mind just now?"

The prerequisite for regulating negative automatic thinking is to find it, which requires people to consciously monitor their own thinking.

First, take some time to sort out what happened and what feelings you had.

Sometimes, for some people, it is difficult to accurately describe emotional feelings, so you can ask, "In this situation, what is the first thought that comes to mind?"

Or you can make an association, "What does this scene remind you of? How do you feel when you think of it? How does your body feel?"

builds sensitivity to automatic thoughts through continuous practice. Of course, just finding it is not enough. It also requires an objective and rational judgment as to whether the idea is appropriate.

tries to find new possibilities and build a more suitable idea based on the original thinking.

Record these thoughts and continue to practice. Once a similar situation occurs or similar emotions occur, replace the old, self-defeating thoughts with new, self-enhancing thoughts until you can smoothly transform your thoughts. Consciousness is no longer even necessary.

Of course, there will also be some obstacles in this process, such as the constant repetition of old and new ideas, or the old ideas are deeply ingrained and there is no alternative solution, etc. At this time,

needs to be combined with other CBT technologies to work together. Through standardized and systematic plan design and professional consulting technology, we can completely solve the problem.

Currently, Dr. Meckenbaum, the founder of CBT, and Simple Psychology Uni jointly created and developed an CBT training program suitable for domestic counselor groups.

Through 2 years of systematic training, students will be proficient in the clinical use of CBT technology and greatly improve their professional practice capabilities.

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CBT founder personally taught, the first long-term systematic training program in China

Dr. Donald Meichenbaum is a legendary figure in the history of the development of contemporary psychology, as a cognitive behavioral One of the founders of psychotherapy, he was named "one of the ten most influential psychotherapists of the 20th century" by American Psychologist along with Freud and Carl Rogers.

Dr. Meckenbaum is committed to integrating CBT, and has pioneered cognitive behavioral modification (CBM), self-directed training technology, and stress inoculation training technology, making contributions to the development of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) technology. contributed.

At the same time, he uses cognitive behavioral therapy with a constructive narrative perspective, observing the clients telling their own stories, and considering the clients' ways of developing different, more positive stories. This is the most commonly used cognitive approach in . Behavioral therapy.

is Dr. Meckenbaum’s first long-term systematic training program in China. The theoretical learning and advanced case studies of for the first batch of students will be taught by Dr. Meckenbaum himself, ensuring that the most authoritative and orthodox CBT can be taught. Technology is imparted to the first batch of trainees.

Ready to learn and use, scientific staged systematic training model

At the same time, in order to ensure that students can use CBT technology in actual consultation and successfully grow into CBT consulting experts, we set the course as theoretical learning + internship practice + advanced case study Systematic staged training. Students who have completed the full two-year course system of

and passed the interview will have the opportunity to further apply to join the platform and successfully transform into consultants.

courses are well matched and tailor-made for novice counselors and mature counselors. The first academic year of

is a CBT theory and basic intervention training course. Through 154 hours of recorded and broadcast learning,

system will take you to understand the past and present of CBT, master the latest cutting-edge trends, learn specific application techniques, and solidify the theoretical foundation;

cooperates with live case studies to solidify clinical application and practice techniques.

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After completing the theoretical courses in the first year and passing the review and interview screening, you can start the clinical practice study in the second year.

According to feedback from past students, novice counselors are limited by their consulting experience and the number of visits, and cannot smoothly enter the clinical practice part. As a result, they have learned a lot of theoretical knowledge, but in the end they have nowhere to use it. The internship and supervision phase of the second year of the

project solves the case practice dilemma faced by novice counselors . Students can apply for internships on the Simple Psychology Low-price Consulting Platform and receive a 50-hour internship opportunity for one year. During the internship process, group supervision will be carried out regularly by domestic senior CBT consultants.

will have the opportunity to become a simple psychological case manager and accumulate paid cases through the assessment, allowing them to learn and work at the same time.

In the second-year advanced case study stage, Dr. Meckenbaum will personally analyze and guide the case you submitted, and teach you step by step how to make a case. 54-hour observation of founders analyzing cases and deepening the core of consultation.

Outstanding students who have completed the theoretical foundation stage in the first academic year and meet the requirements such as case duration can pass directly to this stage.

Enjoy rich peripheral supporting services

  • bilingual video theory courses, break through language barriers, watch them repeatedly anytime, anywhere, and consolidate theoretical knowledge

  • founder's live case study, Chinese real-time interpretation, masters face-to-face to solve difficult points in the learning process

  • pre-class handouts, lessons Post-material and rich literature discussion, build an online learning community, all-round 360-degree accompanying learning, escort the road to practice

completed and met the course learning requirements, issued a certificate signed by Dr. Meckenbaum, and obtained the CBT founding certificate Human and Simple Psychology are jointly certified, graduation platform + tutor double certification, enriches the professional endorsement of practice, and students who graduate from the two-year program can apply to join the Simple Psychology platform.

course discounts. The original price for the first academic year of

is 29,900 yuan. Sign up now and you can get a course discount. Early bird discounts are 2,000 yuan.

group registration for 6 people is discounted by 6,000 yuan, and the final price is only 23,900 yuan.

Registration conditions

project will start in in October 2022. We are looking for you:

. Bachelor degree or above

. Interested in CBT, willing to devote time and energy, and guarantee study time

Registration process

Step 1 : Click [read original text] to view the detailed schedule of the course, click [pre-registration] to complete the registration information and deposit payment.

Step 2: Teacher Jane will contact you via WeChat within two weeks to inform you of the application status and follow-up arrangements.

If you have any questions about the course content and registration process, you are welcome to add "Consultant Teacher Jian" on WeChat for further consultation and receive a 2,000 yuan discount~

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