Continue reading and excerpt while reading "Social Phobia". I excerpted the sentences and paragraphs that I think are more important as follows: 1. The task of psychotherapy is to help a person understand the meaning of symptoms and discover the innermost feelings through symptom

Continue reading, "Social Phobia" while reading and excerpting. I have excerpted the sentences and paragraphs that I think are more important as follows:

1. The task of psychotherapy is to help a person understand the meaning of symptoms and discover the depth of his heart through symptoms. conflicts and struggles.

2. A person suffers because he is greedy, a person is afraid because he is persistent, and a person escapes because he wants to maintain - he has been maintaining an idealized life and self. He expects to surpass others, gain recognition, and maintain value.

3. Regarding the atrocities of "should", hope comes from love, but should come from fear, hope comes from inner abundance, but should come from inner lack, hope brings happiness, but should make people anxious.

4. Examples of "should" atrocities:

a. I should not have any shortcomings

b. I cannot say or do wrong things

c. I should have a good relationship with everyone

d. I should maintain a perfect image

e. I I should be pure and flawless, without any stain

f. I cannot influence or hurt others

g. I cannot be bullied or hurt by others

h. I should be better than others

I. I should be perfect

j. I should be more "normal" than normal people.

The various shoulds listed above are often mixed with pathological requirements, and will be more or less coordinated or conflicting in each patient. Although the existence of "should" caused him pain, it also maintained his fantasy and gave him hope. Therefore, he would rather bear the shackles than resist, and in the end he could only become a prisoner of "should".