The Broken Window Effect When you walk on the street and see bags of garbage piled up in the corner, the strange thing is that there are no trash cans there at all, and it is not a specially planned garbage dumping place. Moreover, when passers-by pass by, they will also see the

Broken window effect

When you are walking on the street and see bags of garbage piled up in the corner, but the strange thing is that there are no trash cans there at all, nor is it a specially planned garbage dump, and when passers-by pass by, He also threw the hand-cranked cup he had just finished drinking next to the garbage. This unfulfilled littering behavior is affected by the broken windows effect.

Broken windows thoery: The truth behind the first broken window

Broken windows thoery is a theory proposed by criminologists James Wilson and George Kelling. It means that if a building has a A broken window has been ignored for a long time, and then more and more windows will be damaged, and thieves and criminals will even begin to appear.

They believe that "the first broken window" is equivalent to "demonstrative connivance", which indirectly gives people an atmosphere of disorder and arbitrariness.

This is why in life, the dirtier the place, the easier it is for people to litter; the less clean the toilets, the easier it is for toilet paper to be scattered on the ground.

Broken window effect and life: What kind of habits you have, what kind of life you will have.

Due to the inertia in human nature, it takes more effort to develop a good habit than to form a bad habit; good habits need to be accumulated bit by bit over a long period of time, while destroying a good habit that has been hard to develop can often be completed in an instant. To borrow the words from the couplet of Ji Xiaolan , bad habits are "like the grass in autumn that cannot be wiped out", and good habits are "like the accumulation of ice in spring."

Once an individual relaxes the control of bad habits, it will be like the situation described by the "broken window effect". More and more bad habits will grow in the body, forming a vicious circle, and vice versa.