Surveys by sociologists have confirmed that depression has gradually developed into a major factor that seriously affects people's ability to live a happy life and obtain good jobs in the 21st century. Depression has not attracted enough attention from people, and even when depre

A survey by sociologists has confirmed that depression has gradually developed into a major factor that seriously affects people's ability to live a happy life and obtain good jobs in the 21st century. Depression has not attracted enough attention from people, and even when depression comes to you quietly, you still don't know it.

Once you suffer from depression, diagnosis and treatment is a very complex social project, and preventing depression becomes a top priority. If you are prone to depression, you can use the depression test below to find out.

1. Sad: Do you feel sad or sad all the time?

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost constantly

2. Discouraged: Do you feel that your prospects are bleak?

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost continuously

3. Lack of self-esteem: Do you feel worthless or consider yourself a loser?

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost constantly

4. Inferiority: Do you feel inadequate or feel inferior to others?

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost constantly

5. Guilt: You Do you blame yourself for everything?

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost constantly

6. Hesitation: Do you hesitate when making decisions?

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost Uninterrupted

7. Restless: Have you been in a state of anger and dissatisfaction during this time?

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost constantly

8. Lost interest in life : You have lost interest in career, family, and hobbies Have friends or friends lost interest?

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost constantly

9. Loss of motivation: Do you feel down and out and have no motivation to do things?

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost Nonstop

10. Poor self-image: Do you think you have aged or lost your charm

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost constantly

11. Appetite changes: Do you feel a loss of appetite or can't help but overeat

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost constantly

12. Sleep changes: Do you suffer from insomnia or feel weak and drowsy all day?

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost Nonstop

13. Loss of sexual desire: Have you lost interest in sex?

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost constantly

14. Hypochondria: Have you often worried about your health?

A.No B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost continuously

15. Suicidal impulse: Do you think that life is worthless or life is worse than death?

A. None B. Occasionally C. Often D. Almost continuously

During the test you can Record the scores yourself

No ~ 0 points; Occasionally ~ 1 point; Often ~ 2 points; Almost constantly ~ 3 points

Your test results

0 ~ 10 points

You are mentally healthy and not depressed.

10-20 points

You have a slight tendency to depression . You need to pay attention to your own psychological adjustment and maintain an optimistic and positive life.

20~30 points

You may be suffering from depression, and it is recommended to undergo a professional psychological evaluation.

30-45 points

Your mental depression situation is quite serious. It is recommended to seek treatment from a psychologist to get out of the negative emotions as soon as possible.

This test is for reference only and does not serve as a basis for diagnosis