On the construction site, colorful glows are sent out every morning and evening, and the arrangements, organization and coordination, feedback processing, acceptance and implementation, learning and promotion are carried out over and over again. Over time, the depression caused b

On the construction site, colorful rays of light are sent out every morning and evening, and the overall arrangement, organization and coordination, feedback processing, acceptance and implementation, learning and publicity are carried out over and over again... Over time, the sense of depression caused by pressure accumulates day by day, and this will lead to Depressed?

Depression! No, it seems that because of your physical and mental health and your strong mind, the devil of depression will be daunted by your sense of responsibility in society, career, and family, and there will be no place for it to breed and ferment!

First of all, let’s understand depression. Depression is a form of manic mood. Self-destructive emotions under specific circumstances can cause psychological, physiological, interpersonal, social, social and other problems. Individually, typical symptoms include low mood, slow thinking, reduced speech and movement, sluggishness, insomnia, memory loss, taciturnity, fatigue, panic and anxiety, and hyperactivity and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Its occurrence will lead to low personal work efficiency, reduced communication and processing abilities, loss of confidence and motivation in work, lack of active ability to communicate, avoidance and fatigue in the face of work difficulties, lack of courage to face it, and even fear and anxiety. He was helpless about what happened. I privately believe that this is actually a showdown with my own emotions before mild depression, wandering between depression and emotions. So in a real work environment, how should we regulate, alleviate or even eliminate negative emotions at work?

First of all, you must understand yourself. When you have negative emotions about work, tell yourself not to be anxious. It is normal to have negative emotions at work. This happens to most people. If you deliberately force yourself, it is better to deal with it first. Take a break from your work, calm down, and let your mind empty out.

Secondly, after you put down your work, think back quietly and sort out the recent events. You can use a written diary to record your work content during this period, readjust and plan your work direction, and Are the difficulties you encounter on the way to achieving your work goals caused by interpersonal relationships or your own skills? If what makes you irritated is your own work skills, you can reset small goals for yourself, goals that can be easily achieved at best, and then present goals that increase step by step, and slowly allow yourself to adapt to the current situation. work and meet the skill requirements of the job. In fact, if your work is not going well due to your own skills and you have negative emotions, it is easy to overcome this situation. What you are most afraid of is not not doing your job well, but the disharmony in interpersonal relationships. You need to find this kind of incompatibility. Reasons for harmony, such as not getting along with someone, and always having conflicting opinions when working together, then you have to tell yourself that you will meet such people wherever you are. Only by learning this kind of game can you become a winner in interpersonal relationships. .

Some people feel that they have no room for advancement at work. They are confused every day, wasting time, and cannot get emotional about anything. This kind of negative emotion is actually the most dangerous. You may think that you can continue like this for a long time, but the leader In their eyes, they may be thinking of ways to replace you, because companies will not support such idle people, so friends who are still in this situation must pick themselves up and work hard to do the job in front of them.

If you are really unable to work hard at a job, can't pick yourself up again, and think about quitting your job every day, then don't force yourself in this situation, then don't do nothing every day, and be sure to do it before resigning. You must sort out your capital, capital, capital, and pursue the capital for your next ideal job.

If this kind of negative emotion is not adjusted in time, it will make people bored at work, and it is also not conducive to their own development, so it is important to learn how to alleviate it.

Therefore, communicate more when you encounter difficulties. Go and learn from experienced people. As long as you communicate with them more, you will naturally get a lot of answers.

You need to improve your personality, read more books on emotional management, share more personal work experiences, and communicate more with colleagues. You will gain a lot of popularity unknowingly based on your work experience. When you are emotional, you must maintain a calm and analytical attitude.