As information becomes more and more developed, the pace of life becomes faster and faster, and the economy becomes more affluent, parents have higher and higher expectations for their children. However, because many children now live a monotonous life and have few opportunities

As information becomes more and more developed, the pace of life becomes faster and faster, and the economy becomes richer, parents have higher and higher expectations for their children. However, because many children now live a monotonous life and have few opportunities to interact with classmates, some students are not good at communication and expression, and lack the knowledge and experience of interpersonal communication in school. If students themselves lack the ability to withstand stress and frustration and are not good at self-regulation, they will be very prone to maladaptation to school life, anxiety and fear in interpersonal interactions, and even to the point of dropping out of school. Moreover, the age of dropout students is also getting younger. .

The following is my intervention process for a case of a student with campus phobia using metacognitive principles and methods.

1. Basic information of the visitor

Yang Yang, 11 years old, is a fifth-grade girl studying in a private school. After the fifth grade school started (September 2020), Yangyang asked her mother to take her to and from school every day and not stay in the school. Her mother rejected her because of her irregular working hours. So she often asked her teacher to call her mother at night, saying she had a stomachache and asking her mother to take her home. After this happened several times, the mother thought that the child just wanted to go home, and deliberately said it was a stomachache, so she refused to pick him up and asked the child to adapt to school. Then, the mother discovered that the child was depressed, had poor appetite, and had symptoms such as dizziness and low fever. This symptom lasted for a week and did not improve after taking medication. A series of examinations were carried out at the hospital and no abnormalities were found.

Because my mother is a doctor, she considered that the child might have a physical problem or an emotional disorder, so she adjusted Yang Yang with drugs that soothed the liver and cleared fire, and the child's symptoms began to ease. But as long as the mother allows the child to stay overnight, the child will definitely not go to school the next day. One time, the mother forced her child to go to school, but the child jumped out of the car midway. The mother therefore thought that the child was deliberately causing trouble and beat her several times. The child went to school intermittently.

By late October, the children stopped going to school at all. After dropping out of school, the child was in very bad condition. He was depressed, looked bad, had a poor diet, did not smile, and did not like to talk. Only then did the mother realize the seriousness of the problem. The mother began to communicate with the child and no longer forced her to go to school. She took the child out to play. The child's mood changed, but as long as school was mentioned, the child stopped talking and cried.

html In November, my mother began to seek psychological counseling. The consultant said that it is a problem of family education and . The family environment and parents need to be changed. The consultant said that there was nothing wrong with the child, but the problem was with the parents. There was no need to consult the children, but the parents. After several consultations, my mother felt that this method was not very good. The mother believes that there are indeed certain problems in family education, but the child's condition is very bad. How can the child not have problems? The mother stopped the consultation because of this, and the child showed no change. He still cried whenever he talked about going to school and refused to go to school at all. The mother adjusted her mentality and no longer forced her children to go to school. She tried to communicate with her children and learned that her children had many worries, such as being afraid that their classmates would make fun of them, and that the teachers would criticize them.

Later, the child went to school several times, but he only lasted for two or three days at most, and then strongly refused to continue going to school. In order to get her children back to school, her mother made a lot of efforts and took her children around the school every day. The child wants to go to school from the bottom of his heart, but he just can't overcome his inner fear. Because I couldn't go to school, I felt that I had embarrassed my mother and caused a lot of pressure and burden on my mother, and I fell into deep self-blame.

After being introduced by someone, Yangyang’s mother found me. On April 11, 2021, we started our first consultation.

2. Analysis and diagnosis

The reason why metacognitive technology is efficient is that it uses efficient psychological knowledge and skills to analyze the client's psychological structure and provide substantial intervention to the client. Through communication, I believe that there are the following problems in the child's psychological structure:

(1) Conditioned Emotional Reflection

Conditioned Emotional Reflection (SER) is a subconscious behavior that you are not aware of or cannot control even if you are aware of it. Behavior.It is built and learned. Emotions are a core factor in psychological disorders. This conditioned reflex is characterized as S-E-R, where S represents the problem situation or stimulating event, E represents the automatically realized conditioned emotion, and R represents the thinking and explicit behavior driven by the conditioned emotion. Through their own cognition, experience and concepts, people evaluate and think about the R formed by the conditioned emotional reflection, and generate a new evaluative emotion E'. This emotion strengthens the original conditioned emotional response, thus A reinforcing cycle is created. When emotions are negative, the thoughts generated by the emotions are also negative, resulting in various psychological problems and disorders.

The problem of yangyang is essentially a conditioned emotional response, as follows:

. When encountering a question that you don’t know (S1), you will be nervous and scared (E1) and dare not ask the teacher or classmates (R1);

. Follow When with classmates (S2), I feel nervous and anxious (E2). I feel that my classmates are laughing at me, so I am unwilling to speak and avoid (R2); , alienate yourself (R3);

4. Feel nervous and fearful (E4) when entering school (S4), and have thoughts and behaviors of escaping from school (R4);

5. Feel nervous and anxious (E5) when riding the bus (S5), and always feel suffocated Urinating and constantly going to the toilet (R5);

6. Someone in the family has been scratched while riding a bicycle, so whenever my mother has to pass that road when going out (S6), I feel nervous, anxious and afraid (E6), and I am extremely worried that my mother will pass that road while riding a bicycle. Accidents sometimes happen, so you ask to follow your mother (R6);

7. Sleep problems, when sleeping (S7), nervous and fearful (E7), difficulty falling asleep , light sleep after falling asleep (R7).

8. When going to bed at night (S8), I feel nervous and scared (E8), and do not want to stay in school (R8).

(2) Cognitive problems

Children have incorrect cognitions in their minds, such as feeling that they are not smart enough; that their family conditions are not as good as others; that others do not like me and make fun of me; and that it is a shame to not go to school well, which is very embarrassing. Shame; fear of accidents and danger to mother. These perceptions are one of the causes of fear in schools.

(3) Personality issues

Children should be strong, timid, have low self-esteem, high sensitivity, high anxiety, easily retreat when encountering difficulties, dare not face them, cannot communicate and express themselves, keep things in mind, and have a low self-identity. When we first met, I said you are a very beautiful girl with big eyes, tall and thin figure, good temperament and strong expressive ability. After returning home, she asked her mother: "Mom, am I really that good? What is the teacher?" Isn’t it just for me to accept her and want to consult with me?”

3. Technical intervention route

In order to eliminate clinical symptoms and restore social functions as soon as possible, I divided the child’s treatment process into four steps, including :

1, cognitive adjustment

Yangyang’s campus phobia is caused by one-way thinking driven by negative emotions and the lack of procedural knowledge to correctly deal with campus interpersonal relationships. This phenomenon is called conditioned emotional reflex. Yangyang has negative emotions of anxiety, resistance, and fear due to poor interpersonal relationships. This negative emotion causes classmates and teachers to dislike and look down on themselves, leading to one-way thinking, which leads to fear of going to school and inability to concentrate on learning. Therefore, Negative cognitive evaluations of self-blame and guilt, which in turn lead to negative emotions. This negative emotion and the conditioned negative emotion-enhancing cycle cause Yangyang to produce symptoms of high sensitivity and high anxiety, with anxiety reaching a certain level. degree, resulting in physical symptoms, resulting in school phobia, fear of going to school and eventual dropout.

Yangyang's conditioned emotional reflex is a subconscious behavior that you are not aware of, or you cannot control it if you are aware of it. This reflex is learned, easy to establish and easy to eliminate.

When I clearly expressed this principle to my mother and Yangyang, and told them that it can be eliminated using metacognitive methods, mother and daughter became obviously much more relaxed.

I told them that the core of conditioned emotional reflexes is emotion. Through muscle tightening and relaxation exercises, Yangyang can help Yangyang establish new positive emotions and appropriate procedural knowledge, and achieve dominant excitement through training of a certain intensity, thereby replacing the original negative ones. Conditioned emotional reflexes to eliminate symptoms.

This process is through the emotional organizer and relaxation training to make Yangyang's mood calm, relaxed and slightly happy, and even maintain a look forward to going to school and interacting with others. The relaxation training creates a state of high concentration and efficient learning. It is achieved by learning the thoughts, emotions and behaviors that should be used in interpersonal communication. Muscle tightening and relaxation exercises are an efficient cue learning technique. The learning effect under cue is 5 to 50 times that of usual. This efficient learning state is used to realize the new conditioned emotion reflex to the old conditioned emotion. Reflection displacement.

2, processing of conditioned emotional reflexes

In order to let the children achieve the goal of returning to school first, I decided to start with interpersonal relationships through analysis, so the order of adjustment of the entire SER points was interpersonal relationships with classmates and teachers, and difficulties in entering school. question. After the first training, the effect is very obvious. It turns out that when the child is riding in the car, he will repeatedly ask to go to the toilet until the car takes off. After the consultation, the child only went to the toilet once after getting on the bus. When she asked to go again, the mother suggested that the child adjust himself by taking a deep breath. It took the child more than ten seconds to adjust himself. The mother thought the child was faking it at the time, but the child himself said that he had indeed adjusted himself and no longer needed to go to the toilet. Mom and baby are so happy and have more trust in me and the technology.

achieved relatively good results during the training process, but she also discovered a problem: whenever Yangyang had mood swings, she could never take the initiative to intervene. On the one hand, I continued to make cognitive adjustments, and at the same time, I increased the intensity of training, trying to achieve the new conditioned emotional reflex advantage and excitement. At the same time, I added training on overcoming willfulness and changing the relationship with my mother. The final effect was very ideal.

3, personality optimization

After all the SER points were processed, I optimized Yangyang’s personality and shaped Yangyang into an image with ideals, goals, mind, structure, tolerance, and metacognitive wisdom. Love teachers, love learning, love relatives, and have a sense of responsibility.

4, relapse prevention training

I further sort out the principles of metacognition, diagnosis and training methods based on the training process of children. Based on the SER point of worrying about the safety of the mother, we conduct analysis and diagnosis from the perspective of psychological structure, guide the children to clarify their own cognition, and design procedural knowledge with the children to ensure that the children and parents fully master the metacognitive method, so that The theories and methods of metacognition become children's beliefs and skills, allowing children to be able to analyze, diagnose, treat, and regulate, and to have metacognitive wisdom.

4. Effects and reflections

. After communicating the principles of metacognition to the children and parents, the child was only nervous for a moment after getting on the bus. The mother intervened with deep breathing as reminded, and the child quickly eliminated the tension. Not going to the bathroom consistently before driving. Through this process, I saw that in the early stage of consultation, SER points that are easy to produce results should be dealt with first. This will give parents and children great confidence, increase trust in the consultant, and help improve the effectiveness of consultation.

. Through communication, I learned that Yangyang’s dream is to be a fashion designer. In order to enhance Yangyang's emotional experience of excitement and joy, in the design of the emotional organizer, Yangyang is designed to be an internationally renowned fashion designer, leading his team and clothing to Paris to participate in the International Fashion Week. I designed a total of four links, namely clothing conference, clothing display site, return with honor and return to hometown with honor. Whenever I read these contents, Yangyang's facial expression begins to change. She said she liked the designs very much and would continue to use them in all future trainings.

Through this process, I saw that a successful emotional organizer design is very necessary and plays a key role in the success of the case.

. Throughout the consultation process, my aim is to use the method of eliminating symptoms to make metacognitive theories and methods become beliefs and skills in the children's minds, which are constantly emphasized and strengthened. When encountering a problem, let the children analyze it themselves based on the theory of metacognition and come up with solutions, and then we can discuss the matter together. Once something happens, I will say, great, the opportunity for growth and breakthrough has arrived again, and help the children face difficulties and challenges with an optimistic attitude.

Through this kind of reinforcement again and again, on May 19, my child told me that I am very much looking forward to tomorrow (we have discussed that we will eat at school at noon and will not go home to eat). I am eager to try. The opportunity for my growth and breakthrough has arrived. , I have to stay in school throughout the day through self-adjustment and intervention. After hearing this, the mother and I felt very happy. Later, the child said that he adjusted his sleep through deep breathing, which improved his sleep. I feel that the theory and methods of metacognition are gradually taking root in the child's mind.

4. Yangyang’s self-identity is very low, which also represents the current situation of many children today. Children cannot see their own advantages, only see their own problems, do not like themselves, feel useless, confused, their body's energy is tightly bound, and do not believe in themselves or their abilities. Many psychological problems have a lot to do with this low level of identification. Under negative thinking, children develop one-way thinking and blindly feel that they are not good.

Therefore, I attach great importance to cultivating children's positive thinking patterns under positive emotions, and continue to strengthen them during the consultation process. I ask children and parents to give their children a positive evaluation every day, and I also ask parents to establish a positive evaluation thinking mode in the family. I think the effect of this is very good. After this process, I also trust the technical effect of metacognitive positive suggestions more. Parents and teachers have reported that their children have undergone earth-shaking changes. My mother is very grateful to me, and I also feel very happy.

5. The role of negative transfer in the consultation process. This case was taken when I was studying metacognition for three months. It was the first case I handled using metacognition techniques. Without my realizing it, I also used other techniques as assistance. During the May Day period, I went to Beijing to participate in Professor Jin’s training and only discovered this problem. Later I reflected. The reason why I do this is that I am not very confident yet, I am not confident in my metacognitive skill level, and I am not confident in whether metacognition is so effective. After returning from Beijing, I gave up other techniques and used metacognition exclusively, and achieved very good results. I saw the widespread popularity and high efficiency of Yuantai, which made me more confident in developing along this technical route.

6. During the training, I designed many self-test and challenge links for the children to verify the effectiveness of the training. For example, let the children entertain patients in the clinic run by their mother, sell their old toys, take the initiative to visit classmates' homes, or invite classmates to their own homes. This summer, I suggested that the mother hold a personal art exhibition for her child in the clinic. I also asked her to wholesale some book covers, pens and other school supplies for her child, and let the child set up a stall in the village to sell them. Children continue to accept challenges one after another, and their self-confidence and abilities are increasing day by day.

7. The reason why this consultation has achieved relatively good results has a lot to do with the mother's support. My mother is a doctor with relatively high personal qualities and a certain degree of family education ability and literacy. When faced with children's problems, she can constantly adjust her mentality and accompany and support her children with an accepting and tolerant attitude. The child himself is proactive, responsible, and has a strong willingness to change. He has been very cooperative throughout the process.

8. The entire consultation process was conducted a total of 46 times, which lasted about 46 hours. It officially started on April 11 and officially resumed school on May 5.Among them, the conditioned emotional reflex in the interpersonal sensitive state of interacting with classmates and teachers basically disappeared after 7 trainings; the training of returning to school and studying stably in school was done twice before returning to school. In order to consolidate the effect, this training This was done six times in total.

As the consultation progresses, the child's self-confidence and ability further improve, and the original SER points recover automatically without treatment. For example, the problem of constantly going to the toilet while riding the bus, sleeping problems, getting nervous when encountering difficult problems, and safety issues for the mother, etc. The child's personality has become cheerful, confident, lively, and generous. Both parents and teachers feel that the child has become a different person. For this reason, the child's English teacher specially expressed his gratitude to me on WeChat.

In the final exam, the child's Chinese score was 97 points, the highest score in the whole grade. The total score of Chinese, mathematics and English was fifth in the class. Parents are very satisfied and happy with such results. (Zhang Xiaomei)