Link: Testianxia Psychological Network - provides psychological counseling services and shares mental health knowledge (free psychological testing, psychological help) User A replied: The simplest reason for feeling disgusted with yourself is that you don't love yourself. And tha


User B reply:

Because you focus on your negative aspects. Learn to set your mind on what you want and understand the value that no one can tell you. Your value comes from within. Get out of your mind. Everything you did yesterday no longer exists in this dimension and you are free.

User C replied:

Your self-esteem must be very weak. And I totally get it because I feel the same way. But you shouldn't feel disgusted with yourself. You are a living person, a loved person, and you deserve to be happy. Find the strong qualities you possess and go from there. I promise you, you have value and you need to learn to love yourself.

User D replied:

It is normal to feel disgusted with yourself. Whether it's good or bad. Everyone has insecurities about their body. But we should not let this feeling overtake us as it can be fatal and can lead to us wanting to be so thin and perfect that we end up starving ourselves and end up with eating disorders such as Anorexia, bulimia, etc.
I know you may feel unsafe right now, but please don't do anything harmful to yourself so as not to affect yourself and those around you.

User E replied:

Maybe it’s because you didn’t meet your standards? I say this because I want to experience it. You should think about what kind of person you want to be and work hard for it.

User F replied:

I did the same thing! And this is all caused by myself. I used to be really slim and in great shape. Then two things happened simultaneously. I had a nervous breakdown and was going through menopause at the same time. I was utterly miserable. So I started satisfying my feelings. I ate and ate and ate and ate. So far, I have gained 30kg. But last week I finally got it under control. I eat porridge every morning and proper cooked food in the evening. I haven't eaten or drank anything sugary in 7 days. I have lost 7 pounds. But I've done this before.
feels different this time. I'm happier with myself so I don't need to feed my depression . I estimate it will take 6 months to lose 30kg. If I succeed, I'll be over the moon.
I'm sorry to see you are disgusted too. The only cure for your self-loathing is to take care of yourself. If you are overweight, lose it. If you're not overweight, then you really have nothing to hate about yourself! You can change yourself through makeup and clothes. With makeup and clothes anyone can look good.
Try to treat yourself like your best friend. Stop the negative self-talk. With this in mind, we always focus on the worst parts of ourselves. We are always aware of our flaws. But I guarantee you, no one noticed!

User G replied:

Current behaviors and attitudes may stem from past behaviors: your own, or those of others. Have you witnessed or committed any type of crime, or had such a crime committed against you? Are you holding on to secrets against your will that you want to let go?
Friends and even our closest family members can make us feel bad because of behavior they disagree with. Are their hostility justified? Or are you failing to live up to unrealistically high expectations placed on you?
If these feelings of disgust come from legitimate but disrespected choices you have made, such as sexual orientation and personal beliefs, then why would you let other people's opinions change your state of mind?
But if these feelings come from actions you know are wrong but you can't stop yourself, or if the actions are legal but lead you to thoughts of suicide, the best thing you can do for yourself and others is Seek a professional psychologist.

User H replied:

Know that no matter who you are or what you believe in, you are worthy of loving and being loved. Yes, you may be flawed, but we all are, and despite your differences and failures, you are no less valuable to life than anyone else. You are valuable, unique and needed. Although you may be struggling with self-esteem issues right now, you can overcome these feelings through daily practice of building your self-image, positive thinking, meditation, and therapy.
You are probably feeling disgusted with yourself right now. But with help and practice, this feeling will eventually go away, and you can live the happy, confident life you deserve