There is such a special group of children. They have clear eyes but turn a blind eye to others, have sensitive hearing but turn a deaf ear to their parents' calls, and have normal vocalizations but do not communicate with others. They are autistic children, they are "children of

There is such a special group of children. They have bright eyes but turn a blind eye to others, sensitive hearing but turn a deaf ear to their parents’ calls, and they have normal vocalizations but do not communicate with others. They are autistic children , they are "children of the stars", as pure and flawless as the stars, but also as cold and lonely as the stars, shining alone in another world...

Everyone is interested in self Are you familiar with ? Who can accurately and scientifically know the origin and solution of autism? Today I will talk to you about the topic of autism.

1. Manifestations of autism

1. Unable to establish normal connections with people.

Children with autism do not like to be close to others since they are babies, and they feel alienated even from their parents. Children rarely make eye contact with others for extended periods of time. In other words, he does not respond to the teasing calls of others and does not smile.

2. Children are indifferent to their surroundings, listening but not hearing, and turning a blind eye.

They don’t like noisy environments. If there are many people, they will show extreme insecurity! In severe cases, they will react in extreme ways when others approach them, such as crying or screaming.

3. The child’s language barrier is very prominent.

Most children with autism have very little language, and in severe cases, they may even be silent for life. They often use extreme behaviors such as screaming, shouting, and rage to express their thoughts. Moreover, many children cannot ask and answer questions, and often have pronoun reversals. For example, "you" and "he" are often used to replace himself.

4. Behavior is stereotyped and repetitive. Such children will have a soft spot for a certain thing or a certain behavior. Such as being obsessed with rotating pot lids, placing building blocks monotonously, watching TV commercials and weather forecasts, and jumping repeatedly. Others will repeatedly pick their noses, pick their mouths, and bite their lips.

2. Causes of autism

1. Viral infections during pregnancy

Women may be infected by viruses such as German measles or influenza during pregnancy, which may damage the fetal brain development and lead to autism.

2. Baby's brain injury

includes brain underdevelopment caused by factors such as distress abortion during pregnancy, premature birth, dystocia, neonatal brain damage during delivery, and brain damage caused by the baby's infection encephalitis , meningitis and other diseases. Injury and other factors may increase the chance of autism.

3. Genetic factors

Twin research shows that the comorbidity rate of autism in monozygotic twins is as high as 61% to 90%, while there is no obvious comorbidity in fraternal twins. The recurrence rate among siblings is estimated to be around 4.5%. These phenomena suggest a genetic predisposition to autism.

3. Autism intervention

Let me share below, how to improve autism?

Communication intention → Making requests, expressing actions (can start with imitation), establishing motivation

Organizing language → Learning vocabulary and practicing sentence patterns

Pronunciation planning → Understanding pronunciation and practicing pronunciation

Pronunciation execution → Oral muscle exercises and oral function coordination exercises

Language transmission → Multi-sensory parallelism such as voice, movement, pictures, audio and video, etc., adding stimulation types

Receiving information → Practice listening to instructions, trying to listen to stories, multi-sensory coordination training

Recognizing information → Pairing, identification, naming, classification

Interpretation Semantics → Vocabulary generalization, sentence expansion, picture description

Understanding semantics → Natural scene teaching, story teaching

4. Answering parents’ doubts

Many parents have a doubt recently, and now I will answer it for you:

  1. I have autism. Should your baby enter the society or stay at home?

Every autistic child has a day when he grows up, and every autistic child also has a day when he needs to go out of school and enter the society.

But so far, the vast majority of autistic patients are "captive at home" and have no chance to enter the society. There is currently no cure for autism, so in reality, patients of both high and low abilities require varying degrees of support. So we still hope that Xingxing’s children can enter society as soon as possible.

That’s it for today. If you have any questions about autism, feel free to send me a private message and I will reply to you.