Link: Testianxia Psychological Network - Provides psychological counseling services and shares mental health knowledge (free psychological testing, psychological help) User A replied: Absolutely. It is a skill and behavior that can be learned and developed with a little effort. S


Emotional intelligence has four main components.

Self-management allows you to control impulsive feelings and behaviors, manage your emotions in healthy ways, take initiative, fulfill commitments, and adapt to changing circumstances.

Self-awareness, you recognize your emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behaviors. You know your strengths and weaknesses and have self-confidence.

Social awareness, you have empathy. You understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of others, pick up on emotional cues, feel comfortable socially, and recognize power dynamics in a group or organization.

Relationship Management You know how to develop and maintain good relationships, communicate clearly, motivate and influence others, work well in teams, and manage conflict.

User B replied:

Yes. There may be personality, genetic factors involved, but overall this skill is highly modifiable if one is motivated.

User C replied:

Yes, of course. We all need to become more emotionally intelligent.

A good tip is to be a good observer. Pay more attention and you'll be surprised how much you can learn by investing more attention in this area.

Somehow, if you really pay a lot of attention, we connect with others much more deeply than we think.

User D replied:

I will answer this question, emotional intelligence is learned. Sad, disappointed, hurt. We are often told as children not to get angry, but this doesn't tell us how to achieve this in reality.

Learning to identify the specific emotion you are feeling, or recognizing it as it develops, is healthy for a basic level of communication starting in childhood.

My daughter just turned 18 and is an emotionally healthy young adult. I always used the same approach to her meltdowns and occasional tantrums. As an adult who has gained the ability to control my emotions through years of practice, I follow the same process every time.

First of all, I didn't use a bigger temper to deal with her. I was on her equal footing and spoke quickly without any condescending comments or tone. 18 years later, she has grown into an emotionally healthy person and I know she is able to quickly identify her needs and not lose her mind trying to get a specific need met.