Case: 15-year-old Xiaolin (girl) walked into the psychiatric department under the guidance of her parents. After entering the door, the doctor noticed that Xiaolin had been clutching the corner of her clothes tightly. She burst into tears when she spoke and even cried. He was out


15-year-old Xiaolin (girl) walked into the psychiatric department under the leadership of her parents. After entering the door, the doctor noticed that Xiaolin had been clutching the corner of her clothes tightly, and she burst into tears when she spoke. I couldn't breathe, and there was almost no eye contact. I spoke very little and only used a few simple words to answer questions, and my voice was very low.

According to the description of the child's mother, Xiaolin has always been taken care of by her grandparents at home. She and the child's father have been working out of town, and they can only communicate by voice and video. However, the teacher recently contacted that his child's mental state is not good and is not suitable for studying at school. He suggested that parents take their children to see a doctor in time.

After further communication with the child's parents, we learned that Xiaolin not only has obvious symptoms of depression, but also has a severe eating disorder . Sometimes she only eats one piece of bread a day.

From the behavior, I could feel that the relationship between the child and his parents was not very close, and he was also very reserved and scared. Therefore, after seeking Xiaolin's opinion, the doctor gradually gained the child's trust and talked with Xiaolin alone for a long time.

It turns out that Xiaolin has a very low self-esteem. Because her grandparents have always wanted grandchildren, their words towards Xiaolin are full of disgust. Every time the school has to pay fees or she wants to study other interest classes, her grandfather Grandma's answer is always, "What's the use of girls studying so much? When they grow up, they have to marry someone else, don't spend so much money in vain!"

The reason why she has a bad relationship with her parents is because they can't see each other for a year. Two or three times, and even if they call her, they only talk for a few minutes. And every time she calls, her parents will always blame Xiaolin for being disobedient and making her grandparents angry. And her mother would always say that Xiaolin was fat, like a calf, and it would be difficult to find a partner if she was so fat now.

So Xiaolin hated this family from the bottom of her heart, hated why she was born in such a family, hated why she couldn't have a good-looking appearance and body, she felt that if she could become thinner and better-looking one day, her parents would He will like himself more, and his grandparents will lessen their complaints about not being a boy.

So she began to go to extremes, eating less, and sometimes ran to the toilet to vomit after eating a lot in front of her grandparents.

It can be seen from the above cases that depression and abnormal eating may be related to psychological trauma, and clinical analysis shows that more than 60% of patients with depression and eating disorders have encountered traumatic events.

Therefore, based on this characteristic, when treating this type of patients, it is difficult for simple drug treatment to achieve the expected results. Assisted psychotherapy may be a more appropriate treatment plan to help patients overcome trauma and achieve more ideal results. treatment effect.

Depressive disorder

Depressive disorder is what we often call depression. It is a type of mental illness characterized by low mood and low mood. Relevant surveys show that its lifetime prevalence rate is about 3.1%, and it is often combined with Issues such as anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and eating disorders.

The causes of depression: genetic gene , infection during pregnancy, brain structural abnormalities, immune factors, personality, acquired environment, growth experience and other factors are the result of a combination of factors.

The main symptoms of depression: Persistent low mood, reduced self-worth, diminished or lost interest, apathy, thinking, language and behavioral disorders, sleep disorders , as well as physical symptoms such as dizziness, headache, chest and back discomfort, difficulty breathing, etc. .

Eating disorders

Eating disorders mainly refer to diseases characterized by abnormal eating behavior and excessive concern about food and body shape.

Eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.

The main causes of eating disorders: genetic genes, neurobiological factors, individual psychological factors, growth experience, social environment and other factors.

Anorexia Nervosa: is mainly manifested by patients deliberately restricting their diet, overusing, and abusing weight loss drugs using vomiting to induce vomiting to reduce the body's energy intake, thereby reducing weight. Even though the body is obviously very thin, they still feel I am fat and want to lose weight.

Bulimia Nervosa: mainly manifests as uncontrollable impulsive overeating. The amount of food eaten will be significantly larger than normal people and the eating speed will be very fast. Then, vomiting, excessive exercise and drugs will be used to avoid weight gain. Clinically, 30%-80% of bulimia patients have suffered from anorexia.

Depression combined with eating disorders is more common among teenagers and young women, and is often closely related to traumatic events such as appearance and body shape.

On the one hand, when this problem occurs, you should actively seek medical treatment and receive treatment, and drug-assisted psychotherapy should be used in most cases. It is difficult to achieve the effect of drug treatment alone. In some cases, interventional drug treatment may not be required, and psychotherapy alone can achieve the effect. effect, but it still needs to be combined with the patient’s situation.

On the other hand, we should also strengthen social psychological construction and not be so malicious towards others. We should especially pay attention to reducing judgments on others. Everyone should be unique and allow different beauties to exist. Individuals must also work hard to improve their psychological endurance, accept themselves from the heart and love themselves, so that we can protect ourselves no matter how bad the external environment is!

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