Source: [People's Daily Health Client] On June 29, People's Daily Health Client, Health Times, Good Mood Psychological Medical and Mental Health Digital Service Platform, Lundbeck China, and Depression Research Institute jointly released the "2022 National Depression Report" Blue

Source: [People's Daily Health Client]

On June 29, People's Daily Health Client, Health Times, Good Mood Psychological Medical and Mental Health Digital Service Platform, Lundbeck China, and Depression Research Institute jointly released the "2022 National Depression Disease Blue Book. The

Blue Book collects and analyzes a large amount of data through user surveys, literature research, expert evaluation and analysis, etc., focusing on five major aspects: the current situation of national depression, the current situation of depression patients, current status of patients, patients' current medical treatment, patients' current medication use, prevention and intervention, and calls on the public to Pay attention to mental health and explore emerging diagnosis and treatment models.

5% of patients with depression are school students, and 41% have dropped out of school due to depression.

User survey results show that 62.36% of people often feel depressed. Emotional stress and parent-child relationship are the main social environmental factors that cause depression, followed by intimate relationships and Career Development. Moreover, the incidence of depression is getting younger. Blue Book survey data shows that the prevalence rate of depression among adolescents is 15%-20%; among patients with depression, 50% are school students, and 41% of them have dropped out of school due to depression.

For adolescents with depression, the family environment is the primary factor that causes them to fall into depression. 63% of student patients experienced harshness/control, neglect/lack of care, and conflict/domestic violence in their families. At the same time, academic pressure has also become a huge burden on adolescents with depression. The

blue book also revealed that half of students with depression seek help through friends, parents, or other channels, but 46% of students still do not seek any help, and nearly 30% have never thought of seeking help from a professional psychologist. .

The prevalence rate in women is twice that of men, 40% Postpartum depression is ignored

From a gender perspective, women are more likely to be "come to the door" by depression, and their depression proportion is as high as 68%, which is about 1% of the prevalence rate in men. 2 times. Women often face more complex psychological issues than men.

The Blue Book shows that postpartum and menopause are periods of high incidence of depression in women. 63% of women have suffered from postpartum depression. The main factors include changes in social and family status, breastfeeding, family relationships, etc. It is worth noting that 40% of women are ignored by their families when they suffer from postpartum depression. Some family members still have a "hypocritical" level of understanding of women's postpartum depression, and even make sarcastic remarks. During menopause, women face pressure from their children, family and society, and their depressive episodes are often accompanied by negative emotions such as "helplessness", "loneliness" and "irritability".

Over 70% of patients have relapsed, and "getting fat" has become the most unbearable side effect.

Depression has had a serious impact on most people's lives. User survey data shows that "fatigue", "lack of motivation" and "memory loss" have become important factors affecting the quality of life. Only 18% and 3% of patients think that their current quality of life is relatively good and very good. The

blue book shows that there are many pain points in the treatment of patients with depression. "High cost" is a "stumbling block" that prevents patients from receiving long-term psychological treatment. Among patients receiving drug treatment, side effects such as "weight gain," "nausea," "hand tremors," and "constipation" have become issues of great concern.

It is worth noting that the treatment of depression is not easy. According to survey results, nearly 72% of people have relapses, and poor medication compliance is the primary cause of disease relapse.

The epidemic has changed the way of medical treatment, and the online consultation acceptance rate is as high as 94%

After the epidemic, offline medical treatment has faced problems such as travel difficulties, complicated procedures, and long time consumption. 43% of patients have changed the way they seek medical treatment during the epidemic, and 27% of patients choose to purchase medicine online. The

blue book also shows the current status of online depression consultation in China. Internet medical has irreplaceable advantages in breaking the time and space barriers of medical services, improving treatment effects, improving diagnosis and treatment efficiency, highlighting personalization and intelligence, and improving patients' acceptance of online diagnosis and treatment. The 2022 Good Mood Platform survey data shows that 94% of patients can receive online Internet hospital consultation.

In addition, in the information age, patients have more channels to learn about depression. For example, 70% use psychological WeChat public accounts (such as Good Mood Internet Hospital), and 44% use emerging channels such as Bilibili, Weibo, , Xiaohongshu, , etc. Social platforms.

This article comes from [People’s Daily Health Client] and represents only the author’s views. , the national party media information public platform , provides information release and dissemination services.
