The following article comes from the popular psychology popularization of Hangzhou Business Hospital Heart Association. The noun explanation of "bad" means that when things can no longer develop in a good direction, they simply no longer take measures to control them, but let the

The following article comes from the Hangzhou Business Hospital Heart Association

Popular psychological science

Explanation of the noun of rotten

Being rotten means that when things can no longer develop in a good direction, they simply no longer take measures to control it, but let it go It continues to develop in a bad direction. comes from the NBA league. In the NBA, "bad performance" means that some teams deliberately lose games to make the ranking as low as possible. The purpose is to have a better pick in the following summer. Nowadays, it is more common among teams ranked at the bottom of major leagues. The goal is usually to resurrect from the ashes.

The manifestation of a bad mentality

Previously: I looked forward to a trip on a sunny day. If not, I would also go for a walk near my home to have some fun.

Now: Looking forward to finding a shady grassy spot on a sunny day to lie down and play with your phone.

ago: The balance is the motivation for our struggle!

Now: Based on my current balance, I can not work for the rest of my life, enjoy life comfortably and die, as long as I arrange my death plan this week.

Before: Deposits are the confidence of young people!

Now: I vowed to work hard at the beginning of the year until the deposit looks like a phone number, such as 8008208820, and now I have completed the last two digits, come on!

Before: I must get out of the comfort zone

Now: Try to expand the comfort zone

How to overcome the mentality of being messed up

1. Set a countdown for being messed up

Don’t be afraid of being messed up, as long as you are messed up. There is a time limit. During the bad period, you can feel free to indulge, suspend the work at hand, and accept your various emotions. You can watch soap operas, eat takeout, don’t put on makeup, don’t interact with people, don’t read some nutrition articles, and give up those things you usually do on weekdays. By following the rules, the whole body and mind completely relax, burp, and have a good sleep. Slowly, people recover and are less resistant to getting back on track.

2. It is very important to accept the "bad" self

We can slowly recharge from the outside world. It is spring now. We can go downstairs to bask in the sun, walk aimlessly on the street, and visit bookstores. In the supermarket, don’t worry too much, just do some small things as you like. You can also try to record this period of your life with video, as a gift to the future! Learning to accept the complete self may be our most precious wealth.

3. Go through the period of decay and become free.

Being decadent is not a compromise, but a balance of retreat and advancement. I have always felt that people who are in bad shape are those who have bounce and relaxation. After getting back on track, they can be invincible in anything they do.


Perhaps a momentary "showing off" can make people relax and gain short-term pleasure, but this is actually a kind of escape, avoids difficulties, does not dare to face unknown things, and does not dare to face challenges. And up. Even if it gets messed up, the original mess in life will still be there, and it won't disappear just because it gets messed up.

We can destroy it, but the purpose of destroying it is to resurrect with full health.

When you are exhausted, give up fighting and self-torture. Maybe we really can't be full of energy forever, even if we love something very much. There will always be times when I feel lazy, irritable, and anxious. (Especially, you will always have a true sense of what you love.) At these times, allow yourself to take a short break and do something that makes you happy (check Douyin, watch your favorite idols...). When you get energy and happiness from other places, you will be more full. Complete the next thing you need to do (tedious and difficult) with energy and enthusiasm, and you won't always fall into an endless cycle of anxiety.

Teacher Luo Xiang said: "The greatest pain for people is the inability to cross the gap between knowing and doing." There may be sadness and helplessness in the process of growing up, but "living away" is by no means the best choice. We will inevitably encounter unsatisfactory things in study, work and life, but when we are "sick" we should look for "medicine" instead of "sugar", and when we are stressed, we should relieve ourselves instead of "lying down".

⑤ Understand and reflect, lower expectations; reduce stress; develop the habit of self-discipline.


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