Introduction: Our brain is also called the three-pound universe because its actual weight is only 1.5 kilograms (three pounds), and it is similar to the universe. The human brain contains nearly 100 billion neurons, as many as in the entire universe currently. The number of obser


Our brain is also called the three-pound universe because its actual weight is only 1.5 kilograms (three pounds), and it is similar to the universe. The human brain contains nearly 100 billion neurons, as many as the current entire There are an equal number of observable galaxies in the universe. The human brain is also very mysterious. Even with current research, there are still many mysteries to be solved, and related fields such as psychology, health, and technology are also deeply affected.

Text/Ru Jin

Female Psychologist Stills

The opening story in the 2021 hit TV series " Female Psychologist " is very magical. The female psychologist saved a female student who wanted to commit suicide on the school rooftop through the phone; later , this female psychologist also "entered" the hearts of female students.

It turns out that the parents of the female student concealed the fact of divorce for the sake of their children, but the children thought that it was their existence that caused their parents to divorce, so they wanted to save their parents by hurting themselves.

In the end, under the treatment of a psychologist, the female student finally accepted the fact that her parents' relationship had broken down and no longer blamed herself. After her mentality changed, her life returned to normal.

Can psychological therapy be so magical in reality?

The book "The Mystery of the Brain: Brain Science Everyone Needs to Understand" points out that during the development of psychology, psychologist John Bowlby proposed an attachment theory: "Everyone has an attachment theory when he or she is born. begin to form a lasting psychological connection with the people who care about them most.”

Good relationships make people more likely to succeed, while bad links are more likely to cause problems.

What we are going to discuss today is not how to solve psychological problems, but what things in the development process of the human brain subvert our common sense.

Contestant of "The Biggest Brain"

01 The most effective way to improve brain power is physical exercise

Many people envy the contestants in "The Biggest Brain" on TV. Their memory is so good! At this time, someone will definitely tell you that if you want to improve your memory, then play brain training games.

There is evidence that brain training games do not promote all things related to memory, but are like muscle exercises. They only train that area of ​​thinking repeatedly and can only make you better at digital games in that area.

I want to make myself smarter, improve my brain power, and the most basic thing is to keep my brain healthy.

Studies have shown that the first way to protect brain health is to exercise. If you can maintain aerobic exercise for more than 30 minutes a day or about two and a half hours a week, you are providing the best protection for the brain and can effectively improve memory. , attentional control, and cognitive flexibility.

Because aerobic exercise improves your cardiovascular health and increases blood flow throughout your body, including your brain. Good blood circulation means more nutrients flow into the brain, which can really improve concentration and problem-solving skills and reduce the risk of dementia .

In addition, it is also important to feed your brain a prescribed diet. Eat what you should eat, such as green leafy vegetables, fruits and berries, lean protein, and whole grains; eat less or no more of what you shouldn't eat, such as red meat, butter, cheese, and other things you usually think are really delicious.

Generally speaking, the healthiest diet for the body is also the healthiest diet for the brain.

So if you want to protect the health of your brain, try to eat regularly, eat less things you shouldn't eat, and exercise regularly. You will find that the increase of age is actually the increase of a number.

02 Your cognition has been affected

There was such a study in the 1970s: a group of high school and college students were asked to compare two suicide notes and determine the real one. Some of them were first told that they were doing badly, and then were told that they were actually doing well and that they had lied before.

In the end, these people have a grudge in their hearts and they all believe in the negative reviews given at the beginning.

The book "Mysteries of the Brain" points out that one of the factors that contributes to making you think it is true is "cognitive dissonance".

This is the uncomfortable thought that people feel when their actions are inconsistent with their beliefs or when they make choices that are contrary to their intentions.

Just like A person who is addicted to cigarettes People who are very addicted to smoking know that they should not smoke, but they still have a strong desire to smoke in their hearts. In the end, they will find a compromise method to make themselves feel less burdened by smoking.

This leads to a cognitive bias, causing us to be persuaded by self-convincing information because it feels better to believe such information.

There is an old Chinese idiom called "Three people make a tiger". If one person says that there is a tiger, you may say it is a joke, but when several people tell you that there is a tiger, you will believe it.

is the same as before, which shows that our brains can easily be led astray by wrong information.

So how can we ensure that our cognition is less affected? To put it simply, it means to look at the problem dialectically and add some critical thinking when thinking. If there are adjustments, you can use multiple sources of evidence or find a third party to verify the truth of the facts.

It is not easy to be vigilant and maintain a clear understanding.

03Real health is inseparable from mental health

The brain power and cognition mentioned above are actually abilities that people hope to increase in their pursuit of a happy life. However, in a truly healthy life, mental health should be paid most attention to.

Statistics show that almost one in ten police calls is due to a mental health condition. This means that many people have psychological problems of varying degrees, especially in today's era of information bombardment, where it sometimes seems difficult for people to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

So what are some good ways to maintain mental health? Here are a few tips to get you in the best mental shape:

First, practice reframing.

This mainly refers to the mentality. There is scientific proof that a negative attitude will affect a person's health. Since it is broken, it is better to start over from scratch. Start with a positive attitude toward things, people, and objects. After your mentality changes, your psychology will naturally become clear.

Second, forgive yourself for your mistakes.

There are no perfect people in the world, and there are no perfect things. No matter how good people are, there are times when they don't excel, so don't criticize yourself for being perfect in everything. Accept it calmly when you make mistakes, forgive yourself for making mistakes, and be glad that you can recognize your mistakes early and have the opportunity to correct them. Accepting yourself is actually a very happy thing.

Third, be grateful.

The ancients said that "a drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring", and there is also a saying that "give someone a rose, and the fragrance will linger in your hand." If you have good and evil in your heart and you are always grateful, you are actually cultivating your tolerance and integrity. Gratitude will make your life more energetic and powerful, and all your worries will disappear.

Fourth, practice visualization and try to imagine some positive things as much as possible.

When facing the sea, the depression in your heart will disappear in an instant. This is the truth. The space in the brain and heart is limited. If you have too many beautiful things, you will naturally not be able to accommodate worries. Thinking about beautiful things is actually creating a beautiful mental map for yourself, illuminating those places shrouded in darkness.

When you are mentally healthy, you will become brighter, and physical pain will naturally not do anything to you. A calm attitude is actually the best medicine.

is written at the end

Psychology, spirit and behavior are all controlled by our brains. The brain is like a pair of invisible hands, invisibly adjusting our lives. If we want to live a better life, we must have a comprehensive understanding of the brain.

The book "The Mystery of the Brain" jointly published by American writers Alison Caldwell and Micah Caldwell is actually a simple and popular book about the development of brain science . All text comes from videos in the Neurotransmission Video subscription account they launched on YouTube at the end of 2015.

Their motivation is to use easy-to-understand methods to help people understand more about their three-pound universe and become better people. The language of the book is concise and interesting, and it clearly explains the various complex histories of the brain. For example, octopuses also have smaller "brains" (actually called ganglia and ) on each of their eight arms, so they can precisely control their tentacles and dexterous, sensitive suckers.

has shared the above content about psychology, cognition and brain power. If you want to have a more in-depth discussion, you are welcome to read "The Mystery of the Brain" and get into the brain science that everyone can see.

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