"Wow, does that person in front know how to drive? Can an idiot also have a license plate?" No matter how polite you are when you have a friend next to you, you will become a different person when you put your hands on the steering wheel. Or, this friend is suffering from road ra

Hello, I am your old friend, the programming magician. Welcome to the teacher space and see the world from a different perspective!

"Wow, does that person in front know how to drive? Can an idiot also have a license plate? Did he buy it back?" No matter how polite you are when you have a friend next to you, when you put your hands on the steering wheel, you will become another person, or, this person My friend is suffering from road rage.

The academic name of road rage originated in the United States in the late 1980s. It refers to drivers driving with aggressive attitudes and behaviors, including foul language and behavior directed at other pedestrians or drivers. Patients may eventually cause quarrels, collisions or accidents on the road due to this behavior, endangering the lives of others.

Constantly honking the horn, accelerating, braking, swerving, or swearing while driving are all common symptoms of road rage. According to research by Randy A. Sansone and Lori A. Sansone, Ph.D. of psychiatry , young people and men are most likely to suffer from road rage. The more miles you drive, the degree of congestion on the road, and the slogans on billboards, etc., will also cause road rage. Directly related to road rage.

Many countries have legislation to regulate the behavior of drivers while driving, but in the final analysis, when traveling in the world, the most important thing is to keep a cheerful mood while driving, otherwise ten cards are not enough!

This ends today’s sharing, thank you all for watching. Welcome everyone to leave a message in the comment area and tell me your thoughts. Subscribe to the Shixiangspace channel to share interesting knowledge with you every day. See you next time.