If there were no seats available on the subway or bus, would you choose to give up your seat? If you gave up your seat on the subway to someone who seemed to be in need of help, who would you give priority to?

If there is no seat on the subway or bus, would you choose to give up your seat?

If you give up your seat, who will you give up your seat to first? The

test method is simple. If you gave up your seat on the subway to someone who looked like he or she needed help, who would you give your first priority to? There are 4 types of

. Elderly people standing with crutches, pregnant women, men with injured legs and using crutches, women struggling to hold babies in their arms, etc.

1. If you feel that you should be the first to give up your seat to an old man standing with a cane, you are very emotionally stable.

is very satisfied with his current life. He has no scruples in interpersonal relationships and can have a good conversation with people he meets for the first time.

values ​​​​an equal relationship. If mutual trust is broken, you will be under great pressure and get angry.

2 If you give up your seat to a pregnant woman with a bulging belly, you are a very emotional person.

You attach great importance to relationships with others, and you are a type who is very affected by the other person's feelings.

Because they value the other person's feelings, they tend to be more attached to the other person's feelings than their own. Only by habitually confirming love can they feel stable in their hearts.

3 If you give up your seat to a man who has an injured leg and is standing dangerously on crutches, you are a very responsible person. Although

has a passionate and positive personality about everything, he is sometimes misunderstood by people around him because he is not good at expressing his emotions.

Because he has a character who hides himself in a cave in order not to be hurt, if you treat him as a girlfriend or boyfriend, it may be difficult for the other party, so it is best to practice speaking openly.

4 If you give up your seat out of pity for a woman standing holding a child in a swaying subway, you can consider yourself extremely angry at the world.

is very sensitive to changes because it is easily affected by external influences.