Starting today, we will read the book "Learn Some Psychological Effects Every Day" written by Lu Fang together. Today is the chapter "Chapter 1 of Learning to Recognize Your Own Psychological Effects" in the book.

Dear friends, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor. Starting today, we will read the book "Learn Some Psychological Effects Every Day" written by Lu Fang together. Today is the chapter " Chapter 1: Learn to recognize your own psychological effects " of the book.

Wallach Effect 1 - Tap into your potential

Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry Otto. When Wallach was studying, he followed his parents' wishes and chose the path of literature. However, this path did not go smoothly for him at all, and the teacher also said that he was not a student of literature. So, Wallach changed to oil painting, but the oil painting teacher denied him, saying that he was not a talent that could be created in the oil painting world. In desperation, Wallach gave up oil painting again. However, such a "untalented" student has shown advantages that are different from ordinary people in chemistry. The chemistry teacher said that he concentrates on doing things and has the qualities to learn chemistry. So, with the encouragement of his teachers and the support of his parents, Wallach decided to study chemistry. This time, Wallach's talent finally burst out and burned like a blazing fire.

Wallach effect: The successful example of Wallach has awakened many people who don’t know what they should do, making people believe that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. The development of intelligence is uneven and cannot be because of If you are deficient in one or some aspects, you will completely deny yourself. Once you find the sweet spot of your ability, you can do something amazing. The Wallach Effect is intended to enlighten us: in life, work, and study, if you cannot fully demonstrate your talents or suffer from blows, then stop and take a good look and give yourself a chance to re-recognize yourself. Then decide where you want to be.

There are many real-life examples of the Wallach effect.

In a factory, when workers were rushing to rush a batch of goods, they discovered that a machine had malfunctioned. The inspection results revealed that the machine was missing a nut. Because of the "strike" of this machine, the workers had to stop what they were doing. The boss was very angry. As a result, the delivery time of this batch of goods will be delayed. So he asked the maintenance man to fix it within 5 minutes. The maintenance worker also confidently replied:

"Don't worry, changing the nut is very simple. It doesn't even take 5 minutes to make it rotate again." After saying that, he started to repair, but trouble came. One minute, Two minutes, three minutes, and five minutes have passed, and the machine has not turned as he said. None of the nuts prepared in advance in his bag are suitable - the model of this machine does not match these nuts. The extremely anxious boss said: "As a maintenance man, you carry nuts; but for this machine, all you carry is a bag of scrap iron!"

Yes, it makes sense. A nut that doesn't work is actually just scrap metal in a pinch. For a machine, only the nut that suits it can make it run smoothly; and for people, only by fully exploring their potential in life, work, and study and finding the best position to exert their potential can they Let all the power of life burst out.


Sun Yat-sen once said: "If a person makes full use of his talents, he can do everything; if he can do everything, there will be no hope for prosperity."

Lu Xun also once said: "Human talent is like a spark, it can It can be extinguished or ignited. There is only one way to make it burn into a raging fire, which is to work and work again. "Working is to put people's talents into work or do things."

According to research by psychologists, geniuses only account for about 1% of the population, and most people have IQs between 85 and 115, with little difference. So the great invention Edison said: "Genius is ninety-nine percent sweat and one percent talent." If you don't work hard and develop your potential, you won't become a unique person.

In fact, most people in this world are ordinary people. but.Everyone has their own talents, such as musical talents, sports talents, painting talents, and speech talents. The key is whether you can understand your talents and use them in a position that suits you. I have a friend who works in a bank, but he likes Chinese history and culture very much and likes to explore the local customs. Every Sunday, one person and one car visited the villages and farms in his hometown, visited folk attractions in the corners of the city, and wrote three "Heluo Visits to the Ancients", which filled the gaps in folk culture and became a piece of local history. Cultural celebrities.

I don’t mean that everyone doesn’t love their majors and jobs. The important thing is that you know what you like, what your advantages are, and fully tap your potential. For this society and this era of rapid development, By making your own efforts, you will be a meaningful person, you will be a person who loves life, and you will be a person who has played a role in the field in which you are good.

Some people may say, I really don’t have any special skills, and my education level is not high, so your strengths are also your ability to go to work on time and work conscientiously. Because the world needs all kinds of people, even a sanitation worker has made his own contribution to keeping the city clean and tidy.

Wallach Effect 1 - Tap into your potential, you know!

June 30, 2022