Link: Testianxia Psychological Network - Provides psychological counseling services and shares mental health knowledge (free psychological testing, psychological help) User A replied: People drink to escape their true selves. They drink to get away from any pain in their lives, l


User B replied:

No. Some truths may come out that shouldn't come out, but in terms of personality, no.

If you are depressed and drunk, you may get into fights or tell close friends things you don't like about them that you would never tell them if you were sober. If you're happy or celebrating when you're drunk, you might hug strangers or dance. Sometimes when you're drunk, you become someone you couldn't be when you were sober. Depending on the circumstances, this may be harmful, helpful, or irrelevant.

Everyone has different inhibitions and different degrees to which they are able to control them, which forms part of their personality. When alcohol is added to the equation, something changes so you are no longer your "true self"

User C replied:

I'm not going to pull out some scientific facts, but I will say this:

Alcohol does bring people out of something.

It does enable people to speak freely with little or no inhibition.

can sometimes act irrationally and reveal deep thoughts that they may not have shared with anyone before.

Do things they have always wanted to do but were unable to do due to low self-esteem and lack of confidence.

User D replied:

A drunk person usually releases his blocked content...

A blocked content, may be a strange idea but blocked by the brain for some reason, maybe fear or principle etc.

It may be a primitive part of the "self", but the fear of society has locked it away deeply...waiting for the crazy moment to express it!

may also be the original real me!

may be the "self" who cannot accept reality and is looking for the lost self in a lost world!

In this case, whether sober or drunk, you can't find your true self!

User E replied:

I know for a fact that when I'm drunk, I'm not a true reflection of myself, which is why I stopped drinking altogether a few years ago. I'm actually the worst version of myself when I'm drunk.

User F replied:

This is an interesting question. Our drunken selves are things we barely contain. So, it's a way to be more true to yourself when you don't hide what you say and feel. On the other hand, you wouldn't be fully "you" without inhibitions, because inhibitions are part of our brains because they aid in survival. Alcohol can also affect your speech, memory, and reflexes. When these functions work properly, they seem more real to ourselves.

Overall, my opinion is that the drunk self is your true self in relationships (interacting with others), but it is not your true self inside at all.

Similarly, the drunken self may be the side of the self that truly feels, but it is not the side that truly thinks of the self.

User G replied:

No, it was just his or her drunken reaction. Want to see a person hiding nothing in a social setting? Meet them when they think they are alone.

User H replied:

A normal person has about 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts passing through his mind in a day. But we barely conveyed the approximately 1,000.

People are worried about their psychological safety. Integrating into society is essential, and social psychology says, "To join a group, you must first think like that group."

This requirement develops another parameter for our personality, the "superego." The "superego" filters out all desires that are unacceptable in this society. Give you an elegant character.

Alcohol that is not broken down by the liver can pass into other parts of the body. When the brain is affected, the above mechanisms fail to a certain extent. So when you're drunk, you're just saying things you normally think but don't say.

The question now is whether you are your true self after being drunk or it is just a reflection of your external self.

The answer is no. This is not your true self.

Your personality is not what you think. Personality is what ideas you choose to give it. Without superego and ego, we are just animals with wild instincts and no real self. Your personality is what you choose to show people.