Life will be unsatisfactory nine times out of ten, and it will not be smooth sailing for everyone. Few people can face the discomfort in life calmly, and many people will have great changes in their emotions due to some big or small things. Some people get better after a while, w

Life will be unsatisfactory nine times out of ten, and it will not be smooth sailing for everyone. Few people can face the discomfort in life calmly, and many people will have great changes in their emotions due to some big or small things. Some people get better after a while, while others become depressed or even become depressed.

Depression can seriously affect people’s quality of life. In mild cases, it will affect their mood, lack interest in things, and affect their sleep. Severe cases may lead to depression, world-weariness, or even suicide. The older a person gets, the more this happens. Therefore, we should keep our body and mind healthy. The following are some ways to prevent depression and maintain physical and mental health:

1. Solve the ideological pressure first: Talking is the most effective early response method in my opinion, because people cannot always treat themselves in isolation, let alone suppress in ignorance Own. You must know that many chronic diseases, such as cerebrovascular diseases that have occurred frequently in recent years, cannot be ruled out as being stimulated by these factors. I think that in addition to talking to family members, talking to trustworthy friends in your life is the best way to detoxify, because it can not only increase communication between friends.

2. Singing therapy: You can go to a karaoke bar with your friends, sing loudly and freely, and release the depression in your chest, which is very helpful for regulating emotions and releasing stress.

3. Exercise therapy: For example, swimming, 1-2 times a week, is the best way for me to maintain physical and mental health and eliminate stress in the past few years. Every time I finish swimming, I feel relaxed, refreshed and thinking sharply. Secondly, taking a walk after a meal is also a good way. Better to take a walk in a quiet garden. Seeing lush flowers, plants and trees, people will soon calm down, think rationally, and eliminate worries. Once you get into the habit of walking, you'll realize its many benefits.

4. Broaden your horizons: Cultivate your interest in reading, enrich your spiritual life, learn about the daily news in the world by browsing web pages you are interested in and listening to the radio in your spare time, and try to avoid negative emotions Invading one's own consciousness.

5. Doing meaningful things: Doing meaningful things can keep people healthy and happy. Try to do three things every day, no matter how big or small. Even if it is a smile or learning to cook, as long as it is something meaningful to you, you will feel happy.

6. Reasonable diet: Pay attention to your eating habits, ensure comprehensive nutrition, enhance physical fitness, and play a strong protective role in the body.