Of all the negative emotions, the most common is anxiety. Probably everyone has experienced that feeling of "I can't tell why, but I just feel flustered for no reason." What can we do in the face of anxiety? Tonight I will share 6 tips with you. 1. Relax your body. When anxiety i

Among all negative emotions, the most common is anxiety. Probably everyone has experienced that feeling of "I can't tell why, but I just feel flustered for no reason." What can we do in the face of anxiety? Tonight I will share 6 tips with you.


Relax your body

When anxiety is severe, there are often obvious physical symptoms, such as muscle tension, sweating, palpitations or palpitation. If you experience severe discomfort, the first thing to do is to relax your body. Find a place as quiet and private as possible, slowly extend your breathing, stretch your body, and relax the tight muscle groups one by one. When you realize the difference between relaxation and tension, you have regained control of your body and emotions.


Don’t be fooled by caffeine and alcohol

Many anxious people will cheer themselves up by drinking a lot of coffee and alcohol. They do make people feel good in a short period of time, but don’t let them become your escape from anxiety. safe haven. Caffeine has a central nervous system stimulant effect, and excessive consumption can cause insomnia, sleep disorders and other problems. Long-term alcohol abuse can lead to health damage, and being drunk will not help solve real-world problems.


Look up at the sky

There is a saying that goes well: "When we gaze at the sky, all our worries will disappear in the presence of the universe. The sky is bigger than emails and deadlines, bigger than our minds, bigger than dates and There is more time. " When you don't want to do anything, you might as well look at the sky to calm down and regain the courage to face reality. Many people often ignore that the Internet is a major culprit of anxiety. In fact, it’s not a big deal if you don’t chase gossip or check your mobile phone, and disconnecting from the Internet will not make your life “freeze”. You can unplug those “friends” that make you uncomfortable and block some unnecessary notifications. Believe me, your life will not get worse, but will gradually become clearer.


Break down big problems into smaller ones

It is only natural that people tend to avoid things that make them anxious. But the problem is that too much avoidance will only lead to procrastination, and it is impossible to solve the problem. Try breaking your task into parts and choose the part that gives you the least amount of stress. The hardest and most important step in dealing with anxiety is the first step. If you take this step, the resistance will be much smaller in the future.


Think of life as an amusement park adventure

Think of life as an amusement park adventure, not an aimless wilderness survival. You may experience excitement and helplessness at the beginning, but now that the park is closed, you still have more time to experience and take risks as much as possible. When you start looking forward to projects you have never experienced before, they will no longer bring you fear and worry.