The rebellious period is something that every child will experience. So how should we parents manage children in the rebellious period? What are the characteristics? Children in the rebellious period will easily go astray if they are not managed well, so where should we start? Wo

The rebellious period is something that every child will experience. So how should we parents manage children in the rebellious period? What are the characteristics?

Children in the rebellious period will easily go astray if they are not managed well. Then we must start from Where to start?

What are the symptoms of the rebellious period?

1. Emotional instability: bad temper and unstable, difficult to control emotions, gets angry even if he is slightly unhappy, easily agitated, often yells and loses temper with parents, always feels that father and mother are nagging, as long as you are with him You can't listen to what you say, and you may even slam the door, bang the table, etc.;

2. Rebellious psychology: You have a strong rebellious mentality. Whether at school or at home, you feel constrained and don't have your own space and freedom. You may feel uncomfortable at home. Arguing with parents, often failing to complete assignments assigned by teachers at school and making excuses;

3. Self-centered: Children in the rebellious period will show strong self-esteem and may even be self-centered and do not allow others, especially Parents, have different ideas than their own;

4. Depressed mood: Some children may be depressed, speak less, and do not communicate with teachers, classmates, or parents at home. Over time, there may be poor appetite, even listlessness, not wanting to go to school, etc.;

What should we parents do?

"At this time, we must first understand the child, understand the child, and understand the child's psychological needs. Adolescent children are the age group with the strongest self-esteem. They need to respect free space, choices and ideas. To understand every behavior of the child, parents are required to Grow together with your children. If your children have grown up, but their parents still treat them the same way they did when they were children, they are definitely not in tune with their children. At this time, parents need to accompany and guide them to help their children find a suitable path and gain something. Discuss more. Less commands, more guidance, less scolding
