Dear friends, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor. Starting today, we will read the book "Learn Some Psychological Effects Every Day" written by Lu Fang together. Today is the chapter "Chapter 1 of Learning to Recognize Your Own Psychological Effects" in the book. Pygmal

2024/06/0820:52:32 psychological 1292

Dear friends, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor. Starting today, we will read the book "Learn Some Psychological Effects Every Day" written by Lu Fang together. Today is the chapter " Chapter 1: Learn to recognize your own psychological effects " of the book.

Dear friends, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor. Starting today, we will read the book

Pygmalion Effect - Miracle Generating Method

Once upon a time, there was a tradition in an ancient tribe: if young people want to get married, they must first learn a skill, which is to catch cattle. The captured cows can be used as betrothal gifts to propose to the woman's family. The minimum betrothal gift is one cow and the maximum is nine cows. Once, a young man came to the chief's house and told him: "I am willing to use nine cows as a bride price to marry your eldest daughter." The chief thought he had heard wrong, because in his opinion, his eldest daughter was too mediocre. He is not worthy of this valuable betrothal gift at all, and his little daughter is smart and beautiful. This young man must have made a mistake.

So, the old chief said sincerely: "To marry my eldest daughter, only one cow is enough. If you are willing to use nine cows as a bride price, then marry my youngest daughter! She is worthy of you." ” To his surprise, the young man insisted on marrying his eldest daughter. The chief had no choice but to agree to the young man's request.

One year after the eldest daughter got married, by chance, the chief came to the eldest son-in-law's home and happened to catch up with a lively party. The chief saw many people gathered around, fascinated by a beautiful woman singing and dancing. He asked in confusion: "Who is this beautiful woman?" The eldest son-in-law replied respectfully: "She is your eldest daughter!"

The chief couldn't believe his eyes. The eldest son-in-law told him: "You didn't realize her beauty and potential, and thought she was only worth one cow. But I believed that she was worth nine cows, so I cherished her with this value. So, she was completely transformed around me. The change has become what I expected. "

Pygmalion effect: According to legend, there was a King of Cyprus Pygmalion in ancient times. Once, he carved a beautiful girl out of ivory. Because it was so perfect, Pygmaon actually fell in love with the girl he created. He would gaze at the sculpture lovingly every day, hoping that one day it would gain life and become his wife. Later, with the help of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, the sculpture really came alive, and Pygmalion's dream came true. Psychologists called this phenomenon the "Pygmalion effect."

American psychologist Rosenthal did an experiment. He went to an elementary school and conducted a serious "future development prediction" on students from grade one to grade six, and then he compared the results of the test - A list of potential students is given to teachers. About half a year later, Rosenthal came to the school again and conducted intelligence tests on these students. He found that the scores and performance of the students on the list had improved significantly. In fact, the list derived from that prestigious "future development forecast" was just randomly selected without real scientific testing. It was intended to use authoritative lies to hint teachers, thereby strengthening teachers' expectations and transforming this expectation. It was only when it was passed on to their students that it produced such a miraculous effect.

Experiments have shown that people are often influenced by the subconscious minds of others to varying degrees. When you give others certain expectations, the other person will be unknowingly affected by you, and over time they will become what you expect. This is the secret of miracles. It can be seen how important it is for a person to have positive expectations and hopes.

Some positive and positive expectations will enhance a person's self-confidence, while negative negative factors will discourage a person's desire to make progress. Many times it is not that you are not good, but certain negative factors are at work, hitting and suppressing your ability to shine again and again. When all you see and hear are bad and failure information and signs, how can you still have confidence? To discover your own strengths? Since some positive expectations you give to others can change a person, the same applies to yourself.Therefore, if you want to know your truest self and tap out your greatest potential, collect more positive information and give yourself more positive psychological hints.

Dear friends, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor. Starting today, we will read the book


According to research by scientists, the quality of mental state has an important impact on the combination of new neurons and the cerebral cortex. This research brings new hope to scientists to repair the human brain after damage. The psychological state is the decisive factor in establishing the connection between new neurons and the cerebral cortex: when the mind intentionally and proactively acquires a certain feeling, the connections between the new neurons and the cerebral cortex will be richer than when the feeling is passively acquired, making it more Become mature.

More and more research shows that positive emotions in the inner spiritual world and self-confidence and self-improvement expectations and beliefs are manifestations of people's mental health. Positive and good emotions and expectations are conducive to intellectual development, and maintaining positive emotions will also affect people's bodies. healthy. Optimism can protect the heart, improve immune system function, and extend life; having an attitude of awe can reduce the inflammatory products associated with the autoimmune disease .

The more difficult a person is under the conditions of hardship, the more faith, ideals and struggle he can create greater effects and miracles than the Pygmalion effect. For example, from the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, even matches and nails had to be imported, to the world's leadership in quantum communications , artificial intelligence , 5G, and then to the coordination of material civilization, political civilization , spiritual civilization, social civilization, and ecological civilization. Development, the new path of Chinese-style modernization has created a new form of human civilization, and also shattered the myth that modernization can only be achieved by following the capitalist modernization model. This is exactly what the Communist Party of China has been doing since its 101st anniversary to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. The original intention and mission of the Communist Party of China demonstrate the historical consciousness and political responsibility, scientific ideas and long-term vision, strong will and fighting spirit of the Chinese Communists. From a psychological point of view, it is the perfect embodiment of a healthy mentality that is not afraid of difficulties or sacrifices, is positive and optimistic, and is always upward.

For example, the poet Yu Xiuhua suffered from cerebral palsy due to miscarriage and lack of oxygen at birth, which made her unable to move. However, it is her fighting spirit of not bowing to fate and constantly striving for self-improvement that makes her incomplete body shine with the brilliant light of the spiritual world and becomes a role model for contemporary young people to learn from.

Therefore, the Pygmalion Effect - Miracle Generating Method should become a timeless psychological effect that inspires us to make our dreams come true!

July 7, 2022

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