Text/. Xiaofang 01 This week has been spent on tenterhooks. I walked from birth to death and from death to life. I gained a new understanding of life and saw some rare things. "There is a space on the right shoulder blade with a length of 98mm and a diameter of 56mm." The daughte

文/. Xiaofang


spent this week on tenterhooks, walking from birth to death, and from death to life, re-understanding life, and seeing some rare things.

"There is a space on the right shoulder blade, with a length of 98mm and a diameter of 56mm." The daughter muttered softly.

I opened my eyes hard and took the result from my daughter. Stars were shining in front of my eyes, and I became weak when speaking.

"Nurse, may I ask if this is a tumor?"

"It's hard to say. You have to ask your doctor for specific circumstances." The nurse was hooking up an intravenous drip and answered absentmindedly.

For the first time, I feel that death is so close to me...

We are not in a hurry, always feeling that the time ahead is long. We are waiting for the flowers to bloom but forget about the impermanence of the world...

The patient next door is crossing his legs and leisurely humming along with his mobile phone!

suddenly felt sad. In the current situation, I felt that this song was written for myself.


I have been eating a pack of instant noodles every day since July 7th. I used to feel that my daughter’s big goose was so noisy that I always wanted to stew it while she was not at home. But now I feel that the heart-stirring croaking sound is simply the sound of nature. Only then can there be fireworks and feel like a home.

stroked the big bulge on his shoulder. It didn't hurt or itch, but it was a bit difficult to raise his arm.

After the grief, my mind became clearer. What should come will always come. It is a blessing, not a curse, and we cannot avoid it. While my daughter was in cram school, she felt groggy and went to the hospital for a review.

"The bulge is so big, how long has it been there?"

"It must have been more than two months! I don't feel much. I thought I could go away after taking a rest."

"It's a cyst and needs surgery."

For a moment, my mood suddenly became brighter, and the air became sweeter. Although I am not a doctor, I also know that this is not a fatal disease. I guess it is similar to my aunt's hemorrhoids! .

"Are you free today?"

"There is, there is". couldn't hold back his joy and nodded repeatedly.

"Come to my clinic and get it done"!

“Can’t the hospital reimburse you?” I touched the cooperative medical in my pocket.

"Can't report much". The doctor looked disdainful.

"It will take at least a week to reduce the inflammation, but the hospitalization fees, nursing fees, and other miscellaneous things add up to a lot of money."

It’s been a long time since I’ve lived to see you, holding the job of the People’s Hospital, but you don’t speak up for your employer!

"Where is your clinic?"

"The street to the west of Women and Children is easy to find."


"These two will also go there in the afternoon."

I glanced at the two women next to me. One was doing a sinus puncture; the other was also undergoing a minor surgery.

"How much does that cost?"

"6, 700"!

"Can it be reimbursed?"

"You can't reimburse it at the clinic, but with this money you can get everything, including dressing changes and suture removal. Don't worry! I've been doing surgery for more than 30 years." The fat doctor had a affable face, and the wrinkles on his face bloomed with a smile.

I looked up at the door sign of "Surgical Specialist Consultation". I guess the hospital never imagined that my business would have been cut off by the highly paid experts.


Maybe I thought too much. After I opened the order, it was 1050.

"Didn't we agree on 6 or 700?"

"Look what you said, there are also anesthetics and sutures. This is how they are calculated everywhere. Can you do it with just a knife?"

Finally, the doctor's confidence and joy of surviving the disaster defeated the worries.

Internet picture

The operating room is actually the second floor of his house. The curtains are not drawn, and there are many people upstairs across the street.

Lying on the hard bed, clenching his teeth and closing his eyes, it was just a cyst, but would it kill him? Keep comforting yourself.

Pain - it really hurts. The anesthesia wore off soon after the operation. It felt like the wound would be torn apart if I gasped for air. Big beads of sweat seemed to seep out from the seams of the bones.


"Doctor Li, come and give me some anti-inflammatory medicine! I just had a minor operation."


I could hear the other person’s discomfort through the phone. It took me 5 days to change the dressing and 10 days to remove the sutures. In order to save money, I chose to go back to my hometown to take the anti-inflammatory drugs. It should be cheaper in remote areas. At least this time, the cooperative medical system can always deliver them. Come in handy.

After waiting from 7:00 in the morning to 2:00 in the afternoon, Dr. Li came riding an electric bicycle.

A small bottle of glucose , a small bottle of anti-inflammatory drugs, as usual every day, for 5 days in a row.

"Lao Li, how much does it cost? Can it be reimbursed?"

"You want to be reimbursed"! Lao Li seemed to be smiling, but he really wanted to see something different.

“Isn’t the reimbursement in rural areas more than 90%?”

"That's hospitalization"!

is hospitalized! Hospitalized in the village! But I can only say this in my heart, I can’t afford to offend him! I heard that several villages were contracted, and the mountains were high and the roads were far away, so I had to beg for help again without realizing it.

"Please pay a little! After all, we have paid, right?"

Dr. Li looked embarrassed: "You can give me 150!"

"Okay, okay, thank you"!

I don’t know how much it cost? I don’t know how much I paid? Dr. Li still continued to talk.

"I know this. The minimum charge to the hospital is 500 or 600, and there are always 300 or 400."

"That's it, that's it, an acquaintance deserves to be blessed by you."


The wind is blowing, flying catkins are all over the sky, and I accidentally blow them into my eyes!

The sky was clear and the clouds were clear. The sheepherders on the opposite mountain were driving the stars all over the mountains and fields. My sister, who was singing off-key, sat on the bow of the boat. I took a deep breath. It’s so good to be alive!

has seen through it and doesn’t want to worry about anything.


jotting down random notes while recuperating