Naiman West Lake is located 4 kilometers northwest of Daqintala Town, the seat of the Naiman Banner People's Government. Naiman West Lake is surrounded by sandy land and has a total lake area of ​​about 24 square kilometers. It is a natural desert lake.

2024/07/0307:36:32 hotcomm 1727
Naiman West Lake is located 4 kilometers northwest of Daqintala Town, the seat of the Naiman Banner People's Government. Naiman West Lake is surrounded by sandy land and has a total lake area of ​​about 24 square kilometers. It is a natural desert lake. - DayDayNewsNaiman West Lake is located 4 kilometers northwest of Daqintala Town, the seat of the Naiman Banner People's Government. Naiman West Lake is surrounded by sandy land and has a total lake area of ​​about 24 square kilometers. It is a natural desert lake. - DayDayNews

"Naiman Banner Cultural Chronicle" allows you to understand the history of this hot land. Today I will introduce to you:

Part 5 Naiman Banner Typical cultural and historical stories

Chapter 2 The source of life flowing in the land of Naiman Banner Stories and Legends

Section 5 The Vicissitudes of Naiman West Lake

Naiman West Lake is located 4 kilometers northwest of Daqintala Town , the seat of the Naiman Banner People's Government. Naiman West Lake is surrounded by sand, with a total lake area of ​​about 24 square meters. km, it is a natural desert lake. There are several sand islands in a lake in the sand, which have a history of at least more than 1,000 years. West Lake is called Tarigan Lake in Mongolian, which means rich and beautiful. Tarigan Lake, also known as Gongcheng Temple Paozi. In 1959, Comrade Hu Zhaoheng, former Secretary of the Inner Mongolia Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, came here for an inspection. The scenery he saw was not comparable to Hangzhou West Lake, and he suggested that "Gongcheng Temple Paozi" be renamed "Naiman West Lake". In August 1960, "Gongcheng Temple Paozi" was officially renamed "Naiman West Lake".

According to historical records, Naiman West Lake was already a large wetland lake in the Liao Dynasty, called "Changbo". Volume 81 of "Xu Zi Zhi Tong Jian Chang Bian" by Li Tao of the Song Dynasty records, "In September of the sixth year of Xiangfu's reign in Dazhong of Song Dynasty and the second year of Kaitai in Khitan (1013), Hanlin bachelor Chao Jiong and other envoys returned, and Yan Shi arrived at Changbo. There were many wild geese and ducks in the lake, and the Lord of the Liao Dynasty (Shengzong) was hunting them. He rode under his tent and beat the flat drum around the moorings. The geese and ducks were frightened and flew up. "Every time I catch a goose or a duck, I will pluck out the feathers and insert them into it, and I will drink as much as I can." Chao Jiong was a native of the Song Dynasty. ) The situation of Chun Nabo is completely consistent with the description in " Liao History ". The great poet Jiang Kui of the Southern Song Dynasty used the form of poetry to have a more artistic reflection of Hai Dongqing's swan hunting during the "Spring Nabo" period of the Lord of Liao (Shengzong). "Khitan Song" in the volume of "Baishi Taoist Collection" says:

The flat sand is soft and the grass is fat, and the Khitan is surrounded by thousands of riders at dawn.

The flag is low and the flag is high. Shocked, the horns flew into the air.

A healthy falcon in the sea is like this, and the wind blows.

Thousands of miles of running in pursuit of the unknown, and the first glimpses are all hairless.

It was called "Tarigan Lake" in the Yuan Dynasty, "Chahannaoer" in the Ming Dynasty, and "Tarigannaoer" in the Qing Dynasty. Historically, the charming lake light and water color of Naiman West Lake have been favored by princes and nobles of all ages. In the 28th year of Daoguang reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Qing Dynasty (1848), the tomb of Abdu Wadi Zabu, the tenth county king of Naiman Banner, was located here. It has been more than 150 years ago. In April of the third year of Guangxu (1887), the mausoleum temple of Prince Naiman - Menggen Temple was built here. The temple's legal name is Gongcheng Temple. Temple Paozi".

When Naiman West Lake was not dry, it was surrounded by winding sand peaks and oases, with lush flowers, plants and trees, dotting the lakeside, like a crystal-clear pearl inlaid among the golden sands and green grass. The sand plains, lakes and beautiful scenery constitute It creates a wonderful landscape of sandy sea and blue lake. This lake is also rich in red-tailed carps with long beards and red tails and delicious meat. Moreover, in the long history, it is a geomantic treasure place where the Naiman Mongol princes built their mansions by the lake. There are not only the princes' mansions with rich history, but also the remnants of the hundreds of miles of wind and sand in the wilderness. There are also many mysterious legends and the evolution of names. It is accompanied by changes, important historical sites and the glory of the construction of Naiman West Lake in New China. However, it seems that these can only be our beautiful memories of Naiman West Lake. In the 21st century, Naiman West Lake has changed from a "big sea" to a "fertile farmland". In the 1940s, Naiman West Lake was composed of four lakes: Tarigan Nur in the southeast corner, Taili Hannaoer in the northeast corner, Shabar Tunaoer in the northwest corner, and Dongharinur in the southwest corner. Among them, Tarigan Nao'er is the largest, and there are 4 dry beaches in the middle of the 4 paozi, namely Agetan Tang, Maodun Tang, Sharigou Tang and Balengtu Tang. Among them, Agetan Tang is the largest. There are lush vegetation on the dry beach and hundreds of birds inhabit it. To the east of the lake is the cobbler's tube (today's radar station area), to the west is the kiln tube (today's Changsheng area), and to the south is Delite tube.At that time, the forest belt was like a virgin forest, lush and green, blocking out the sky and the sun. It was difficult to find cattle and horses as long as they got into the forest. Therefore, the big town at that time was nicknamed Maodun Aili (Muoyingzi). At that time, the north side of the lake was Shaba Galiang, the south side was Qinzhailiang where the prince stored grain, and there was a ferry in the east of the lake named Wuligen Aolaomu. At that time, someone measured that the lake was 45 miles long from east to west and 15 miles long from north to south, reaching the current Fuxingdi Village in the east and the current Changsheng Village in the west.

In 1954, the Naiman West Lake Fishing Ground was established and began to focus on fishing. In November 1966, there was no water to store in the West Lake Reservoir by Naiman and it dried up for the first time.

In 1968, Lake Naimansi achieved water storage. In July of the following year, Lake Naimansi returned to its original water level. Red-tailed carp thrived in Lake Naimansi again, and Lake Naimansi was once again full of vitality.

In 1993, Naiman West Lake Reservoir was used to develop tourism by taking advantage of the beautiful natural landscape of sand, water, islands, trees, grass, etc., opened the Naiman West Lake tourism industry, and established the Naiman West Lake Reservoir Tourism Service Company. In June 1993, 8 scenic spots including Jianjia Pavilion, Lingjiao Island, Bird Island, Jinma Beach, Shatoujiao Island, Guixia Pavilion, Lakeside Garden, Calligraphy and Painting Garden, Water World, Roller Skating Rink, Diaoyutai, Yuxiang Food Park and other amusement parks were built. There are 4 venues and 20 cruise ships of various types have been purchased to form a "West Lake Resort" that can accommodate 100 people for accommodation and 200 people for dining at the same time.

In 1995, a comprehensive tourism service building, namely Naiman West Lake Hotel, was built. It was put into operation in March 1995, and a greening and beautification project was carried out to meet the requirements of flowers in spring, shade in summer, fruits in autumn and scenery in winter. One is to purify An elegant tourist environment focusing on tourism, fragrance and beautification has been formed. In 1995, Naiman Banner held the first "Naiman West Lake Carp Festival" and designated August 8 as the "Naiman West Lake Carp Festival" every year. The first Carp Festival invited more than 300 influential guests from all over the world to enjoy the scenery of Naiman West Lake and taste the carp feast, which greatly improved the social influence of Naiman Banner and laid the foundation for attracting investment, people and talents.

Due to successive years of drought, the Jialai River was seriously cut off after 1995, and no water was injected into Naiman West Lake. As a result, the water level of the Naiman West Lake reservoir dropped sharply. The famous red-tailed carp in Naiman West Lake was about to lose its "home". , were forced to move to the Mengjiaduan Shahu Lake in the same water system to settle down. In mid-May 2001, the once famous Naiman West Lake, which once symbolized the pride of the Naiman Flag, was sucked out of the last drop of water by the scorching sun and disappeared from people's sight. The drying up of the Naiman West Lake Reservoir has had a serious impact on the lives of village residents and reservoir workers around the West Lake, livestock drinking water, agricultural production, and the ecological environment.

will introduce "Section 6: The Mission of Shelihu" to you tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Contributed by the Naiman Banner Cultural Chronicle writing team

Editor of this article/Cao Yu

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