Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i

2024/07/0304:13:32 news 1949

Today is the Dog Day, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizing and nourishing, so you can survive the Dog Day smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of , the dog days of summer, and , which is also the first day of the dog days. There are a total of 40 days in the dog days of this year. The first dog days are from July 16 to July 25, a total of 10 days. The second dog days are from July 26 to August 14, a total of 20 days. The last dog days are from August 15 to August 14. 10 days in total. The dog days of summer are here, and the temperature is the hottest time of the year. During the dog days of summer, it is the best time to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetize and nourish the heart, and get through the dog days smoothly.

3 Acid

Three kinds of acidic vegetables are most suitable for eating in the dog days of summer, namely purslane , tomatoes, sour beans . These three kinds of acidic vegetables are appetizing and nourishing, and are very suitable for regular consumption in hot summer.


Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews


Recommended practice

Stir-fried purslane

Ingredients: Appropriate amount of purslane


1. Wash the purslane with clean water, peel the garlic, wash and chop.

2. Pour water into the pot and bring to a boil, add salt, blanch the purslane for 1 minute, take it out, soak it in cold water for 1 minute, take it out.

3. Pour cooking oil into the pot, heat the oil and stir-fry garlic until fragrant, add purslane, salt, stir-fry until fragrant, and serve on a plate.

Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews

Stir-fried purslane


Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews


Recommended practice

Tomato and potato stewed beef

Ingredients: 3 tomatoes, 1 potato, half a catty of beef, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of coriander.


1. Wash the beef in clean water, remove the blood and cut into small pieces. Wash and slice the ginger.

2. Peel off the skin of potatoes, wash and cut into small diamond-shaped pieces. Wash and cut tomatoes into small pieces.

3. Pour cooking oil into the pot. When the oil is hot, add tomatoes and stir-fry until the juice is released. Add beef, ginger and a small amount of water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Add potato cubes and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Add salt and pepper. Stew until the flavor is gone.

Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews

Beef Stew with Tomatoes and Potatoes

Pickled Beans

Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews

Pickled Beans

Recommended Practice

Pickled Beans Stir-fried with Minced Pork

Ingredients: 300 grams of pickled beans, a small amount of pork, a small amount of chili, and a small amount of ginger.


1. Peel the pork, wash and cut into small pieces, put it into a meat grinder, grind it into minced meat and set aside.

2. Wash and chop the sour beans, wash and chop the red pepper, and wash and chop the ginger.

3. Pour cooking oil into the pot, heat the oil and stir-fry the minced meat to remove the fat. Add ginger, pickled beans and chili and stir-fry evenly. Add salt and stir-fry until the flavor is strong and serve on a plate.

Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews

Stir-fried minced meat with sour beans

2 Sweet

Entering the dog days of summer, the weather is very hot, and it is most suitable to eat the following two kinds of sweets, namely corn, water chestnuts and other seasonal vegetables that are available in summer.


Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews


Recommended practice

Corn, winter melon and pork ribs soup

1 corn, half a catty of ribs, half a catty of winter melon, and half a catty of ginger.


1. Wash the ribs and put them into the pot. Add an appropriate amount of water. Boil the ginger over high heat, remove and wash.

2. Wash the yellow corn and cut into small pieces, peel and slice the winter melon, wash and slice the ginger.

3. Pour the ribs, appropriate amount of water, and ginger into the casserole and bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

4. Add winter melon and bring to a boil over high heat, salt, then reduce to low heat and simmer for 15 minutes until the flavor is absorbed.

Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews

Corn, winter melon and pork ribs soup

Water chestnuts

Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews

Water chestnuts

Recommended practices

Water chestnuts fried with meat

Ingredients: half a catty of water chestnuts, appropriate amount of lean meat, appropriate amount of pepper, ginger.


1. Wash the lean meat and slice it into a bowl. Add light soy sauce, salt and pepper, mix well and marinate to taste.

2. Peel and slice the water chestnuts, wash and slice the red pepper, and wash and slice the ginger.

3. Pour cooking oil into the pot, heat the oil and stir-fry the lean meat until fragrant, stir-fry the ginger and water chestnut slices evenly, add salt and light soy sauce, stir-fry until fragrant, and serve on a plate.

Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews

Stir-fried pork with water chestnuts

1 Bitter

Entering the dog days of summer, it is suitable to eat some bitter ingredients, such as bitter melon, bitter vegetables and other vegetables, which can clear away heat and eliminate internal heat, which is very good for the body.

Bitter Melon

Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews

Bitter Melon

Recommended Practice

Fried Bitter Melon with Lily

Ingredients: 1 bitter melon, Lily Appropriate amount


1. Wash the bitter melon and cut it in half, remove the pulp inside, wash the melon seeds and slice them, use clean water for the lily. Wash.

2. Pour water into the pot and bring to a boil, add salt, blanch the bitter melon for 1 minute, remove and put on a plate.

3. Pour cooking oil into the pot, add lilies when the oil is hot, stir-fry bitter melon evenly, add salt, stir-fry until cooked. Put on a plate,

Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews

Bitter melon and lily

Do 2 more things

1. Listen to music

After entering the dog days of summer, due to the extreme weather When it's hot, many people will be irritable and easily angry, especially female friends. In addition to eating some watermelon, popsicles and other ingredients in moderation to cool down, you can also listen to soothing music to relax yourself. No matter what the weather is like outside, don’t affect your mood and find ways to make yourself happy.

Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews

2. Walk slowly

After entering the dog days of summer, the weather is sultry. Many people are turning on the air conditioner at home and are unwilling to go out. They lie down and look at their mobile phones, watch TV, etc. This will lead to a lack of exercise. After entering the dog days of summer, after dinner, you can go for a walk in the park with your family to relax and exercise moderately. This is a better way for the body.

Today is Futian, so it is suitable to eat 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter, do 2 more things, appetizer and nourish the heart, so you can survive the Futian smoothly. Today, July 16, is the first day of dog days, which is also the first day of dog days. There are a total of 40 days i - DayDayNews


Today is dog days, suitable for eating 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter. , do 2 more things to get through the dog days smoothly by appetizing and nourishing the mind. After entering the dog days of summer, you should pay attention to sun protection, heatstroke prevention and cooling. You should also pay attention to eating more vegetables with 3 sour, 2 sweet and 1 bitter vegetables. Listen to music, relax and walk appropriately every day. This can make you happy and have good health. Moderate exercise is really a good idea. I am @hubeirenyanzi. You are welcome to leave a comment or follow me. Thank you!

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