For example, take the Hong Kong wealthy Law Ying-shek family. Several of their brothers were fighting over the family property, and they even pulled out their 102-year-old mother. She was put under house arrest at one time, and then in a lawsuit. The quarrel lasted for several ye

Many things in this world are really ridiculous. For example, take the Hong Kong wealthy Law Ying-shek family. Several of their brothers were fighting over the family property, and they even pulled out their 102-year-old mother. She was put under house arrest at one time, and then in a lawsuit. The quarrel lasted for several years. Finish.

Most people are selfish. In the face of huge interests, brothers and sisters can turn against each other. Such things abound among Hong Kong's wealthy families. But in the past, we have seen most brothers and sisters fighting for family property, and almost never mothers and daughters fighting for family property, but this is what happened to the wealthy Chen Tinghua family in Hong Kong.

Chen Tinghua’s wife Yang Fu’e has been fighting a lawsuit for 10 years to compete with her daughter Chen Huihui for family property. This lawsuit lasted from 2010 to 2020 and has not yet ended. In 2020 in the Mainland, 92-year-old Yang Fu'e passed away in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, she is no longer alive, and her legal team is still continuing the lawsuit.

Many people may not understand when they see this. What is the point of fighting for the family property with their daughter when they are gone? In 2010, Yang Fu'e believed that her daughter Chen Huihui had harmed her own interests during the separation, so Yang Fu'e sued her daughter. After the first lawsuit, the Hong Kong court ordered Chen Huihui to compensate Yang Fu'e, who was 87 years old. But Chen Huihui was not convinced, so she appealed and continued the lawsuit. The fight has been fruitless for 10 years, and now Yang Fu'e is no longer here. However, according to Hong Kong law, Yang Fu'e's executor still has the right to continue the lawsuit, so the lawsuit is still continuing.

So why does Yang Fu'e have to have trouble with her daughter? Yang Fu'e fought with her daughter about the family property, but when she died, she also left it to her daughter. What was the point of doing this?

We have to talk about Hong Kong tycoon Chen Tinghua first. Chan Ting-wah is one of Hong Kong’s biggest invisible tycoons. Chen Tinghua's Nan Fung Group is one of the largest textile groups and real estate groups in Hong Kong. Chen Tinghua died in 2012. After his death, his net worth was approximately 100 billion. His Nan Fung Group was delisted in 1989, so no one knew how much the company's assets were later. However, when Chen Tinghua passed away in 2012, Hong Kong media estimated that his net worth was around 100 billion, enough to enter the top ten richest people in Hong Kong. among the list.

Chen Tinghua's father was a butcher. When he was a child, his family life was pretty good. After growing up, Chen Tinghua met the wealthy Zhou Zongnan. That one was Zhou Zongnan, a wealthy man in Shanghai who had worked in more than 200 branches and was engaged in the paint business.

Zhou Zongnan’s son wanted to develop in Hong Kong, so he sent Chen Tinghua to go with him. But after arriving in Hong Kong, Zhou Zongnan's son's business failed. Chen Tinghua felt that he had no face to go back to Shanghai to meet his boss, so he stayed in Hong Kong to start his own business.

Chen Tinghua first ran a textile business and accumulated his first pot of gold. After the 1970s, Chen Tinghua entered the real estate field in a big way and seized the two best opportunities in Hong Kong. He instantly became the top rich man in Hong Kong. When Chen Tinghua was alive, he was also a very patriotic entrepreneur.

Chen Tinghua followed Fok Ying-tung , Li Ka-shing and others to invest in the mainland very early. At the same time, he established his own charity fund in the 1970s. Chen Tinghua and Yang Fu'e met in Hong Kong and later got married and had children. Yang Fu'e gave birth to two daughters for Chen Tinghua, but no son.

However, Chen Tinghua was not angry either, and was also looking for other women outside. At that time, it was very common for Hong Kong rich people to have three wives and four concubines, but Chen Tinghua did not do this. Because he only has two daughters, Chen Tinghua made a decision very early that he would donate 95% of his family property to charity, leaving only 5% for his family.

Chen Tinghua’s eldest daughter Chen Huifang got married very early and then settled in the United States. The youngest daughter Chen Huihui is a strong woman. She started working for Nan Fung Group in the 1980s and was trained by Chen Tinghua as his successor.

Everything was peaceful at first, but in 2006, things suddenly changed. Chen Huifang got divorced, then remarried and followed her husband back to Hong Kong.After returning to Hong Kong, the Chen Tinghua family also began a series of civil strife.

In 2009, Chen Tinghua decided to let his daughter Chen Huihui become the successor of Nanfeng Group and inherit his business. However, Chen Tinghua seems to have not changed the arrangement of his inheritance. But this year, 81-year-old Yang Fu'e suddenly decided to divorce her husband, causing a sensation in Hong Kong. At that time, Chen Tinghua was also 86 years old, and he unfortunately suffered from cancer .

Logically speaking, Yang Fu'e and Chen Tinghua have spent their whole lives and their relationship has always been good. Why should they divorce at this time? The reason for her divorce was that Chen Tinghua had unreasonable behavior. What specific behavior was it? No one outside knows.

The divorce lawsuit lasted for 2 years, and finally Yang Fu'e divorced Chen Tinghua in 2012. When the two divorced, they also agreed on the distribution of their family property. The specific plan is not known to the outside world.

But the year before the divorce, Yang Fu'e also did another thing. She sued her youngest daughter Chen Huihui on the grounds that she had harmed herself in the separated family, and asked her to compensate for her rights and interests. Later, the court ordered Chen Huihui to compensate her mother Yang Fu'e 8.7 billion. But Chen Huihui was not convinced, so she continued the lawsuit.

Chen Tinghua died of illness in Hong Kong in 2012. When he died, his two daughters were sent to their father. In fact, Chen Tinghua was really pitiful. He was seriously ill in his later years, and it was really troublesome for his wife and daughter to make trouble like this. Moreover, his wife actually chose to divorce him.

It is reported that if Yang Fu'e divorces Chen Tinghua, many of the clauses in the will made by Chen Tinghua in his early years may become invalid. To put it bluntly, some people don't want Chen Tinghua to donate all his family property to charity.

Later, many people guessed that the key point was Chen Tinghua's eldest daughter, Chen Huifang. She believed that she suffered a loss in the separation of the family, so she asked her mother to quarrel with her father, and her mother to quarrel with her sister. So the two sisters also completely fell out.

In 2020, after ten years of litigation, there has been no result, but 92-year-old Yang Fu'e has passed away, but now the lawsuit is still continuing. Yang Fu'e's legal team is still continuing to fight the lawsuit. Fighting and fighting is actually in vain. No matter how rich you are, in the end you will come and go with nothing. No one can bring wealth to another world.