Text/Li Xuejie The author was born in a rural area and was fed up with the boring and barren rural life since childhood. When he was young, he learned about the existence of cities and was full of yearning for them. Until I went to college, my poor self-esteem and vanity still dr

Written by Li Xuejie

The author was born in a rural area and was fed up with the boring and barren rural life since childhood. When he was young, he learned about the existence of cities and was full of yearning for them. Until I went to college, my poor self-esteem and vanity still drove me to constantly search for various classics in the library. At that time, I really didn’t bother to read books about rural areas, and felt that there was no need to read them. The descriptions in the books may not be what I experienced personally. Real and profound. But fate has its way with people. My roots are in the countryside and my parents are in the countryside. I will eventually return to this land. Today, I have been working in rural areas for nearly ten years. In these ten years, my head that was high, frivolous, or proud has long been lowered. When I lean down, I can smell the fragrance of the land that nourishes me. It is very familiar but also very heavy. .

When your mind is calm and stable, you can read books that suit your mood. During working hours, you travel to various villages every day, and in your spare time, you read books about the countryside. It feels like knowing and doing are one. When you read a book in this environment, you can relate to many of the plots, which are also depressing, entangled, and more often helpless.

Xiao'e in " Bailuyuan " began her tragic fate when her father sold her to a landlord as a concubine. She longed for love, longed to be respected, and longed for freedom. She also tried to resist, and also I tried to escape, but what was the result? She always said with empty eyes but a trace of hope: "I want to live like a human being, and I want others to treat me as a human being." But they were both poor people, but she was poorer than others, but she was Others looked down upon her, even as a woman. The women in the village were jealous of her good looks and because of the damned feudal secular world, so they all united to reject her and slander her. Her body was used and ruined, her soul was insulted and despised. She had tasted all the misery of a woman. She was not freed until her heart was pierced by the honest Lu Sanyi knife. Death was a tragic fate. The end, this is the most tragic ending.

Sun Shaoping in "The Ordinary World" alludes to the author Lu Yao himself, a young man full of ideals and ambitions. He wanted to change his destiny by studying, but the whole family couldn't eat enough black-noodle buns, and the bad situation couldn't support his dream at all. He was full of thoughts about getting on the train and going to the outside world. With his heart outside, the poor and backward Shuangshui Village could not contain his body. After all, he left without hesitation without hesitation. His family was still in poverty, but he couldn't resist the world he longed for in his heart. During the day, he worked as a coolie at the bridge to earn a living, and at night he slept under the bridge undressed, with only a few tattered books as his luggage. It is actually very scary for a rural person from a poor background to have a dream, because he is unwilling to live alone and is destined to have many ups and downs along the way. But once the dream takes root and sprouts in his heart, he will be fearless.

and Xin Shouchang, the "village tyrant" who is both simple and cunning, kind and vicious in "Xinjiawan"; the orphan pig leftover who had half his ear bitten off by a pig when he was a child, although he despises himself but He is also upright and kind; and Xin Sheng, the young commune secretary who brainstorms and leads the people to learn from Dazhai...

The characters in the book are very vivid, because they are all portrayals of real people in the countryside, and of course more of them are from the previous rural areas. , Nowadays, rural living standards have generally improved. The cowardly, ignorant, stubborn, feudal and other ideas of rural people in the past are gradually becoming more positive and high-spirited. However, rural living standards and overall quality are still low.Over the years of working in rural areas, I have seen many phenomena: an old man from a poor household puts bricks on his bed, and he is used to having bricks as a pillow, and he cannot sleep after changing them; an old lady in her sixties was "exchanging relatives", and she may have been ignorant when she was young. love, but she believes in fate more; the silly boy at the head of the village chases the village cadre to ask for a wife; Aunt Wang has to get up at around four o'clock every day and follow the car to the county town to work as a sanitation worker. One of her two sons should get a wife. , an old woman who was studying in college; the old woman at the east end of the village scolded her son away again, and guarded the shabby house and the "rags" in the yard. She said that the old man who had been dead for more than 20 years often came back. When she left, he could not be found when he came back. People...

serve the people wholeheartedly. Only by truly understanding the sufferings of the people can we have the direction and goal of serving. Only by going deep among the people can you see the most real hopes and needs. Reading some books about them can also make your thoughts more vivid and profound. Once you understand them, you will understand them, and you can even find many interesting people. Difficult work, the source of problems. Lu Xun's articles are "daggers" and "throwing guns", aiming to criticize the bad nature of the people and make people wake up; while rural books with an "earthy flavor" are more evocative and allow people to understand the sufferings of rural people. Then you have empathy, go on the road with empathy, and devote yourself to rural revitalization. It is a road to revitalization full of human touch. The road is long and difficult, but at the end it is full of flowers and beautiful scenery!