There is such a joke on the Internet: Beggar: "At first you gave me one hundred yuan a month, and then you changed it to fifty yuan. I was too embarrassed to say anything, but recently it became twenty yuan?"

There is such a joke on the

network: Beggar: "At first you gave me one hundred yuan a month, and then it was changed to fifty yuan. I was too embarrassed to say anything, but recently it became twenty yuan?" Kindhearted person: "When I first met you, I was a single man and had some spare money, so I gave you one hundred yuan. Later, I got married and wanted to save money, so I gave you fifty yuan. But recently I gave birth to another child. The economy is not well off anymore..." Beggar: "Whether you are financially well off or not is your own business. You can't use my money to support your wife and children!"

It's been a few years since I first saw this joke. At that time, I thought it was just a joke. How could such a person exist in real life? If you receive a drop of kindness from someone, you should repay it with a spring of water! Everyone still understands what this familiar saying means.

Helping people in times of need and rescuing lives and injuries are traditional virtues of our Chinese nation. They have always been highly praised by the Chinese people and have inspired generations of people with lofty ideals to do good deeds and help those in need, which has enabled many people to escape bad luck and overcome difficulties in life.

Helping people requires love and sometimes a certain amount of financial support, so not just anyone can do it. Repaying kindness also requires corresponding conditions. Some kindness may not be repaid in this life. But gratitude couldn't be simpler. It's just a thought, a look, and a thank you. Isn't this difficult? But for some people it is really difficult to reach the sky.

Yesterday, a surveillance video of a steamed bun restaurant in Jiaozuo, Henan Province aroused the attention and anger of netizens.

An old man reached into a basket filled with steamed buns and grabbed it himself. The clerk moved the basket back, but the old man didn't catch it. He was very angry, and then he threw the steamed buns in his hand at the clerk.

This confident old man (Aunt Li) did not come to the store to spend money, but to eat free breakfast, and she has been eating for free every day for more than a year. Today the old man was unhappy and hit the store clerk with a bun. It was just that the buns provided by the store today were a bit revealing. He tried to grab the buns in the cage but failed.

Due to various reasons in recent years, it has been difficult for all businesses to do business. Mr. Dong, the owner of the bun shop, insists on providing free breakfast to the elderly in need for free. He is also a good person! It stands to reason that the elderly people who receive support should be grateful, but this Aunt Li got very angry because of a bun with exposed fillings. This is the so-called "paying rice to nourish kindness, shouldering rice to nourish hatred". It's very simple. This Aunt Li is used to eating for free, and she already feels that she is the god of the shop owner and staff just like other customers. Aunt Li may also feel that she is higher than other customers because she comes to "support" her every day and the employees do not allow her to change. Naturally, she has moved her own scales, pulled out her tiger whiskers, and challenged her bottom line and dignity. He can be killed but not humiliated, so he will naturally "become a dumpling in anger".

Faced with such a situation and aggrieved employees, Boss Dong said he was a little confused and wanted to think about whether to continue to provide free breakfast. If Boss Dong is sad, then there will be one less good person in the world, and many needy and helpless old people will lose the opportunity to have a full meal every day. If Boss Dong continues, will there be a second Aunt Li, or Aunt Zhang, or Uncle Wang? In the end, it was Boss Dong who was sad!

Good people may not always be rewarded. There is nothing wrong with this. Because not everyone in this world is grateful. There are many people who accept things calmly, there are many people who are ungrateful, and there are many people who repay kindness with enmity.

Here, I want to tell you about a person, a good person. His name is Cong Fei . He is a not-so-famous singer, but he is a very famous good man. He was awarded China's 2005 Person of the Year, but he died of illness on April 20, 2006 at the age of 37.

Cong Fei sponsored a total of 183 poor children during his lifetime, donated more than 150 out-of-school children and disabled people, and adopted 37 orphans. The cumulative donation amount reached more than 3 million yuan, which was almost all his savings from being a singer for many years.In 2005, Cong Fei was diagnosed with cancer and had no money for treatment. His family had pinned their hopes on the students he had sponsored. Not only did no one care about his condition, but people kept calling to ask for money. "You can still make money by singing even when you are sick!" A parent of a sponsored student even righteously condemned Cong Fei, "You promised to support my child to go to college, but you didn't care about it just after he entered junior high school. ? Aren't you cheating?" After Cong Fei's death, none of the people he had sponsored went to see him off.

I don’t know if Cong Fei, who is critically ill, regrets his kindness, and I don’t know if those who have been helped by Cong Fei but are not grateful will feel at ease. Sixteen years later, Aunt Li from Jiaozuo, Henan once again proved that not everyone will be grateful for your help. This is the way of the world and the human heart!

It is a courtesy for others to help you, but it is a duty not to help you. When others help you, it is a good thing for them, not for you. Only by repaying a favor can you prove that you are also a good person. If we can't repay the favor, we can still say thank you, right? The world is already very cold, so don’t hurt the hearts of good people, otherwise the world will become even colder.

Even if you cannot be a good person, you should not be a bad or evil person; even if you do not repay those who have helped you, you should always be grateful. This is the bottom line of morality.

(pictures from the Internet, will be deleted upon contact)