It's like this. Every time I push the girls' version of an article, there are always a bunch of old men leaving messages below saying they want to read the boys' version. Ju Chang, I thought everyone understood it, but it turned out that a lot of people really didn’t understand i

is like this. Every time I push an article about the girls’ version, there are always a bunch of old men leaving messages below saying they want to see the boys’ version.

If there is anything to write about in the boys' version, just "those things" .

Ju Chang I thought everyone understood it, but it turned out that a lot of people really didn’t understand it.

Today, I will write some things that you can regard as "old people to talk about" .


Boys will also feel uncomfortable "for the first time"!

Whether it is in TV series or novels, the male and female protagonists will inevitably do a series of "sauce sauce stuffing" things after turning on the light.

We don’t understand either. In the stereotype and , seems like a girl’s “first time” is usually not so wonderful..

Isn't there anyone who cares about our boys' "first time" ?

In addition to being fast, seconds, in fact, a considerable number of innocent boys will also feel pain the first time.

The culprit is " foreskin ".

Yes, during the summer vacation, you can often see little boys coming out of the department with their stomachs covered in that project.

Some parents who are ahead of their time will take care of their children in advance to solve their worries. Of course, a considerable number of boys will have residual problems.

If there is a situation such as excessive foreskin or phimosis (the foreskin completely covers the penis), it is really hard to tell for the first time.

The little brother rubs the foreskin crazily during sex, and may even break the outer opening of the foreskin.

Hiss, it hurts just thinking about it.

Just do it as soon as possible. Otherwise it will be quite unhygienic because it harbors dirt and evil practices.

It is also very unfriendly to girlfriends. It is easy to pass bacteria and the like to girls .

Is there any boy who doesn’t know that the foreskin is too long and all the dirt accumulated on it should be washed away when taking a shower?

Also, don’t be too discouraged if your performance is not good the first time.

After all, this is normal.

The average size of men in our country is only 8.2cm, and the standing position is only 13.65cm.

(0.05cm cannot be ignored)

If you feel that this data does not comfort you, then we will not look at the longest 28cm in the world, but the shortest 1.5cm.



The egg is fragile and deserves to be taken care of.

Tintin just had a brief chat with us, but we cannot forget its partner - egg .

Ding Ding usually gets more attention, but in fact Dandan is the hidden king.

html It can produce 100 million sperm per day. , no one who sees it will say "model worker".

When the capitalists saw it, they vacated their workstations overnight and invited people to move in.

As for the balls, which are what we call testicles, they weigh only 0g-15g.

Generally speaking, the one on the right side of will be a little bigger than the one on the left , and the one on the right side will be a little higher .

Yes, that’s right. 0 balls 9 crooked .

The two brothers Dandan are often different in size and height.

Let’s not dislike them. After all, we also have the common disease of cats Andrology “cryptorchidism” .

But generally, humans will undergo surgery early when they are young.

(Thanks to the progress of medicine)

Balls are really delicate.

cannot be heated or beaten.

There are very concentrated nerve endings distributed on the balls, and the balls are still hanging out.

Once there is an external impact, the instant pain is enough to make a seven-foot man kneel down and roll.

So, once girls encounter danger that they must escape from, I don’t need to say where attacks..

(Don’t use it unless you have to, after all, the eggs are still very important and can cause accidents easily)


Do boys really have uncles?

Compared with girls’ menstrual period, “ aunt ” is generally recognized as difficult to deal with, making girls exhausted physically and mentally.

A boy’s “uncle” is more abstract.

"Uncle" has no common physiological reaction recognized by medicine.

Even some boys have "uncle" for a few days every month. The symptoms are probably: fatigue, irritability, and irritability.

The physiological symptoms are quite diverse according to foreign surveys.

Some eat like crazy, some get headaches, oral ulcers and so on.

In short, it’s just not easy.

These are the results of androgen imbalance.

The secretion of hormones changes cyclically and also changes with age.

Some studies believe that boys’ cycle lasts about 8 days.

However, some people think that only uncles over 40 years old are more likely to feel uncle-in-law.

Generally speaking, boys with weaker physiques are more likely to feel unclean.

So, boys in the period of uncle-in-law still need love very much.

After all, hormones, this annoying little guy, are really quite uncontrollable.

The most important thing is, when your boyfriend doesn't want to go shopping and do housework with you and says that your "uncle" is here, should you bring him a cup of hot water and ask him to drink it immediately?

After all, hot water "package" can cure all diseases , and treat others in their own way, get!


Boys’ unspeakable little physiological lessons 1.0 are over here.

(If you write more, you won’t read it, just post it to me in the message area)

In fact, there are many little things about Orange Chang:

For example, can sperm be used for beauty?

Which is the most important, length, hardness or technique?

What is the most harmful thing to sperm health?


Whether there is a Physiology Mini Class 2.0 depends on everyone’s enthusiasm.