Socialists believe that the so-called "human nature" is a collective rather than an individual concept. Therefore, they believe that what is sacred is not the voice in the heart of each individual, but the whole species composed of all people.

Humanism Another important sect is social humanism. Socialists believe that the so-called "human nature" is a collective rather than an individual concept. Therefore, they believe that what is sacred is not the voice in the heart of each individual, but the whole species composed of all people. The common aim of all socialist movements is to nationalize "the means of production, distribution and exchange", thereby making it possible to direct all economic activities according to an overall plan tending towards some ideal of social justice. Socialism means that the means of production are publicly owned and that these means of production are "used for their purpose, not for the pursuit of profit."

What liberal humanism pursues is to strive for as much freedom as possible for individuals; while what social humanism pursues is that all people can be equal.

For socialists, "inequality" means favoring certain marginal qualities of human beings as more important than the universal essence of human beings. This can be said to be the most serious violation of the sanctity of human beings. For example, if rich people have more privileges than poor people, it means that "money" is valued more than the universal nature of human beings (in essence, the nature of human beings should be the same regardless of whether they are rich or poor).

Utopia is the ideal world that everyone yearns for, but when the real world is running, various problems will generally occur, and there are many uncontrollable ills. Blind benevolence certainly brings a strong sense of justice to people, but along with it comes the blurring of behavioral boundaries. "The road to a region is often paved with good intentions."