I have experienced the development and progress of the motherland from the details of life. I still remember clearly that in 1980, when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, I had something to do at home and needed to buy pork to entertain guests, so I got up early in th

Feel the development and progress of the motherland from the details of life

I still remember clearly that in 1980, when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, I had something to do at home and needed to buy pork to entertain guests, so I got up early in the summer and talked to a few The adults went to Taowan Town, Luanchuan County, Henan Province, a small town eight miles away from home, to buy pork. At that time, there was a long queue to sell pork, and you couldn’t buy pork if you arrived late. Therefore, it was so late. We set off from home just after daylight. We walked all the way, walking for about 40 minutes. When we arrived at the meat selling place in the town, we found that there were already some people waiting in line. It took about an hour after we arrived. At eight o'clock, the only state-owned butcher shop in town started to open. By this time, there was already a long queue of about a hundred people selling pork outside the shop. It took about two hours for me to buy a pound. We hurried back together with the adults who came with us, and we didn’t get home until about 11 o’clock. It actually took us nearly five hours to buy more than a pound of pork. Despite this, we were pretty successful at that time. There were also many people who queued in vain because they arrived a little late and did not buy any pork.

Later, when I was in junior high school, my household registration was also converted to a non-agricultural household registration, and my family moved to Luanchuan County. At that time, the transportation in Luanchuan was very inconvenient and the transportation capacity was very low. Things from outside could not get in. Locally produced things cannot be sold, so there are not many things I can buy. Even the people selling ice cream are very few and there are only a few categories. It is only slightly more convenient. Queuing is still a common thing, especially During the Chinese New Year, you have to wait in a long queue to buy the special peanuts, oil, salt, meat, etc. issued by the state for the festival. You also have to rely on your household registration book to purchase rations based on population. Food stamps are indispensable for meals at school. Luanchuan County Full The county's total economic income is less than one million yuan, ranking fifth from the bottom among the 150 counties in Henan Province. When I was in high school, the Ministry of Transportation began to carry out poverty alleviation in Luanchuan and began to vigorously fund the construction of roads in Luanchuan County. The traffic conditions in Luanchuan County have initially improved, and people's market awareness has been greatly improved. , various commodities are relatively abundant in the county, and there are basically no queues to buy things. However, there are not many shops in the county, and the choice when buying things is very small. When I was in college, the highway from Luanchuan to Luoyang had been widened and repaired to a large extent, and the transportation was much more convenient. Highways were also connected from the county seat to various towns. The food stamp system had been abolished across the country, and various small commodities were available. Nowadays, the number of small businesses and hawkers is increasing day by day, and the appearance of Luanchuan County has been greatly improved. The Luanchuan County Department Store, the largest commercial institution in the county, has a complete range of daily necessities compared to the past. On the side of the Yihe River that passes through the city, a farmers' market was built along the riverside. It sells clothing, agricultural and sideline products, and also buys some fresher things. The choice of shopping suddenly became larger, and people bought things. Much more convenient. A few years later, a fast track was built from Luoyang to Luanchuan, and the transportation capacity was greatly improved. Many large and small shops and wholesale departments appeared in Luanchuan County, and large trucks of various goods were transported from Luoyang. The county town is also becoming more and more prosperous. Whatever is available in Luoyang, it will be available here in less than half a month. In recent years, various large supermarkets and shopping malls have appeared one after another, and many large national chain stores have also entered Luanchuan County. The tourism industry is booming. People from all over the country come to Luanchuan to travel and walk on the streets. , local accents from all over the world can be heard, and Luanchuan has suddenly become a nationally renowned tourism county with six national-level 4A scenic spots, including Laojun Mountain, Jiguan Cave, Chongdugou, etc.

Now, my son, who is in the third grade of primary school, often uses the computer at home to check information on the Internet, listen to music, watch cartoons, and from time to time he goes to the supermarket not far from our house to buy snacks. As a three-year-old, we A small mountainous county with more than 100,000 people has built a fast passage to Luoyang. The county's road network crisscrosses and extends in all directions. Various networked communication and information transmission methods are more common. Luanchuan's mineral resources have been Large-scale development, the county's total economic income last year reached more than 15 billion yuan, ranking eighth among more than 150 counties and cities in Henan Province. People's living standards have generally improved, and private Cars are very common, and there are nearly a hundred private entrepreneurs with assets worth hundreds of millions of yuan. The days of the past, where goods could not be shipped out of the mountains, things could not come in outside, transportation was backward, information was blocked, logistics was poor, and the people suffered and were impoverished for thousands of years, are long gone forever.