Modern people often criticize ancient society for the lack of human rights. If one person commits a crime, the whole family suffers, and even neighbors have to bear the responsibility of sitting down, let alone relatives and friends.

Modern people often criticize ancient society for the lack of human rights. If one person commits a crime, the whole family suffers, and even neighbors have to bear the responsibility of sitting down, let alone relatives and friends. This is a cannibal society without sunlight. So, why did ancient society implement this joint and several liability system ? Some people believe that organizing manpower or paying taxes is a convenience for the ruler to ensure the right to rule the people even when sitting under responsibilities, so as not to lose control of grassroots rule. Especially under the Baojia system , we should pay close attention to changes in people's thoughts and deal with budding crises in a timely manner.

Of course, this is an institutional arrangement based on political considerations, but if a political system has no economic foundation, it will be difficult to implement. All political institutional arrangements must be based on supporting economic systems. In ancient times, many crimes, especially conspiracy crimes, implemented a continuous court system due to their economic basis. When we watch TV or read novels, we can see that some officials often punish their families by plagiarizing and annihilating them after being put in prison. In ancient times, this phenomenon seemed normal and no one would consider it inappropriate. The high probability is determined by the ancient economic system.

Of course, this is an institutional arrangement based on political considerations, but if a political system has no economic foundation, it will be difficult to implement. All political institutional arrangements must be based on supporting economic systems. In ancient times, many crimes, especially conspiracy crimes, implemented a continuous court system due to their economic basis. When we watch TV or read novels, we can see that some officials often punish their families by plagiarizing and annihilating them after being put in prison. In ancient times, this phenomenon seemed normal and no one would consider it inappropriate. The high probability is determined by the ancient economic system.

Therefore, in order to alleviate the crisis, some rulers will deal with relevant officials in the name of refreshing official management, deprive these land resources that are no longer controlled by the state, and redistribute them to individual farmers to continue their rule. In fact, the process of dispossession is the process of replicating and destroying families, as well as the process of rebuilding interests. However, in the late dynasty, when the imperial power did not leave the capital, the ruling power would be lost due to massive financial and tax losses, and the game of alleviating the financial crisis by depriving bureaucrats of land would be difficult to continue. By this time, the pattern of dynasty decline had been established. On the one hand, rulers frequently attack their homes and families in the hope of solving the financial crisis; on the other hand, the power base is weakened and unable to punish corruption and resolve the collapse of the ruling order. Finally, superiors and subordinates are separated from each other, the order of power collapses, and the order of violence Dominated, and finally, official property was robbed in the face of violence, which became the starting point for a new cycle of power.

Therefore, we can see that the essence of the implementation of the continuous sitting system in ancient times is actually the process of wealth reconstruction. It is a means of balancing the finance and taxation of the ancient government and the bureaucratic group. When officials and gentry enjoyed the benefits of tax exemption, I have already participated in this game process. The game between the imperial power and the bureaucratic group determines this cycle. When the cycle no longer continues, the collapse of the dynasty will not be far away. It was not until Yongzheng that the officials and gentry paid the grain as one, and this was the beginning. is solved in the loop.

Therefore, we can see that the essence of the ancient continuous sitting system is actually the process of wealth reconstruction and a means of balancing the finances and taxes of the ancient government and bureaucratic groups. When officials and gentlemen enjoyed the benefits of tax exemptions, they participated in the game. The game between imperial power and the bureaucracy determined this cycle. When the cycle stopped, the collapse of the dynasty was not far away, and it was not until Yongzheng officials and gentry obtained grain as a whole that they were freed from this cycle.

In modern society, economic entities have also shifted from agriculture to industry, the scale of economic organizations has become larger and larger, the family-based economic structure has disintegrated, and the status of families and even families in the economy has declined.In punishing crime, there is no need to focus on the family or family unit, nor to extend the punishment of an individual to others in the family. In the final analysis, if the economic driving factors are gone and the motivation for punishment is gone, adjustments to human consciousness and laws will naturally occur.