I was very moved when I saw some highly praised speeches by Hong Kong police officers on Weibo. They said that the queue was changed to that of the People's Liberation Army. Their words were full of their heartfelt sense of identity and belonging to the motherland. As a member of


I was very moved when I saw several highly praised Hong Kong police speeches on Weibo. They said that the queue was changed to the PLA queue, and their words were filled with a heartfelt sense of identity and belonging to the motherland. As a veteran who has practiced the People's Liberation Army's military maneuvers for more than ten years, I can understand the feelings of the Hong Kong police.

Therefore, today I will specifically talk about the Hong Kong police and disciplinary forces abandoning the British-style marching and officially switching to the Chinese People's Liberation Army. This is the spirit and sense of ceremony that the Chinese people should have.

July 1, that is, tomorrow, is the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China.

In order to commemorate this grand festival, the Hong Kong police force has fully switched to the powerful and powerful People's Liberation Army ranks, which represents the elimination of British colonial legacy from the ranks.

Prior to this, that is, starting in 2022, the Hong Kong Immigration Department, Customs, Fire Services Department, and Correctional Services Department have long since switched to People's Liberation Army troops. These five disciplinary forces have a total of about 60,000 people. Since 2021, Completed queue training for thousands of people, all organized by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison.

I carefully watched a few early training videos. What I want to say is that Hong Kong's disciplinary forces and police forces should have changed this way long ago. The soft and lifeless British foot drills are really not suitable for Chinese people to train.

Only the ranks of the People's Liberation Army can embody a mighty army. This sense of ceremony has long been studied and imitated by many countries. The heartfelt sense of pride, strength and the movement of the ranks with the dignity of the Chinese nation are the fundamentals of those British and American colonists. The beauty that I dare not look directly at and cannot understand.

The People's Liberation Army's ordered and uniform drill movements can inspire the patriotism of Hong Kong people, strengthen the national security awareness of Hong Kong society, and draw a clear line with British colonialism.

When we see the Hong Kong police in the past performing drills and raising the flag, we generally feel uncomfortable. This kind of British-style walking drill that lacks masculinity is a lingering colonial legacy and is simply a shame.

One country, two systems will not waver for fifty years. We will patiently accompany Hong Kong to get rid of its colonial legacy and throw the dross of history into the garbage heap of history.

However, this will soon become a thing of the past. At tomorrow’s commemoration of Hong Kong’s return and flag-raising ceremony, we will see a different Hong Kong and the same Chinese people.

The Hong Kong police officer said that after he joined the police force in 2017, he had been looking forward to when he would be able to raise the national flag with Chinese people’s own queue at Golden Bauhinia Square . Although the Chinese-style march was 25 years late, it was finally He was looking forward to it and was able to experience it personally. He was so excited that his blood boiled and his heart was filled with pride.

is actually not the only one who has such expectations. This is what everyone hopes for.

One thing is commendable. When turmoil and riots occur, the Hong Kong police, no matter what their skin color or surname, they stand firmly on the side of the Hong Kong government and risk their lives to obey and listen to orders. Consciously maintain the stability of Hong Kong.

It can be said that the Hong Kong police have withstood the baptism and are all tough guys. Many of them have suffered injuries, but they are still slightly injured and cannot leave the line of fire.

There are many people here like the bald policeman Liu Zeji, Xiaohu who was burnt by 14% of his body when the thugs poured acidic corrosive liquid, resulting in third-degree burns but did not shed a drop of tears, and the British policeman Zhuang Dingxian who made Hong Kong chaos elements frightened... .They are all tough guys and heroes who protect people's lives and property.

Therefore, is a strong team that is dedicated to maintaining the stability of Hong Kong. There is no problem with such a high degree of political awareness and disciplinary obedience.

Don’t underestimate the colonial legacy. The British used British-style marching, judge’s wigs and other fancy decorations to create a sense of colonial ritual. They used these influences to tear apart the small place of Hong Kong. It is actually a culture colonial.

Many people have been deeply affected and have never returned home. They are willing to be colonizers that undermine social and economic development. This also gives the British and American Western countries the opportunity to easily manipulate Hong Kong independence elements to create chaos. The destructive power of this kind of cultural colonization is astonishing and has been What we hate.

Hong Kong people’s biggest heartache is that their patriotism cannot be promoted.

"Salute to the flag!", "Yes, sir!", "Understood, sir!" are completely Chinese passwords.

After the national anthem was played, the commanding officer unsheathed his sword and waved the national flag to unfold. The flag raiser and flag guard stood tall and straight, and they all saluted solemnly to the five-star red flag.

"Kicking like the wind, hitting the ground and hitting the ground with great momentum", the formation changes and turns were completed in one go. The Hong Kong police finally looked like what they should be!

Retired police officer Chai Ka-fai was once the flag-raiser of the Hong Kong Police Force and was responsible for raising the regional flag at the handover ceremony of Hong Kong's power on July 1, 1997. He also lowered the flag of old Hong Kong the evening before. He said that when the five-star red flag and The moment the new regional flag fluttered, he was suddenly "ignited" and finally found his roots! Even now, Mr. Chai's eyes are filled with excitement when he recalls the scene 25 years ago.

When he saw the Chinese step drill for the first time, he couldn't help but applaud and was envious of the young flag-raisers. The team was full of energy, neither humble nor arrogant, with firm eyes and standard movements. Isn't this his dream? Now it is being realized by the young juniors. Finally, we hope that the Hong Kong police will use the Chinese's own foot drills!

Cultural influence is closely related to the country's comprehensive strength. When the country becomes stronger, cultural influence will naturally spread, because people are more or less snobs and are only willing to accept the culture of a rich and powerful country.

If a country has been poor and weak for a long time, its culture and ideas must be imprisoned, and its pioneering and enterprising spirit will be wiped out. If it still stubbornly clings to incompleteness and arrogance, it will become weaker and weaker. This situation was Qing Dynasty has been fully developed in the middle and late stages.

It is no exaggeration to say that in Chinese history, the Qing dynasty ruled by the Manchu may have made the least contribution to the evolution of Chinese history.

The same problem is that if we want to change Hong Kong's spiritual poverty and helplessness, and if we want to change this colonial mentality and behavior, we must solve it from the root. We must start from the cultural system, and use China's cultural system to unify thoughts and rituals To replace the British colonial legacy and eliminate the cultural symbols of the colonizers left behind by the shit-makers.

What we have to do is to understand the mines laid by the British and Americans, so that the future Hong Kong will truly belong to China.

The cultural invasion of Western colonialism is terrible. Looking at the chaos in Hong Kong in the past two or three years, we understand how important a highly unified Chinese cultural heritage is. When we fight against Western containment and blockade, our development How important is inner cohesion? This is the spiritual pillar that keeps us from being knocked down.

Therefore, when we see the Hong Kong police training the People’s Liberation Army, shouting loud and clear slogans, kicking sonorous and powerful steps, and rushing towards us with overwhelming momentum, which makes people’s blood rush, we will realize that this is Chinese!

I believe that in the near future, we will be able to see heroic Hong Kong People's Liberation Army soldiers in military units on the mainland.

Today's China is accumulating and bursting with strength, and its cultural influence is also increasing day by day. I believe that it will surpass the influence of the United States in the near future.

Because ten or twenty years ago, we caught up and surpassed the United States bit by bit in many aspects, so surpassing the United States in an all-round way is not an unattainable dream. At that time, the whole world would come to learn Chinese culture.

Our generation must have a sense of cultural self-confidence, not always worship foreigners, and not be controlled, conquered and assimilated by the enemy ideologically, and be willing to be like some national scum, which is also called cockroaches in Cantonese. Western supplies, this is very sad.

Tomorrow, I want to hear what the Hong Kong police shout: "Serve the people!"

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