Many new salespeople have unsatisfactory performance. Most of them either work very hard every day or are very idle every day. Sales that work hard but have no results often fail to grasp the focus of the work. As for sales people who are very busy every day, they often don’t kno

Many new salespeople have unsatisfactory performance. Most of them either work very hard every day or are very idle every day. Sales that work hard but have no results often fail to grasp the focus of the work. As for sales people who are very busy every day, they often don’t know what to do. It’s too simple, too troublesome, and they don’t want to do it.

Based on my own work experience in the past ten years, I will share with you what I do every day when I am in sales. I hope it can inspire you.

No. One thing Develop new customers, Add followers and attract traffic

No new fans, no customer source, How do you sell products? is also No matter how many customers you have on hand to talk to, you have to spend time every day to reserve ammunition for yourself.

Chapter Two things Chat with interested customers and recent new customers

Follow up with interested customers. This also includes follow-up and chat with some recent intended customers to guide the transaction.

You have finished chatting with the most interested ones, maybe you have closed a few orders, and then you have to chat with new customers, because maybe there are some new fans that you haven’t passed and haven’t communicated with you yet. Maybe there are new customers asking you questions. , you have to reply, communicate, and chat, and then there will be some results and some orders here.

The third thing Organize customer information and product information

In the process of following up with customers, you will collect relevant information about customers, and you will also encounter many questions that you cannot answer. You will collect this customer information. Organize and summarize related issues and find corresponding solutions. This is actually the beginning of your continuous growth. Without the accumulation of these, it will be difficult for you to upgrade to another level.

No. Four thing Post on Moments

I can post some of the customer problems and solutions I encounter every day, so that customers will gradually feel my professionalism and gradually trust me. , so that I can better influence my customers and prompt them to make purchasing decisions as soon as possible.

The fifth thing Serve old customers and sell new products

You may encounter this later, because old customers who have already purchased the product have already trusted you. If you communicate at this time, it is easy to close the deal. , it is easy to sell new products or back-end products.

How to do it specifically? You can send me a private message and I will send you a set of my own commonly used sales processes and methods for your reference.