"Peak Experience" makes good use of the peak-end law to avoid falling into the misunderstanding of "overall service improvement"

Why is "improving the overall service quality" too difficult?

During the years of catering management, what I heard the most is: "We must comprehensively improve service quality, improve service levels, start with details, implement responsibilities, and implement them in place!"

This sounds fine, right?

And the reality is that it is very difficult to do.

Because the management energy of each enterprise is limited, the resources at hand are also limited, and the overall improvement, we cannot afford that cost. More importantly, consumers cannot perceive the seemingly comprehensive service experience.

The information in the world is chaotic and complicated, and consumers' attention is getting shorter and shorter. Every day, consumers can allocate a few seconds to each company. Do you expect consumers to feel your "all-round" in an instant? Sorry, it's impossible, it's too heartbreaking.

In the past two years, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has swept the world. The world we know is undergoing structural shocks. Consumers’ shopping habits and values ​​have also undergone a fundamental change. The trend of consumption has shifted from “buying things” to “purchasing experience” "The brand contacts have also shrunk sharply after the epidemic.

Like the catering industry, the post-90s who pursue individuality and the rise of the 200 million "pseudo-middle class" have become the main force in catering consumption. Although their actual income and consumption levels have not really reached the middle-class level, they are pursuing higher cost performance and more value-added premises, and they consume some more distinctive and high-quality products and services. Therefore, the challenge for brands to reach users has become very high.

If an enterprise just does a bunch of things that consumers don't feel, it will eventually fall into the red sea of ​​fierce competition.

Surprise that broke the script

A little boy in the United States returned from vacation with his family. He was surprised that his beloved giraffe doll, Josie, had fallen into the Ritz-Carlton Hotel where he stayed on vacation. Seeing a small family crisis about to break out,In order to coax the child, the parents can only lie: "Josie is going on vacation, and he doesn't want to go home yet." Thinking of coaxing the child to sleep at ease.

Later, the Ritz-Carlton staff called and they told the boy's parents that Josie had been found. The parents were relieved and told the hotel staff that they had deceived their son.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, Josie sent home with a pile of photos: all the beautiful photos of his "vacation" in every corner of the hotel. For example, putting on a cucumber sheet mask in the spa, lying down on a hotel massage chair to relax, mingle with the hotel parrot, and even a photo of Josie staring at the surveillance video.

Through this attentive and playful act, the hotel has turned an episode into a memory that the family may unforgettable for a lifetime. The husband and wife were excited about this, and the son cheered even more. They wrote their own experience into a blog post, which was madly reposted and talked about, which made the hotel famous. It can be said to be a quite successful PR marketing case.

The Ritz-Carlton staff spent a few hours running around to take photos, breaking the script and giving people a wonderful experience of "unexpected and reasonable", thus subverting the boy The expectations of the child's family have created a "peak experience".

What is " peak-end law "

There must be some moments in your memory that are unforgettable and will become more fresh over time. This feeling is the "peak-end law", and this experience It can be "designed".

Behavioral economist Daniel Kahneman was the winner of the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics . In his book "Thinking, Fast and Slow", he talked about the concept of "peak-end law":

The so-called "peak "The law of finality" means that after experiencing a thing, all people can remember is the experience of the "peak" and "end", and the proportion of good and bad experiences in the process, and the length of time, has almost no effect on memory .

People will judge the quality of an experience based on three key golden moments:

(1) the initial first impression (initial)

(2) the most satisfactory experience Moment (highest)

(3) Last impression before the end (final)

First,Kahneman has repeatedly emphasized that effective experience only comes from the peak and last impressions. That is to say, when judging our own experience, we will not take the average of the feelings per minute. No matter how full and full it is, he is destined I can't remember.

Secondly, the improvement of the overall service may be the beginning of mediocrity, which violates the principle of brand recognition. The improvement of the overall service consumes a lot of resources, which not only takes a long time, but is also difficult to replicate to every touch point. It is very unrealistic to make every link equally good.

Enterprises should avoid falling into the misunderstanding of "improvement of overall service". Consumers don't care about the process. What are you doing to optimize the process? The overall service improvement framework is huge and the details are complex, making it more difficult to iterate quickly.

"Unable to iterate" is by no means a good competitive strategy in today's business environment. Effective experience design must have peaks that consumers will not forget. Simply put, although the overall service content package may be the same as everyone, as long as you create peaks at a few points, consumers will label the brand and differentiate it. It was created at these points.

If the next definition of brand experience design is to dig out the critical moment, and at that moment, let users experience the brand information and influence consumer decision-making.

This kind of experience is very critical for every person in the service industry. Whether it is in restaurants, hospitals, call centers, entertainment venues, or resorts, success is closely related to consumer experience.

Brands want to capture the minds of consumers. A good experience design must be able to leave a label in the minds of consumers. If his mind does not change after he touches your brand, the experience design is not in place.

performs experience design at the three golden moments of the first, the highest, and the final, with the highest efficiency.

If the brand can focus and create an unparalleled, unforgettable and unexpectedly beautiful experience at a few key moments, then consumers will not only remember you, but will also come to spend again for this peak, so you It is easier to create reputation and create fission.

The most important thing is to focus on a few golden moments, the model is easy to replicate, and the enterprise can only expand.To focus on these small but beautiful golden moments, easy iterations, companies can move forward actively and quickly, this is one of the fastest ways to put resources into effect. Compared with the traditional "improvement of overall service", this is a major breakthrough worthy of corporate managers' concepts.
