There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo

2024/06/2512:08:33 news 1796

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, this year's Dog Days will be ushered in. On July 16th, we enter the first volt, that is, the first volt, followed by the middle and last volts. The 40 days will be completed before the first volt.

Speaking of the climate characteristics of the dog days, it can be summarized as "three highs", namely high temperature, high heat and high humidity. In this most sultry time of the year, people will face the test of "heat" and "shuushi". As the old saying goes, you should eat at the right time, and you should pay more attention to your diet after entering the ambush.

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

Tomorrow will enter the early days of the dog days. Remember to eat more of the "three treasures" and less of the "two things". Know how to avoid eating and spend the dog days easily

1. Eat more of the "three treasures"

1, chicken

In many places in our country, there are qiao To eat chicken. There are also many corresponding folk proverbs, such as "The first of the six things to do in the dog days is to eat chickens", "In the first volts, eat chickens, and in the second volts, ducks", "In the summer, there are three volts, and in the first volts, a pair of chickens" and so on. The hot weather in the dog days can easily affect people's appetite. Drinking coconut and chicken soup can not only relieve heat and relieve fever, but also supplement nutrition.

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

[Recommended recipe: Coconut chicken soup ]

Ingredients preparation: 500 grams of chicken, 1 coconut, 5 slices of ginger, 3 red dates, 8 wolfberries, 1 spoon of cooking wine, appropriate amount of salt

1. Boil a pot of water until it reaches a boil. After the bottom starts to bubble, pour in the chicken, add 1 spoonful of cooking wine, cook until foam comes out on the surface, skim off the foam, take out the chicken and clean it; break the coconut, pour the coconut water into a bowl, and take half of the coconut Cut the meat into strips;

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

2. Pour the blanched chicken into the pot together with the coconut meat, ginger, and red dates, and then pour in the coconut water. If the amount of coconut water is not enough, you can add some extra coconut water. Or add an appropriate amount of water;

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

3, cook on high heat for 10 minutes, then turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes, add wolfberry, continue to cook for 5 minutes, add appropriate amount of salt to taste before serving.

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

2, Ginger

There is an old saying that we have heard since childhood, eat radish in winter and eat ginger in summer, it will not bother the doctor to prescribe medicine. After the fall, the temperature gets higher and higher. When the weather is hot, people are used to staying in air-conditioned rooms to blow the air conditioning, or eating some ice cream to cool down. This makes it easy for cold air to invade. Ginger is rich in gingerol , which can relieve the discomfort caused by it.

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

[Recommended recipe: Brown sugar ginger egg soup]

Ingredients preparation: 1 egg, 1 small piece of ginger, appropriate amount of brown sugar

1. Wash and cut the ginger into thin slices. Put it in the pot, add enough water, bring to a boil over high heat, and then turn to low. Cook over high heat for 20 minutes, then add an appropriate amount of brown sugar and stir until the brown sugar is completely melted;

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

2. Crack the eggs into the pot and use a spoon to make circles in one direction to prevent the eggs from falling apart. Cook for about 5 minutes until the eggs are cooked. When it is completely solidified, it is ready to be served.

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

3, bitter melon

As the saying goes, you need to eat buds in spring and melons in summer. Midsummer is coming, and it is also the time when various melons and vegetables are on the market, including bitter melon, which can clear away heat and relieve summer heat. Although bitter melon tastes bitter, when cooked with other ingredients, the bitter taste will not be transferred to each other. Therefore, people also call bitter melon "a gentleman's dish".

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

[Recommended recipe: Fried bitter melon with eggs ]

Ingredients preparation: 1 bitter melon, 2 eggs, appropriate amount of salt, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, a little MSG

1. Cut the bitter melon in half, remove the flesh and cut into pieces Thin flakes, add 1 tablespoon of salt, spread and marinate for 15 minutes, then rinse with water several times to wash off the salt on the surface, put into boiling water, blanch for 1 minute, take out and drain;

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

2, eggs Knock it into a bowl, add a little salt and mix evenly, add oil to the hot pan, pour in the egg liquid, fry until semi-solidified, then use a shovel to scoop it into chunks and scoop it out;

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

3. Add oil to the hot pan, pour in the bitter melon, and stir-fry over high heat for 2 minutes. , then pour in the eggs, stir-fry evenly, add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, an appropriate amount of salt, and a little MSG, stir-fry well and serve.

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

2. Eat less "two things"

1. Roadside barbecue

Midsummer is here, and many people have the habit of going out for barbecue at night, ordering beer, and chatting with friends. This atmosphere can be said to be very good. However, it is recommended that you eat less of the roadside barbecue served at night snack stalls.

Firstly, roadside vendors may have some hidden dangers in terms of food hygiene. There are usually no strict standards for cleaning ingredients and disinfecting utensils. Secondly, high-temperature barbecues can easily produce heterocyclic amines, which are harmful to the human body. There are no benefits to health.

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

2, spicy hot pot

When it comes to food that tastes the most atmospheric, hot pot is definitely indispensable. Everyone sits around the same pot, cooks meat together, and chats, which can enhance the relationship a lot. If it's winter, it's okay to eat some spicy hot pot to keep warm, but in the dog days of summer, it's better to eat less spicy hot pot.

Spicy hot pot is usually heavy on oil and spicy, so it can be said to be a heavy-flavored food. The food in Dog Day is light and refreshing, and the spicy hot pot is completely inconsistent with this standard. On a hot summer day, after a spicy hot pot meal, you may find yourself getting angry the next day.

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

Talk about food in vernacular. I am a lazy cat. Friends who like food, feel free to follow me~

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

2. Eat less "two things"

1. Roadside barbecue

Midsummer is here, and many people have the habit of going out for barbecue at night, ordering beer, and chatting with friends. This atmosphere can be said to be very good. However, it is recommended that you eat less of the roadside barbecue served at night snack stalls.

Firstly, roadside vendors may have some hidden dangers in terms of food hygiene. There are usually no strict standards for cleaning ingredients and disinfecting utensils. Secondly, high-temperature barbecues can easily produce heterocyclic amines, which are harmful to the human body. There are no benefits to health.

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

2, spicy hot pot

When it comes to food that tastes the most atmospheric, hot pot is definitely indispensable. Everyone sits around the same pot, cooks meat together, and chats, which can enhance the relationship a lot. If it's winter, it's okay to eat some spicy hot pot to keep warm, but in the dog days of summer, it's better to eat less spicy hot pot.

Spicy hot pot is usually heavy on oil and spicy, so it can be said to be a heavy-flavored food. The food in Dog Day is light and refreshing, and the spicy hot pot is completely inconsistent with this standard. On a hot summer day, after a spicy hot pot meal, you may find yourself getting angry the next day.

There are three nines in winter and three volts in summer. Summer is not too hot. The real test of midsummer should begin in the dog days of summer. In the blink of an eye, the dog days of this year will come. On July 16th, it enters the first fall, that is, the first fall, follo - DayDayNews

Talk about food in vernacular. I am a lazy cat. Friends who like food, feel free to follow me~

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