July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real "scorching summer" stage. The idea of ​​​​severing volts has been around for a long time in our country. In "Historical Records of the Qin Dynasty" it is said: "The first

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July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's Dog Days will last for 40 days, which is the real "sweltering" stage.

The idea of ​​​​several volts has been around for a long time in our country. In "Historical Records of Qin Ji Six" it is said: "In the second year of Qin Degong (676 BC), first hid." The so-called lurking means hiding in hiding to avoid the scorching heat. In ancient times, after entering ambush, it was important to stay in seclusion, also called resting. As the name suggests, it means not doing anything. And since the Han Dynasty, the whole country has had a holiday after entering the ambush. Compared with busy modern people, people in the past were quite happy. It also shows how much people attach importance to the dog days of summer.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

In addition to resting, there is also a popular tradition among the people, that is, "sticking to fat". In ancient times, people usually ate meat, eggs, and pasta when they were sleeping to replenish nutrients for the body in order to stay safe. After the dog days of summer. To this day, people pay a lot of attention to Fufu's diet. This is the crystallization of wisdom left to us by the older generations.

Tomorrow comes the day when the sun comes down, and it is traditional to "stick to the fat". 6 kinds of food are served on the table to replenish nutrition and spend the summer safely. Tomorrow we will start to enter the head-rest period. No matter you are rich or poor, no matter how busy you are, don’t forget to feed your family some nutritious food to replenish your body with nutrients, spend the summer safely, and lay a good foundation for autumn. Let’s take a look at what is suitable for you. Here are 6 kinds of food to eat when entering Fu~

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

1. Dumplings/wontons

The first thing is traditional folk food. For most areas in the north, you must eat a bowl of dumplings when entering Fu. It is the so-called "Toufu dumplings" "Er Fu Mian". Northerners have a special feeling for dumplings, and they always think of them during traditional festivals. On a hot day when you have no appetite, use seasonal ingredients to make stuffing and make dumplings. It will satisfy your cravings, is easy to digest, and is full of nutrients. Of course, eating dumplings in Fu is not only to satisfy cravings, but also a blessing. Because the shape of dumplings is very similar to ingots, and the "Fu" in "Fu" symbolizes the "blessing" of blessings. Therefore, eating dumplings in Fu has the meaning of "ingot treasure". "The beautiful meaning. There are many ingredients suitable for making dumpling fillings during this season, such as cucumber, eggplant, fennel, lotus root, beans, etc., which will amaze your tongue and taste buds.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

Different from the north, in the Shanghai area of ​​my country, there is a popular saying of "Toufu wonton and Erfu tea". When entering Toufu, every household must eat a bowl of wontons. Wontons are similar to dumplings in that they are made with bread fillings. They are also a traditional snack in my country. On hot days, a bowl of cold water wontons mixed with soy sauce and vinegar tastes very appetizing. Of course, in addition to the matter of eating wontons, people think that wontons are homophonic with "chaos". After the founding of the world, chaos was first divided. People thought that eating wontons would make them smarter.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

2. Chicken

In Jiangxi, Hunan and other places in my country, it is popular to eat chicken. As a common poultry, chicken has delicate meat with almost no fishy smell and is suitable for public tastes. Chicken is rich in high-quality protein, calcium, vitamins and other ingredients, and the chicken is neither cold nor dry, and is nutritious and easy to digest. There are many ways to eat chicken, and the best ones for the dog days of summer are soup and steaming.

Recommended recipe: Steamed chicken with mushrooms

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

Ingredients: 1 chicken, 1 handful of dried mushrooms, appropriate amount of ginger, 1 spoon of cooking wine, a little white pepper, a little salt

. Prepare a handful of dried mushrooms, add a little flour, a little water, and Rub each shiitake mushroom once, then rinse. Then rinse it, put it in clean water, and soak it until it softens.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Chop the chicken into small pieces. Cut off the toenails of the chicken feet, or remove them directly. You can also directly remove the chicken heads and yellowed grease, and then wash them thoroughly with blood.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Then put the chicken into a large bowl, add cooking wine, shredded ginger, salt and pepper, and then start so that every piece of chicken is coated with seasonings.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Place some soaked mushrooms on the bottom of the stew pot, put the chicken pieces in, then add the remaining mushrooms on the surface, and pour in the soaking water.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Add enough water to the steamer in advance, boil it, then put it into the stew pot, and then continue to steam for about 2 hours over high heat. Of course, this time should also be adjusted according to the size of the chicken pieces and the tenderness of the chicken. It doesn't matter if you steam it for a longer time. This will make the chicken crispier and more delicious.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

3. Duck meat

Duck is a kind of amphibian and can survive on both land and water. This also means that duck meat is destined to be cooler in nature and is one of the few meats that is exclusively suitable for summer. In duck meat, the fat content is not high and is evenly distributed, mostly unsaturated fat . At the same time, duck meat is rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium and iron, which can provide us with balanced nutrition in summer. Duck meat and ginger are a natural pair. The cold and heat of the two balance each other. Eat more during the dog days to maintain good health.

Recommended recipes: Ginger Duck (home-cooked version)

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

Ingredients preparation: 1 duck, 200 grams of ginger, 2 spoons of cooking wine, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, 3 pieces of rock sugar, bay leaves cinnamon and star anise respectively A little, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of cooking oil

. Choose fresh duck meat, chop into small pieces, soak out the blood, then drain and set aside.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . For ginger, you can use old ginger or young ginger. No matter which one is used, it is best not to peel it when processing it to avoid excessive heat. Clean the ginger and peel it, cut it into slices and set aside.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Put the duck meat into the pot, throw in a few slices of ginger, pour in a wide amount of water, and then bring to a boil. After the foam is boiled out, take the duck meat out. If there is foam on the duck meat, be sure to remove it. Rinse well.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pot, heat it up, put the ginger slices in, stir-fry slowly over medium-low heat, stir-fry the ginger until brown, then put it into a bowl and set aside.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Then add bay leaves, star anise and cinnamon in the base oil and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour the blanched duck meat in. It is best to fry the fatter duck meat close to the bottom of the pot to stir out the fat. Then add cooking wine, light soy sauce, silk sugar, and rock sugar, and stir-fry until colored.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Then pour the ginger slices that have been fried in advance into the pot, stir-fry with the duck meat evenly, then add enough boiling water to at least cover the duck meat, add some salt, then cover the pot and turn to medium-low heat. Simmer for more than an hour.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Stew the duck until crispy, then turn up the heat and tighten the soup in the pot, but be careful not to stick to the bottom of the pot. It’s ready to be served and enjoyed.

4. Eggs

Looks like ordinary eggs, but they are masters of nutritional supplements. Eggs contain almost all the nutrients needed by the human body and are highly absorbed and utilized. No matter you are an elderly child or an adult, you might as well eat 1-2 eggs during the dog days of summer. There are so many ways to eat eggs, but have you tried eating them cold? If you don’t have an appetite in the dog days of summer, you might as well follow the recipe below and mix it into a plate. It’s easy to make and your family will love it.

Recommended recipe: Cold boiled eggs

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

Ingredients: 4 eggs, an appropriate amount of minced garlic, an appropriate amount of chopped green onion, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, half a spoon of vinegar, a little salt, a little sesame oil, a little sugar

. Clean the eggs and put them into the pot. Add more water. If there is too little water, it will easily boil. Soak for 5 minutes, then turn on the heat. After the water boils, wait for 8 minutes and it will be cooked.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Take out the hard-boiled eggs, soak them in cold water to cool, then peel them, cut them into small pieces, and put them on a plate.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Next, let’s make a salad dressing. First, put the minced garlic into a bowl, pour in light soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, salt, and sugar. Stir evenly, pour in the eggs, and then sprinkle a handful of Scallions add color and flavor, and it's ready to serve.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

5. Edamame

Summer is incomplete without edamame, and this season is the time to eat boiled edamame. Edamame is rich in protein, calcium, potassium, and vitamins.Compared with mature soybeans, edamame can be eaten in a simpler and more diverse way. In addition to boiling, it can also be eaten in vegetables. Of course, it can be made into rice paste. It also exudes a unique fragrance and fresh color. It is a bowl to drink in summer. , nourishing and relieving heat.

Recommended recipe: edamame rice paste

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

Ingredients: a handful of edamame, an appropriate amount of millet, a small handful of oats

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

Method : Wash the edamame and millet, then put them into the wall-breaking machine , and then add a handful of Oatmeal can make the cooked rice porridge smoother, and then add about 800 grams of drinking water. Cover the wall breaker and select the rice cereal button or the soy milk button. After half an hour, the fresh and delicious edamame rice cereal will be cooked.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

6. Luffa

In the hot and humid days of summer, you will sweat a lot. Eat more melons and vegetables to replenish water, especially loofah, which has a sweet taste and a soft texture, just like eating meat. In addition, loofah is also rich in vitamin C, B vitamins, , calcium, iron, phosphorus and other mineral components. Eat more, it is appetizing and nourishing. There are many ways to eat loofah. It can be cooked into dishes or soups, or steamed. It is more fragrant than meat.

Recommended recipe: Steamed loofah with garlic vermicelli

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

Ingredients preparation: one loofah, 1 handful of vermicelli, 5 cloves of garlic, appropriate amount of chopped green onion, 1 tablespoon of chili powder, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce

. Prepare a large loofah and cut both ends. Then use a spatula to scrape off the outer skin, then put it into clean water to wash off the mucus on the surface.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Then take out the loofah, dry the water, and then cut into thick slices. The loofah itself is easy to cook, so don’t cut it too thin, otherwise it will lose its taste after steaming. Then soak the cut loofah in salt water.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Prepare a handful of vermicelli and put it into warm water, soak it for about ten minutes, and let it absorb water and become soft.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Clean the garlic with its skin, put it on the chopping board, pat it hard a few times, then pick out the garlic and continue to chop it. Rinse it in clean water. Then drain. Pour some cooking oil into the pot, add minced garlic and fry until slightly brown, immediately turn off the heat, add a spoonful of chili powder and fry until fragrant.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real . Place the vermicelli in the center of the plate, place the loofah on the plate, then put the fried garlic on each piece of loofah, and pour the rest into the vermicelli. Boil water in a steamer in advance, put the plate into the pot, and steam over high heat for 8 minutes. After taking it out of the pot, pour in some cold soy sauce and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

July 16, 2022, officially entered the early summer. This year's dog days last for 40 days, which is the real

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