The Yi people's residential area located in Liangshan, Sichuan, has at least two major events in ancient history. The first thing is that during the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang "captured Meng Huo seven times and manipulated him seven times", which convinced Meng Huo and ot

2024/06/2501:18:33 news 1973

is located in the Yi residential area in Liangshan, Sichuan. In ancient history, at least two major events happened.

The first thing that happened during the Three Kingdoms period was Zhuge Liang's "Seven Captures and Seven Copes" of Meng Huo, which convinced Meng Huo and other indigenous leaders and finally succeeded in pacifying Nanzhong.

The second thing is that during the Qing Dynasty, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom engaged in internal strife. " King of Wings" Shi Dakai led one hundred thousand elite soldiers to leave Tianjing and came here in anger. The Yi people first accepted the heavy gifts from Shi Dakai, and later Betrayed Shi Dakai and united with the Qing army to attack him.

After Shi Dakai's vanguard troops arrived at Anshun , before they could cross the Dadu River , the rearguard troops were attacked by the Yi people and the entire army was annihilated.

No one expected that 72 years later, a team would face the same situation as Shi Dakai.

The Yi people's residential area located in Liangshan, Sichuan, has at least two major events in ancient history. The first thing is that during the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang


In early May 1935, after the Central Red Army in the Long March crossed the Jinsha River , they decided to continue going north, rush to cross the Dadu River and enter northwest Sichuan, and join the Red Fourth Front Army to jointly create a new Soviet area.

However, the road ahead is difficult and dangerous. It must not only pass through the Yi area north of Mianning, but also face the obstruction of the Dadu River, and the Kuomintang troops are chasing after them.

Chiang Kai-shek naturally knew how Shi Dakai perished. He imitated the Qing army's deployment of troops to deal with Shi Dakai, and mobilized more than 100,000 people from the Central Army and Sichuan Army to prepare to attack the Red Army from the south to the north.

There is the Dadu River in front and the Jinsha River in the back. There is no way forward and no way back. What should I do?

Liu Bocheng and Nie Rongzhen, who were responsible for leading the advance team to clear the way, agreed after analysis that they could only reach the Dadu River as quickly as possible by first passing through the Yi ethnic settlement area in Daliangshan , and then passing through the trails of Anshunchang and Mianning. , in order to escape the encirclement and interception of the Kuomintang troops.

These two generals are both natives of Sichuan. They have a good understanding of the topography, customs and customs of the Sichuan area, and they are also aware of the contradictions between the Yi and the Han people.

The Yi people were different from the Kuomintang army in that they did not obey Chiang Kai-shek.

The Yi people are good at fighting in the mountains and forests, and almost all of them can shoot guns and archery. Although they fight endlessly internally, and there will be armed fights from time to time, once foreigners invade, they can quickly unite together to fight against the outside world.

In short, since ancient times, anyone who wants to conquer the Yi people by force will almost always fail miserably.

However, Liu Bocheng and others could not do it like Zhuge Liang's "seven captures and seven attempts".

Firstly, time does not allow, the task of the advance team is to borrow the road;

Secondly, the Red Army is a team of the Communist Party and must strictly implement the party's ethnic policy and must not shoot to harm the Yi compatriots under any circumstances.

Therefore, Liu Bocheng was not sure whether he could survive in the areas where Yi people live.

Sure enough, before the advance team entered the Yi area, the Yi people who had learned the news in advance gathered around them.

The local Yi people suffered from the crazy suppression and humiliation of the Kuomintang reactionaries, and lived in fear all day long.

Everyone suddenly saw a huge team coming to their territory. They thought it was the troops of the local Kuomintang warlords, so they quickly asked the elderly and children to hide in the mountains, leaving only some young and middle-aged people to resist.

The Red Army engineer company was originally opening the way in front, but before it could go far, it was surrounded by the Yi people.

The soldiers had been ordered in advance not to shoot under any circumstances. As a result, they were all stripped naked and their firearms and tools were also taken away. Seeing that

could not move forward any further, the soldiers of engineer company had no choice but to retreat naked.

The Yi people's residential area located in Liangshan, Sichuan, has at least two major events in ancient history. The first thing is that during the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang


After learning the news, Liu Bocheng and Nie Rongzhen were anxious and restless.

On the other side, the Yi people gradually discovered the differences between this team and the Kuomintang army.

This team clearly had guns in their hands, but they did not fire a single shot. They were willing to spend a lot of silver dollars to buy their way, and they kept saying "Yi and Han are brothers."

The Yi people had never seen such a "strange" army and were puzzled.

There are three major forces within the local Yi people, namely Guoji, Luowu, and Luohong. Among them, Guoji is the most powerful, and Xiao Yedan is the leader of Guoji.

Compared with several other tribal leaders, he is the youngest, so he is called "Little Ye Dan".

After learning the news from the tribe, Xiao Yedan immediately sent his confidant Shamarge to inquire about the situation.

Shamarge is proficient in Chinese. After talking with Liu Bocheng's subordinate Xiao Hua, he basically understood the purpose of the Red Army's desire to borrow the road.

Xiao Hua told Shamarg that the Red Army stood for ethnic equality and that it was just taking advantage of this place and would never infringe on the Yi compatriots.

Shamarge is considered a relatively knowledgeable person among the Yi people. After careful observation, he found that the Red Army was indeed a good and well-disciplined team, so he seriously told Xiao Hua:

If you really want to pass here smoothly, you must Win our trust, the best way to win our trust is to become brothers with our commander!

As soon as Xiao Hua heard that he had a clue, he hurriedly reported to Liu Bocheng.

Shamarge also went back and told Xiao Yedan the situation one by one.

At first, Xiao Yedan was hesitant and did not trust the Han people very much. However, he and Shamarge grew up together and had a deep relationship, so he listened to the other party's persuasion and decided to meet Liu Bocheng first.

In Yihai , Liu Bocheng and Xiaoye Dan finally met.

As soon as they met, Xiao Yedan wanted to kneel down and kowtow as he had done when he saw Kuomintang officials in the past. Liu Bocheng quickly stepped forward and held his arm to prevent him from kneeling.

We are all equal and brothers who share weal and woe. We do not like this.

Liu Bocheng's simple and sincere words deeply moved Xiao Yedan.

Xiaoye Dan immediately decided to make a blood alliance with Liu Bocheng and become brothers by the Yi Sea.

The two of them knelt down, worshiped the heaven and the earth, and drank the chicken blood in the bowl.

This is a ceremony that reverses the fate of the Red Army and is of great significance to Chinese history!

In fact, Xiao Yedan and Liu Bocheng became sworn brothers. In addition to admiration and recognition, they also have a "selfish" intention. The "selfishness" of was exposed on the night of the alliance.

The Yi people's residential area located in Liangshan, Sichuan, has at least two major events in ancient history. The first thing is that during the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang



Since it was getting late, the large group could not set off on the same day.

So that night, Liu Bocheng held a banquet in honor of Xiao Yedan and his tribe.

Knowing that the Yi people are loyal and like to drink, Liu Bocheng asked his men to go to the town and buy all the wine they could buy.

After drinking for a while, Xiao Yedan said to Liu Bocheng cheerfully:

Brother, I will send a few young men to pick you up tomorrow... Some tribes have robbed your belongings before, and some have arrested you. Soldiers, if this happens again in the future, you will hit them hard from the front. We will surround their village and catch them off guard...

Liu Bocheng heard the implication of Xiaoye Dan's words. He wanted to take advantage of the Red Army. , except the tribes that are against you.

Liu Bocheng thought for a moment and advised Xiao Yedan earnestly:

Brothers, our Red Army will eventually leave here. The Yi compatriots must unite well internally to deal with our common enemy-the warlord Liu Wenhui and the Kuomintang reactionaries. Internal friction will affect everyone. It is useless to the Yi people.

Liu Bocheng also stretched out his hand and said: "One finger doesn't have much power. Only ten fingers clenched together can make an extremely powerful fist!"

After hearing this, Xiao Ye Dan nodded repeatedly and became even more powerful. I admire Liu Bocheng's vision and mind, and I believe Liu Bocheng sincerely considers the fate of the Yi compatriots.

That night, Liu Bocheng told Xiao Yedan about the revolution all night long, and also gave Xiao Yedan a flag embroidered with a golden five-pointed star.

Early the next morning, Xiao Yedan personally escorted the advance team to set off. He walked in front and kept sending the advance team out of his own sphere of influence.

Xiaoye Dan reluctantly said goodbye to Liu Bocheng: "I can't leave anymore, the front is not my responsibility..."

Liu Bocheng's eyes were firm, he held his brother's hand tightly, and said: "After we leave, , You have to keep fighting, we will come back!"

Before leaving, Liu Bocheng gave Xiao Yedan a pistol that he had worn for many years, and also gave 10 rifles and some bullets to the Guoji tribe.

Xiao Yedan was deeply moved and gave one of his powerful black mules to Liu Bocheng.

The time of reunion is short and the separation is long.

Although Xiao Yedan could not go any further, he sent his cronies to continue leading the way for the Red Army and negotiating with other tribes. In this way, the advance team was never hindered by humans.

Afterwards, Xiao Yedan organized the Yi people according to Liu Bocheng's instructions, and for seven consecutive days and nights, all the main forces of the Red Army were safely sent out of the Yi area.

It was with the help of Xiao Yedan that the Central Red Army bought time and later was able to successfully cross the Dadu River.

The Yi people's residential area located in Liangshan, Sichuan, has at least two major events in ancient history. The first thing is that during the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang

After Xiao Yedan fulfilled Liu Bocheng's first request, he also actively fulfilled his second promise: carry the revolutionary banner and persist in the struggle.

In the summer of 1935, with the help of several remaining Red Army commanders and fighters, Xiao Yedan and several Yi tribes held a swearing-in meeting, calling for an end to internal fighting and unity with the outside world.

Under the command of Xiao Yedan, the Yi people persisted in the struggle for nearly 6 years and defeated the local warlord Deng Xiuting.

However, later, Deng Xiuting made a comeback with the support of the Kuomintang reactionaries. He played tricks and designed to capture the Red Army commanders and soldiers around Xiao Yedan, forcing Xiao Yedan to come forward to redeem his people.

Xiaoye Dan went through all the troubles to collect 1,500 taels of silver to redeem the person.

Deng Xiuting failed with one plan, so he tried another one.

He sent people to sneak into Xiao Yedan's residence, stole several letters written by Liu Bocheng to Xiao Yedan and the letter of appointment issued by the Red Army to Xiao Yedan at that time, and then added fuel to the fire to sow discord among the Yi tribe.

In order to protect the entire tribe, Xiao Yedan had to hand over all his weapons.

However, the reactionaries still refused to give up.

They arrested Xiao Yedan and forced the Guoji family to hand over 12,000 cars of silver and 120 sheep.

At this time, Xiao Yedan went bankrupt. The only thing he did not hand over was the red flag Liu Bocheng gave him.

Xiao Yedan always carried the flag with him. Before he was arrested, he gave the flag to his wife and brother and told them to keep it.

Xiao Yedan said:

The only people who treat us Yi people as human beings are the Communist Party and the Red Army. They are affectionate and righteous, and they will definitely come back to us in the future. You must protect this flag and hand it over to Brother Liu when the time comes.

Xiaoye Dan was detained and tortured in Deng Xiuting's prison for a year. Considering that he was the leader of the tribe after all, Deng Xiuting did not dare to kill him.

A year later, Xiao Yedan was released.

However, he ultimately failed to escape the conspiracy of the Kuomintang reactionaries. In June 1942, the Kuomintang reactionaries provoked disputes within the Yi people, resulting in endless fighting among the tribes. Xiao Yedan died in a battle at the age of 49.

Those were extremely dark days.

The Yi compatriots once again fell into heavy exploitation by the Kuomintang and local warlords. For Xiao Yedan's wife, Luowu Wujiamao, the loss of her husband made life even worse.

The enemy was rummaging through the home and extorting money. Ruowu Wujiamo did not give in. Worried that the flag would be exposed, she sewed it into the sandwich of the pleated skirt she was wearing.

The enemies saw her dress in tatters and covered with patches, and were disgusted by it, so the flag was retained.

Just like that, Luo Wu Wujia Mao just hid this flag for 8 years.

On March 28, 1950, 15 years after Xiao Yedan and Liu Bocheng became sworn brothers, Mianning ushered in the peaceful liberation.

As soon as Liu Bocheng, who was already the commander of the Southwest Military Region at the time, took office, he quickly sent someone to invite Xiao Yedan to the military region, hoping to have a drink with his ally again.

Unfortunately, he heard the news that Xiao Yedan had died a few years ago, and Liu Bocheng was deeply saddened.

On May 21 of this year, Xiaoyedan's wife, Wuwujiamao, took out the flag that had been kept for many years from her pleated skirt and handed it to the People's Liberation Army troops stationed in Mianning.

The Yi people's residential area located in Liangshan, Sichuan, has at least two major events in ancient history. The first thing is that during the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang

Xiaoye Dan's wife holds the team flag

This flag witnessed the glorious history of the Yihai Alliance and was later preserved in the National Military Museum.

Later, Liu Bocheng sent people to find Xiao Yedan's family and gave them a lot of help in their lives, which also comforted the soul of his good brother Xiao Yedan!

A lonely goose flies not far from the group, and a person is short of energy and breath.

The reason why our country can stand proudly in the world is precisely because our various nations are united and have strong cohesion!

Clean up the beautiful rivers and mountains, and all the people will do their best!

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