Yu Xiuhua, many people's impression of her is still based on the poem "Crossing Half of China to Sleep with You". The reason why people are so impressed by her is not only the "large scale" of her writing, but also another very important reason. The reason is that she is a writer

2024/06/0904:27:32 news 1261

In the past two days, the Internet has been flooded with news about " Yu Xiuhua and being domestically abused." Yu Xiuhua, many people's impression of her is still based on the poem "Crossing Half of China to Sleep with You". The reason why people are so impressed by her is not only the "large scale" of her writing, but also another very important reason. The reason is that she is a writer suffering from cerebral palsy .

Yu Xiuhua, many people's impression of her is still based on the poem

A bumpy growth experience

Yu Xiuhua was born in a small village in Hubei in 1976. She suffered from cerebral palsy due to miscarriage and hypoxia at birth, which also made Yu Xiuhua's life very difficult. When her peers had already learned to walk, she could not even sit down. It was very difficult to get up. Fortunately, her parents did not give up because of this. When she reached the age of studying, Yu Xiuhua's parents would carry her to and from school every day, but this also made her an outlier among her classmates. In order to alleviate the Due to the burden of her parents, Yu Xiuhua learned to walk step by step with crutches. For this reason, she fell countless times before finally learning to walk with crutches.

Yu Xiuhua, many people's impression of her is still based on the poem

But the test of life has just begun. Because of cerebral palsy, Yu Xiuhua looks weird in all aspects such as talking and walking compared with normal people. Middle school was a period of high incidence of campus violence. Yu Xiuhua did not know how many times she had experienced it. She was ridiculed and insulted by not only her classmates but also her teachers. She had no friends at all. She was bullied on campus. The lonely Yu Xiuhua doubted the value of her existence more than once. She didn't understand why she wanted to live. As time went on, pain, inferiority, and depression became the background of Yu Xiuhua's childhood.

When she was in high school, Yu Xiuhua was dissatisfied with the teacher who gave her essay a score of 0. She was so angry that she burned all her textbooks and chose to drop out of school.

Hugh Husband

After dropping out of school, Yu Xiuhua worked in other places for a period of time and returned to her hometown. Later, she began to write poems by herself, and gained a sense of peace and satisfaction from it. After she posted her poems online, unexpectedly, It has won the love of many netizens, which undoubtedly inspired her creative passion.

Yu Xiuhua, many people's impression of her is still based on the poem

In 1995, Yu Xiuhua's parents fell in love with a man who was 12 years older than her. Yu Xiuhua, who was well aware of her situation, married this man under the arrangement of her parents. However, the result was not surprising. This man named Yin Shiping The man had no feelings for her. After the marriage, the two often quarreled, and eventually they separated. Even though they already had a child, it was at this time that the poems Yu Xiuhua had written were appreciated by the publisher, and she After receiving a large sum of royalties and being offered a contract, the first thing Yu Xiuhua did after gaining financial autonomy was to divorce her nominal husband. In order to prevent herself from getting entangled, she told the man that she was now divorced. He will be given 150,000, and the longer he delays, the less money he will get. Therefore, this marriage, which had long existed in name only, was ended by Yu Xiuhua herself. After the incident spread, she was also considered by those around her to have "dumped her husband." "Abandoned son", she turned her back and refused to recognize anyone when she had money, but at this time, Yu Xiuhua became confident and directly responded, "There is no need to support her ex-husband with the money she earned." The divorced Yu Xiuhua became free, and she became She can do whatever she wants, nothing can hold her back anymore, she is who she is now!

Controversial remarks caused disgust

Yu Xiuhua likes singer Li Jian very much. She is a die-hard fan of Li Jian. For this reason, she specially wrote a poem " I like you , Li Jian" to express her inner feelings for Li Jian. She expressed her love for the poem, but because the poem was too explicit and pornographic, it aroused the dissatisfaction of many people, accusing her of being too perverted in her feelings.

Not only that, due to the failure of her marriage, Yu Xiuhua was extremely disappointed with her ex-husband. This negative emotion was also raised to all Chinese men. In 2008, she said loudly in a popular Chinese variety show Come up with your own thoughts: Chinese men are not worthy of Chinese women, She almost gritted her teeth when she said this. She struggled to speak on the stage, fully revealing her hatred for men, especially her ex-husband.She said, " I can't find my love in this life... Your soul is too noble, no man is worthy of you. In China, I always feel that Chinese men are not worthy of Chinese women. Hers This statement also caused controversy in the outside world. Some people agreed and some opposed it, with mixed reviews.

announced her relationship in a high-profile manner, but was subjected to domestic violence.

On December 24 last year, Yu Xiuhua confirmed her relationship with a young man born in the 1990s. When this relationship was announced, doubts from the outside world dominated. After all, a young and handsome young man is actually with her. They are not compatible in any way. Therefore, many people have doubts about this young man's motives. , this young man's name is Yang Huice. He was originally a honey seller in Shennongjia. He admired Song Zuying and Yang Liping. He felt that Yu Xiuhua had something in common with them, that is, they all understood him.

Yang Huice. He believed that after meeting Yu Xiuhua, he suddenly had an epiphany in life. He was grateful that every day was a blessing, he could sleep until he woke up naturally every day, and lived every day as if it was his last day.

Yang Huice’s words were not recognized by netizens. In the final analysis, she can't get rid of the essence of being interested in people's names and money. Yu Xiuhua also knows this, but she doesn't care. She resolves the current embarrassment with a very romantic lifestyle.

She believes that the essence of love is having multiple pictures. , the other party wants her fame and money, she wants the other person's youth and beauty, love will change, no one can control the future, it is enough to be happy now.

Yu Xiuhua, many people's impression of her is still based on the poem

However, the wedding photos of the two were only released online in May, 6. Yu Xiuhua, who still said on the Internet that the two were very happy on July 6, posted the news that she had been raped by on July 6. Subsequently, a video of the two accusing each other in a previous live broadcast also became a hot search. In one video, Yang Chuce, who was live broadcasting, turned around and angrily scolded Yu Xiuhua for calling his daughter a "XX" and accusing her of being too vulgar. Then he turned the live broadcast camera to Yu Xiuhua, letting everyone see her face, and said that she peed her pants after drinking. , on July 7, the reporter contacted Yang Huice, who beat Yu Xiuhua. He generously admitted that he had been merciful, otherwise Yu Xiuhua would not have had the chance to post on Weibo, which made people shudder.

Yu Xiuhua, many people's impression of her is still based on the poem

Yu Xiuhua, many people's impression of her is still based on the poem

Regarding Yu Xiuhua’s experience, we I feel extremely sympathetic. Sometimes physical disability can make a person suffer great malice from society. Finally, we also want to say that for anyone, economic independence and ideological independence are the foundation for a person's long-term foothold.

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