Jiang Zhuo looked at Jiang Yan with deep and affectionate eyes. Everyone was deceived by him. His affectionate eyes were just his disguise. Jiang Zhuo had a bad day at work and was about to go home. When his friend asked him to hang out with him, he called him. "Sister-in-law, ha

2024/05/2512:56:33 news 1835

Jiang Zhuo looked at Jiang Yan with very affectionate eyes

Everyone was deceived by him

His affectionate eyes were just his disguise

Jiang Zhuo looked at Jiang Yan with deep and affectionate eyes. Everyone was deceived by him. His affectionate eyes were just his disguise. Jiang Zhuo had a bad day at work and was about to go home. When his friend asked him to hang out with him, he called him.

Jiang Zhuo had a bad day at work

When he was about to go home, his friend asked him to go out together. While playing

he asked Jiang Yan to join him

"Sister-in-law, have a couple of drinks."

Jiang Zhuo blocked it, "I'll do it, your sister-in-law is a light drinker."

"Oh, I'm afraid that's not an excuse."

"I Can you punish yourself with another drink? "

Brothers, it's not good to make trouble.

After Jiang Zhuo finished drinking, he gave Jiang Yan a glass of juice.

"Just drink the juice. If they ask you to drink, let them come to me. "

The brother next to me really can't stand it.

"Jiang Zhuo, put away your affectionate eyes, we can't stand it!"

Jiang Yan blushed immediately after being said.

Jiang Zhuo hugged Jiang Yan," I just like to be affectionate to our family Yanyan, okay? "

"Well, I shouldn't have called you out."

After the quarrel continued for a while, everyone dispersed.

After returning home, Jiang Zhuo started to post. She lost her temper.

"Jiang Zhuo, what's wrong?"

Jiang Yan looked at Jiang Zhuo who was throwing things.

She was afraid of him like this.

"Go get me a hot glass of milk. Hurry!"

Jiang Yan was so frightened that she hurried away.

"Do you want to burn me to death? I spend money to support you, why can't you do this well?"

After saying that, she took action.

Jiang Yan didn't resist, and just suffered in silence.

Waiting for Jiang Zhuo to finish. Angry, she treated the wound herself.

She preferred him who was affectionate to her outside.

Jiang Zhuo looked at Jiang Yan with deep and affectionate eyes. Everyone was deceived by him. His affectionate eyes were just his disguise. Jiang Zhuo had a bad day at work and was about to go home. When his friend asked him to hang out with him, he called him.

This day, Jiang Zhuo brought several colleagues to his house for dinner.

He started to pretend again.

"Yanyan, didn't you say, wait for me?" "Should I do it when you come back?"

"You go out with your colleagues, I'll be there."

A female colleague happened to pass by and joked: "Jiang Zhuo, can you keep your eyes away? I'm afraid to wait." We won't be able to eat."

"Are you envious? Then you can find a partner."

The female colleague snorted.

"Okay, you can go and accompany me."

Jiang Zhuo. I had no choice but to go out

but I would still go into the kitchen from time to time to take a look

"Sister-in-law, don't be busy, there's enough to eat. "

" You guys eat first, as long as there is one last dish left. "

Jiang Zhuo stood up and pulled Jiang Yan over and sat down.

"Okay, that's enough, sit down and eat quickly, otherwise I will be said to have abused my girlfriend. "

After dinner, her colleagues played for a while before leaving.

When Jiang Yan was about to clean up, her phone suddenly rang.

She saw it was that person's phone.

She was so frightened that she hung up quickly.

By the way, she took a look at Jiang Zhuo's phone. Reaction

Fortunately he didn't find it

Otherwise it would have been difficult

That person sent her a text message

Jiang Yan quickly washed the dishes

She found an excuse and went out

Jiang Zhuo looked at Jiang Yan with deep and affectionate eyes. Everyone was deceived by him. His affectionate eyes were just his disguise. Jiang Zhuo had a bad day at work and was about to go home. When his friend asked him to hang out with him, he called him.

"What on earth are you going to do? "

Jiang Yan yelled

The man came closer and said: "I have no money recently, please lend me some. "

" We have nothing to do with each other anymore. Don't come to me again! "

" We are together after all, don't be so heartless. "

Jiang Yan pushed the man away impatiently

"I won't help you anymore! I have no obligation to help you! "

Suddenly the man approached her again and said, "Your current position is here. "

Jiang Yan was shocked, "Jiang Zhuo, I,"

"I know what your purpose is. Don't harass Yanyan in the future, otherwise I won't let you go!" "

Then he pulled Jiang Yan away.

After returning home, he started beating Jiang Yan again.

They were outside just now because many people in the community knew them.

He had to pretend that he was affectionate.

Otherwise it would be bad if his secret was exposed.

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